Chapter 448 Collapse

   Having said that, everyone in the Lin family couldn't say anything, especially when they heard that there was danger, they were eager to leave here immediately, so they all set off together soon.

   "Old Lin, aren't you leaving?" Zuo Qiuran asked, looking at Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu who were staying behind.

  Lin Shu shook his head, "You came here for us, and you broke that formation for us. Since there is danger, how could we leave you here by yourself?"

  Lin Yuanzhou also agreed, "Although our father and daughter don't know the formation method, if you need any help, feel free to instruct us."

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at the two of them, then said nothing and returned to the cave. Mo Jiu followed closely behind. The Lin family father and daughter just wanted to come forward to help, but there was no chance.

   "Mo Jiu." Zuo Qiuran said suddenly.

   "Subordinates are here."

   "You go around the cave now, at two o'clock. When I break the formation in a while, you gather your inner strength to hit the ground. Remember, you must hit harder."

   "Yes, Second Miss."

At the beginning of the battle, the Lin family father and daughter thought that Zuo Qiuran would need to prepare something, but unexpectedly, she just took out two jade stones from her bag and threw them into the water pool, and then a dark red light was emitted from the water pool. , with a little mist, it looks very strange, making people chill.


   Zuo Qiuran let out a roar.

   At the same time, Mo Jiu, who was outside, slammed the ground with his palm, knocking the ground down, blocking the supply of water in the pool.

   Then, Zuo Qiuran took out what seemed to be a talisman, and when he threw it away, the talisman circled two times above the water pool, suddenly spontaneously ignited, and then quickly fell into the water pool.

At the moment when the formation was broken, all the odd ring snakes fled around excitedly, and then, under the call of the snake king, they crawled out of the cave in an orderly manner. .

Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu are both a bit sane. After all, they have been in Deadwood Valley for so many years, and they are well aware of the venomous and ferocious nature of the ringed snake. At first glance, they saw so many ringed snakes crawling under their feet, even if they were not aggressive. Somewhat creepy.

   At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake, and the ground began to show signs of loosening.

   Zuo Qiu Ran frowned and shouted, "Go!"

   She didn't expect that the second layer of the formation in the formation was actually a trapped earth formation, and now that the ground collapsed, she wanted to bury all of them in it.

   Zuo Qiu Ran went to another talisman, condensed his soul power and threw it into the water pool, and then quickly ran out with the Lin family father and daughter.

"We still have about half an hour. After half an hour, the entire land will collapse, and we don't have a car, so try to run in the direction we came from, as far as you can, you know? ?" Zuo Qiuran said to the Lin family father and daughter and Mo Jiu while running.

  Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu didn't dare to be vague, they just followed Zuo Qiuran, the feeling of turbulence on the ground under their feet was much lighter, but they still didn't dare to take it lightly.

   After more than 20 minutes, the four of them were about to run out of the Deadwood Valley. Suddenly, a junior from the Lin family ran over.

   "Xiaojie? Didn't I tell you to leave first? Why are you back?" Lin Yuanzhou stopped and asked.

  Xiaojie is about 30 years old, with a slightly rounded body, a foolish face, and an anxious look, "My dad left something in the wooden hut. He had to go back to get it, but he didn't come back for a long time. I was going to find him."

   (end of this chapter)

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