Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 1 There is no one weaker than the ants, it’s over, I need G!

"It's over, it's over!"

Looking at the troops that appeared in front of him, Mo Fei rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

Just now, he traveled to a world where lords competed for hegemony.

in this world.

All travelers will become lords and awaken their own arms and lord talents.

Develop your own territorial power and join forces with the local forces in the lord world to fight for hegemony among all races.

The time travel begins.

All lords have a chance to awaken their unit's lord talent.

Once the arms are awakened, they can be replaced, but the production speed of the 꿤-level arms can be increased through the 꿤-level arm building.

The same is true for the lord's talent. Once awakened, 놊녦 will change and 놊녦 will advance.

But 녦 makes 뇾꽭 bestow 녪 strong 꿨 and improve 꿤꽭 bestow level.

Through the voices in his head, Mo Fei roughly understood the rules of this world.

So, he awakened his own army with full faith.

Who would have thought…

"It's over, it's over!"

Looking at his awakened troops, Mo Fei almost fainted.

In front of him, an image of an ant slightly larger than an ordinary ant was suspended, spinning slowly.

It seems to show how weak it is.

[Congratulations to the time traveler Mo Fei, for awakening your unit: the ants. PS: Due to the influence of the Lord World, they seem to have become stronger. 】

[Military type: Ant tribe. 】

[Final growth level: zero level. 】

[From now on, you have officially become a lord. 】

The voice in his mind sounded, and Mo Fei was dumbfounded.


Why is he so handsome, but he has awakened the most rubbish army in the world of lords? !

In the world of lords, lords can awaken any unit.

Militia, muskets, dwarf warriors, goblins, earth knights, elves, necromancers, dragons, Beamon...

The levels of military units are divided into levels 1 to 10, and the higher levels are king level, emperor level, saint level, emperor level, and demigod.

There are 15 levels in total.

Different arms have the same final growth level.

However, generally, the initial levels of the troops just summoned by the lord are much different, and the levels are relatively low.

By killing monsters 꿤, 녦 can grow to the final growth level of the unit!


Mo Fei, the awakened lord. The lowest level soldier in the world: the ants!

There is nothing lower than the ant tribe!

[Final growth level: zero level]

This means that Mo Fei's ant tribe, even in its complete form, is only at level zero!

Not even the first level!

Killing 꿤-level monsters is the only way for other lords to obtain energy points and increase the strength of 꿤-level lords and their troop levels.

But for Mo Fei, it has nothing to do with it!

Because his unit, the Ant Tribe, is a zero-level unit.

Level zero is already the highest level.

Killing monsters is basically a level up!

What's more, Mo Fei had reason to suspect that his own troops had not killed any wild monster.

Can only be killed by wild monsters!

[Final Growth Level: Zero Level] This big bright red character is like a sharp knife at this moment.

It penetrated deeply into Mo Fei's entrails.

He felt his penis was in pain.

The pain of drilling!

Why the ant tribe?

Awakening a militia, goblin or something, is a hundred times more powerful than this thing.

Militiamen and goblins, although their levels are very low, can still chop wood and mine minerals.

Wake up like an ant and have chicken feathers!

Do you want to make yourself bored and play with it?

With such a small body, if I step on it, I'm afraid I will crush dozens of them to death!

놊Waiting for Mo Fei to lament.

The voice in my head continued.

[Lord Mo Fei, you have awakened your troops and have an initial village territory. 】

[From now on, the lord’s new protection period is seven years. 】

[During the new protection period, your territory is invincible. 】

[Please plunder all resources as much as possible within these seven days to develop and expand your territory. 】

[After seven days, the new protection period ends, and you will officially enter the lord continent to compete with other lords and your own forces for hegemony. 】

[Next, please name your territory. 】

"Garbage troops!"

Mo Fei cursed angrily.

Fight for hegemony, fight for hegemony!

He leads a group of ants to compete with others for hegemony!

When the new 꿛protection period ends, your seven 꽭乐껩 will be over!


[Lord’s naming: garbage unit. 】

[Please confirm again. 】

Mo Fei was still under the huge blow from the ants at this time and said without even thinking: "Confirm."

Anyway, once the protection period of Qijin is over, he will most likely be the first lord to be eliminated.

Therefore, it is very important to name the territory.

[Territory naming completed: garbage arms. 】

[Lord Mo Fei, please continue to follow the guidance and awaken your lord talent. 】

said the voice in his head.

A shimmering door appeared in front of Mo Fei.

Following the instructions, Mo Fei stretched his 꿛 into the light door and extracted his lord gift.

The next second.

As Mo Fei withdrew, a ball of light flashing with colorful light appeared in his body.

Then, the colorful ball of light expanded and enveloped his entire body.

Mo Fei was still looking confused.

The voice in my head sounded again.

[Lord Mo Fei, extracted to SSSS level 꽭Effect: Infinite Devouring 꿨! 】

SSSS level grant? !

Infinite Devouring Advance? !

Mo Fei's pupils trembled slightly.

He quickly summoned his lord panel.

[Territory Name: Garbage Soldier. ]

[Lord: Mo Fei. ]

[Strength: Zero Level]

[Territory Level: Primary Village. ]

[Territory Buildings: Lord's Wooden House, Warehouse, Fountain of Life, Ant Barracks, Lord's Palace. ]

[Territory Soldier: Ant Tribe. ]

[Lord's Talent: Infinite Devouring Advance! (Unique)]

Mo Fei checked his lord's talent.

[Lord's Talent: Infinite Devouring Advance! (Unique)]

[Level: SSSS Level]

[Introduction: Your troop has the ability to infinitely advance. Everything is devoured to obtain energy points. Every time it is devoured, there is a certain probability of obtaining a certain ability from the target. PS: Make your talent stronger, improve your talent level, and increase the probability of swallowing and seizing the target's ability. 】

Everything is swallowed, unlimited progress!

The key is SSSS level!

The only one!

Originally, Mo Fei felt that he had already passed the G.

However, when he saw these four Ss shining with colorful light.

Mo Fei's breathing suddenly became heavy.

I felt that he seemed to be able to save it!

I remember that when I just crossed over to the lord world, the voice in my mind had reminded me about the introduction of the lord's talent.

"Lord world, the lord's talent is divided into E~SSS level!"

And now, I have awakened a talent beyond SSS level, SSSS level.

It must be said that this has shocked Mo Fei.

SSSS level, the only one!

Mo Fei knows very well what this means.

It means that he has awakened the highest-level lord talent in the entire lord world!

Among all the traverser lords, only he has this 4S-level infinite devouring talent!

He is the only one!

Even if there is no introduction to the infinite devouring talent.

Just the words infinite devouring, plus the 4 Ss in front of it shining with colorful light, Mo Fei knows that this talent is very strong!

Although his own army is the ant tribe.

However, if he has infinite devouring, everything will be possible.

It is certain that a group of small ants will grow into an existence comparable to a holy dragon or even a demigod in the future!

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