Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 518: little thing

   Chapter 518 A Little Matter


   Zhang Li suddenly knelt down.

   "Ran Ran, it's a mother begging you, please save your brother, he is about to die, he is so young, he hasn't taken a good look at the world yet."

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Zhang Li and suddenly found that her expression was surprisingly real at this time.

   This means that she is genuinely worried and anxious for her son.

   "I'm not a doctor, it's no use begging me."

  Vaguely, Zuo Qiuran seemed to have guessed why Zhang Li was looking for him today.

   Sure enough, Zhang Li's next sentence confirmed Zuo Qiuran's guess.

"Ran Ran, you are not a doctor, but you are more useful than a doctor. The kidney that was supposed to be donated to your brother suddenly has a problem and can't be given to your brother. Now only you can save him, his condition has reached a very serious point. At this point, the doctor said that a kidney transplant must be done as soon as possible, otherwise...you won't be able to live."

   Zhang Li cried, crying very sad.

   Zuo Qiuran looked at the tears on her cheeks, she was thinking, maybe she really loves her son.

   But what about the original body?

   The original body is also her daughter, the flesh and blood she gave birth to in October, why can't she share a little bit of maternal love with the original body, even if it is only 1% of her son.

   Zuo Qiu Ran held injustice for the original body and sneered, "Are you begging me now to donate my kidney to your son?"

Zhang Li paused for a moment, and her tears became fiercer, "Ran Ran, mother knows this is very difficult for you, but now you are the only one who can save your brother, please, mother, please, do well, save you Brother."

  This intersection is not very prosperous, and there are not many people passing by usually, but even so, there are many people surrounding it.

   They didn't know the cause and effect, they only heard Zhang Li's ambiguous words, and they suddenly felt a sense of justice.

   "Little girl, we can't discuss the family's affairs, why do you force your mother to kneel for you?"

"Children these days really don't know what filial piety is. Your mother worked so hard to give birth to you in October. You are not grateful. Now you are forcing your mother to apologize to you for such a trivial matter. Still not human?"

   "Looking at her age, she should still be a student. Let's take a picture of her and put it on the Internet to see how she can survive in school. What kind of school does this kind of person go to? What can she learn?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran raised his eyes, and his good-looking apricot eyes swept towards the few people in front of him. Just that look was enough to amaze the people present, and then it turned into deep disdain.

   "Hmph, such a beautiful face is really blinded in vain."

   "That's why you know people and faces but don't know their hearts. The more beautiful people are, the darker their hearts are."

   Because of that delicate and somewhat excessive face, Zuo Qiuran's attack doubled.

However, she didn't care, her pink lips rose slightly, evoking a radian, and her apricot eyes were full of coldness, "A little thing? If you're talking about a little thing, you mean she asked me to donate my kidney to her. If she has a child with another man, then I can tell you plainly, even if she kneels here for the rest of her life, I can't agree."

   A few people watching the excitement were stunned. They thought it was just a family conflict, a small problem, but I didn't expect it to be a kidney donation?

   (end of this chapter)

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