Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 161 The invincible flying ant colony!

They are also flying creatures.

But compared to the current flying ant soldiers, their fighting methods are still too simple.

In addition to firing the stinger on their tail, they only rush to fight the crows in close combat.

But obviously, crows don't let ant colonies get close to them so easily.


The balls spitted out by crows pose great danger to flying ant soldiers.

Basically, as long as the wings are touched by the ball, the flying ant soldiers will fight!


After a successful attack, Mo Fei did not let the ant colony tangle with these crows anymore, and immediately ordered the ant colony to retreat.

Now, the flying ant soldiers that fired their stingers.

The strength to fight the crow has been completely lost.

They need time to regrow new stingers.

Only then launched the second wave of attack!


After being hit by the poisonous sting suddenly shot by the flying ant colony.

Many crows made painful cries.

It flapped its wings and dashed around in the air.

There was a commotion among the crows.

This gave Mo Fei's flying ant colony time to retreat.

I saw the ants flying back to the ground along the trunk.

After circling for a while, the ants' wings were burned off and all the flying ant soldiers who fell to the ground were taken away!

"The second batch of flying ant troops is ready to charge!"

"Continue to sneak attack on the crow's nest. When these crows get close, you will shoot them with poisonous stings!"

"Once the stinger is launched, just like the previous troops, retreat immediately and don't get entangled with these crows!"

At the same time, Mo Fei's perspective followed the retreating flying ant army back to the woods, where they stayed on the leaves.

Give orders to the next batch of flying ant troops preparing to attack.

"As you command, Lord Lord!"

The second batch of flying ant troops took off again.

Like the flying ant troops in front, they circled along the trunk of the tree.

He greatly avoided the balls spitted out by the crows and flew towards the nest of the crows.

And it was just as Mo Fei expected.

Although many of the crows that had been stung by flying ants' stings did not die immediately.

However, after being stung by the flying ant soldiers, he also lost his ability to fight.


This time, it was another batch of uninjured crows that flew down to block the attack of the flying ants!

The ant colony is up to its old tricks.

This time, these crows were on guard.

However, the flying ant soldier's stinger is fired too fast.

At such a close distance, these crows still couldn't be completely avoided!

Many crows were shot with poisonous stings.

The crow with the least poisonous thorns had at least twenty poisonous thorns stuck in its body!

Among the ant troops attacking this time, there were many stinging flying ants that had evolved to devour amphibious frogmen.

The stingers they fire are much more toxic than the stings of ordinary flying ant soldiers!

Suddenly, these crows, who had just repelled the attack of the flying ants and had been hit by the poisonous stings of the flying ants, flew back to the branches.

늀Many crows fell down from the branches on the spot!

Death from poison!


In the flying ant colony, there were also flying ant soldiers who were hit by the ball and injured.

When the flying ant colony retreated, they also took these injured flying ant soldiers away with them.

And when this group of flying ant troops took the injured flying ant soldiers and flew back to the branch where the flying ant army was located.

The poisonous stingers on the tails of the group of flying ant soldiers that fired their stingers had almost completely grown out.

녦It’s time to join the battle again!


Mo Fei did not let these flying ant soldiers who had regrown their stings join the fight again.

Because there are still many flying ant soldiers in the flying ant army who have not yet participated in the battle.

It's not their turn to enter the battlefield again.

Moreover, these 뀙crows spit out 뀙balls.

Sending too many flying ant soldiers into the battle at once will make it difficult to avoid the balls spit out by the crows.

On the contrary, it will only increase the casualties of your own flying ant colony.

"Continue to attack, don't give them a chance to breathe!"

"The third batch of flying ant troops, prepare to fight!"

Mo Fei once again issued an attack order to the next batch of flying ant troops.

At the same time, in order to save time.

Suppressing the counterattack of the crows.

Mo Fei asked the fourth batch of flying ant troops and the fifth batch of flying ant troops to also arrive outside the battlefield in advance.

Waiting for the third batch of flying ants to retreat, they will go away.

Don't give the crows any chance to fight back and breathe!


These crows have just fallen back to the branches.

Before he could take a break, 늀 discovered that those annoying flying ant colonies were back!

Like a swarm of annoying flies, a group of weaklings who cannot be beaten to death.

A panicked crow sounded.

Dozens more crows flew up and landed on the branches next to their nests.

He stared closely at the swarms of flying ants rushing around the tree trunk, sometimes moving apart and sometimes gathering together.

Now, they also understand.

The target of these fly-like flying ants is their nest!

Dozens of crows spit out balls one by one and smashed them towards the ant colony.


They are not the only ones who have become smart.

These flying ant colonies rushing in now are obviously more flexible than the previous flying ant colonies.

They seem to have known for a long time that crows can spit balls.

Just when the crow opened its mouth, the swarm of flying ants suddenly dispersed!

Countless balls roared down.

Dozens of crows spit out at least two balls in a row.

However, the number of flying ant soldiers hit by the balls was not as many as the number of balls they spit out!

And taking advantage of the gap where the crows are brewing the second wave of ball offensive.

The flying ants gathered again.

Rush towards the crow's nest!

See this.

Dozens of crows had no choice but to fly again!

Then, 늀 appeared in a situation almost the same as before.

These crows were stung again by the poisonous stings shot by flying ants!

After firing their stingers, these flying ant colonies stopped attacking and retreated very simply!

There was no chance for the crow to pursue them.


These crows want to chase.

At this time, I was also helpless.

They have been attacked several times by flying ant swarms, and they are exhausted mentally and physically!

Dozens of crows had been seriously injured by the poisonous stings fired by the flying ants.

Several crows that were hit by the highly poisonous tail stings launched by the stinging flying ants did not even have a chance to fly back to the tree.

After fluttering its wings a few times, it suddenly fell to the ground.

Although the remaining crows did not die immediately.

However, the feeling of being stung by dozens of venomous stingers is also very unpleasant!

Where is the energy left to pursue the retreating flying ant swarm?

And, over time.

The first crows to be stung by the venomous stingers of a swarm of flying ants.

The toxicity in the body also began to gradually occur.

Standing on the branches, I was already a little unsteady.

The legs are trembling slightly to the naked eye!

Soon, several crows became unstable due to the poison attack and fell from the branches!

In mid-air, they flapped their wings vigorously.


They discovered that they had strong and powerful wings from 껧 to 꿂.

At this time, he was so weak.

Even if they flap their wings hard, they still inevitably get closer to the ground!

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