Chapter 549 Thief

Mo Ling sneered and glanced at the diamond necklace in her hand that she hadn't had time to put away, "Okay, I'll help you call the police, and then see if it's me who happened to get lost and asked for directions, or you who guard yourself against theft. Sentenced."

  The woman, that is, Chen Juan, subconsciously hid the diamond necklace in her hand behind her, but this is nothing more than an act of 300 taels of silver here.

   "Someone, there are thieves!"

Suddenly, Chen Juan threw the diamond necklace in front of Mo Ling, turned around and rushed out of the room, shouting as she ran, "Miss, call Mr. It's gone!"

   Mo Ling heard the mockery and contempt in his eyes even more, the thief shouting and catching the thief was a good trick.

Huo Shiting, who was practising dancing in the dance room, came out after hearing the sound. She loves classical dance. At this time, she was wearing a gouache-pink dance dress with swinging sleeves, and with that pure classical melon seed face, she looked like a fallen man. I don't know the fairy of the world.

   "What happened, Sister Chen?" Her voice was soft, like a warm spring breeze, gently touching people's hearts.

Chen Juan hurriedly pointed to the direction of her room behind her and said, "Miss, a burglar broke into our house and stole all your jewelry, and I caught him right away. Hurry up and call Mr. and Young Master to catch this abominable thief. Get up and let him stay in jail for the rest of his life."

  Humph, this is what threatens her!

   "Sister Chen, we are an island here, there is no one around, how can there be thieves?"

  Huo Shiting's words, when she saw that a man really walked out of Chen Juan's room, she paused, her expression was slightly stunned, then her cheeks quickly turned red, she raised her hand and touched her heart.

   Strange, why is the heart beating so fast all of a sudden?

   Is it because you were too tired from dancing just now?


   A bag of things was thrown on the ground by Mo Ling, he looked at Huo Shiting and said, "You can see for yourself."

  Huo Shiting opened the bag in confusion, then her eyes widened in surprise, "These are all my jewelry, why are they here?"

   She raised her head to look at Mo Ling, she didn't want to believe that such a dignified man who looked like a hero in a novel could actually be a thief.

"Miss, these are all stolen goods. If I hadn't bumped into them just now, these things would have been stolen by the thief." Chen Juan felt resentment in her heart, looking at the bag of jewelry, it was a heartache. If you take these out today, you can sell them for a lot of money, but now they are disturbed by this sudden killing of Cheng Yaojin.

   Mo Ling snorted coldly, took out a jewelry box from his pocket, and opened it, it was a ruby ​​ring.

"This, this is the ancestral ring that my mother left me!" Huo Shiting took the ring and held it cherishly, looking a little excited, "I accidentally lost this ring a few days ago and cried several times. Well, where did you find it, thank you."

   Mo Ling was instructed to monitor the little princess of the Ji family for so long. Naturally, she knew how innocent she was raised by the father and son of the Ji family.

  He, a strange man, suddenly appeared here, holding her jewelry and her servant to testify. She actually thought he was here to return the ring to her, and she wanted to thank him?

  Huo Shiting, the little princess of the Ji family, here I have to manually @我的TINGTING, it's finally your turn to play, how are you, excited? The babies next door, guess what will happen to stupid Tingting next?

   (end of this chapter)

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