Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 532: i am not a pig

   Chapter 532 I am not a pig

  The two were tired of crooked for a while, and finally interrupted by a cooing sound.

   Mo Yichen looked at Zuo Qiuran with a smile in his eyes, rubbed her head, "Let's eat."

   Seeing that his little guy was hungry, his stomach started to rebel.

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't feel embarrassed at all. People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Not to mention that the dishes ordered by uncle are all her favorites.

   Just eating and eating, Zuo Qiuran's movements slowed down, "Uncle, I'm sorry."

   Mo Yichen was helping her peel the shrimp for a moment, then looked over suspiciously, "Why did you suddenly say sorry to me?"

   "At that time, I doubted you."

   Zuo Qiu Ran suddenly didn't dare to look at Mo Yichen, and felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

Will    uncle be angry?

   Do you feel that you don't trust him enough?

   If he is angry, how can I coax him?

   A series of questions were born in Zuo Qiuran's brain at the same time, and quickly occupied all her brain circuits.

  Suddenly, two big hands supported her cheeks, forcing her to look up, and then a familiar face slowly enlarged in front of her eyes until her lips were blocked.

   lightly bit Zuo Qiuran's lips, "This is punishment."

   Mo Yichen then let go of her, dipped the freshly peeled shrimp with seasoning, and fed it into Zuo Qiuran's mouth, "Be good, eat more."

   Looking at the pile of vegetables in the bowl, Zuo Qiuran suddenly remembered a sentence, something cold called your father thinks you are cold.

   She felt that this sentence could be changed now.

   There is a kind of hunger called Uncle who thinks you are hungry.


   "Huh?" Mo Yichen continued to add vegetables to Zuo Qiuran's bowl.

   "I'm really not a pig."

   Mo Yichen chuckled and nodded, "Well, you are not a pig, how can you be cute as a pig?"

   The corners of Zuo Qiu Ran's mouth couldn't help but rise. Maybe her thoughts were a little naive, but she just liked the feeling of being pampered and pampered unconditionally.

  Sweet and addictive.

   "Uncle, Elder Taishang just gave me this." Zuo Qiuran handed over the document.

Mo Yichen took a closer look, and then shared his own findings with Zuo Qiuran, "I went to the Medical Daomen that day, and a drug boy behaved very strangely, so I asked people to investigate and found that This person actually had plastic surgery, this is what he looked like before the plastic surgery."

  Mo Yichen showed Zuo Qiuran the photo that Mo Qi had just sent from his phone.

   "Fang Huai!" Zuo Qiuran recognized this face even when it was turned to ashes.

   At Zuoqiu's house that day, this Fang Huai ran away. Later, she and her uncle sent people to look for Fang Huai's trace, but to no avail. It turned out that he had plastic surgery, and he was still hiding in the medical way.

   After learning about the experiences of his baby, Mo Yichen knew that she must have hated Fang Huai very much, so he told her the news as soon as possible.

"My dear." Mo Yichen held her hand with one hand and her shoulder with the other, embraced half of her body in his arms, resting his chin on her head, "What do you want to do, just do it? Do it, if something happens, I will take care of you."

Thinking of what Fang Huai had done to Ran Bao, Mo Yichen's eyes were filled with murderous intent. If he hadn't promised Ran Bao to let her take revenge herself, he would have taken Fang Huai out of the door of medical practice, and he would have cramped and pulled out his bones. , let him taste the pain that Ranbao endured a hundred times.

   (end of this chapter)

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