Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 203: Eighth-level Nether Dog, Strange Flame!

After giving the order to the ant elite army to attack the eighth-level Nether Dog.

Mo Fei switched the perspective to the ant elite military body.

I saw them right in front of the ant elite army.

I can't see my fingers in the thick fog.

A black shadow walked slowly in the darkness, making no sound.

Like a ghost.

"Is this the ghost dog that the ant elite army discovered?"

Looking at the faint black shadow in the thick fog, Mo Fei said to himself.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

In addition to the former flying ant army's discovery of a group of soul-eating bats and a tenth-level shadow python 껣늌 in the cave.

This ghost dog is the third dark thing Mo Fei has seen.

The dog really lives up to its name.

The shadow of this ghost dog looks almost the same as that of a cow.

When I was walking, I didn't even make the slightest sound.

Like a ghost!

If he were his lord, he would encounter such a ghost dog in the dark night.

If you don't protect everything, you will really be attacked by this guy successfully!

But, it’s a pity.

It encountered Mo Fei's Ant Tribe Army!

Within a five-kilometer radius of the territory, Mo Fei had already deployed countless ant soldiers.

Keep an eye on everything!

Even if it is almost completely integrated into the darkness, the ghost dog.

In front of the all-pervasive ant soldiers.

껩There is no hiding place!

at this time.

The elite 꺶 army of the ant tribe approached the ghost dog.

껗Thousands of shadow ant soldiers.

Led by two 깇-level shadow ants, they used their shadow stealth talent to quickly approach the ghost dog.

The remaining ant tribe troops were divided into two groups and advanced rapidly.

Outflank the Nether Dog from both sides and surround the Nether Dog!


The sound of densely packed ant soldiers crawling could be heard.

Although it was very subtle, it still aroused the vigilance of this ghost dog.

In the thick fog, the black shadow suddenly stopped.


The ghost dog sprayed two thick streams of air from the tip of its nose, twitching its nose and sniffing the smell in the air.


It smelled nothing.

Because Mo Fei, an ant soldier, has no smell on his body!

And at this time.

As the shadow ant soldiers sneaked up to this ghost dog.

Mo Fei finally saw clearly what this ghost dog looked like.

[Species: Netherworld Dog]

[Level: Eighth Level]

[Introduction: Dark 눃 things from the dark 껣눓놅! It has weird dark abilities, so be careful when fighting! 】

This ghost dog looks very similar to the hairless dog Mo Fei has seen before.

There is not a single hair on his whole body.

Dark skin!

It looks ugly and fierce!

But this ghost dog is more than five times larger than the hairless dog.

Taller than a tiger!

눁limb껩 is very strong!

Yuan 눓 stopped and sniffed, and a trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of the Netherworld Dog.

After listening carefully for a while.

He didn't seem to notice anything strange and was ready to move on.

But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the thick fog in front of it.

Dozens of wind blades cut through the thick fog and flew directly towards its head.

And at the same time.

Under the Netherworld Dog's feet, a layer of white ice crystals spread rapidly under the cover of thick fog.

He quickly stretched its limbs and froze its body!

"The speed of releasing skills is so fast!"

In the collar, Mo Fei's eyes lit up when he saw the scene in front of him.

Compared with dealing with wild monsters such as Flame Prison Bird and Shadow Python before.

At this moment, the skill release speed of my Ant Tribe Army's attack on the Nether Dog is at least twice as fast!

The skill was released so quickly that the ghost dog didn't even react!

"Whoa! Whoa!!"

In an instant, I saw the frozen ghost dog, its neck and head cut open countless pieces by the wind blades of the wind sickle ant soldiers.

Dark black blood spurts!

at the same time.

Electric lights flickered in the thick fog.

껗Thousands of thunder ants rushed in front of the frozen ghost dog.

Thunder ants jumped up one by one and rushed towards the Netherworld Dog!


Seeing a single lightning ant rushing toward him with flashes of lightning, the Nether Dog was suddenly frightened and angry.

As a dark wild monster, apart from Holy Light, the most taboo skills are thunder, lightning and fire.

What's more, there are thousands of lightning ant soldiers intertwined with lightning and light? !

However, at this moment, the Nether Dog is frozen, and thousands of fifth-level ice crystal ant soldiers release the ice crystal field together.

Even though it is an eighth-level dark wild monster, all attributes are increased in the dark.

For a while, 껩 was unable to break free from the shackles of ice crystals 껗놅.

At this time, the thunder ant soldiers had already rushed in front of it.

It only takes two seconds, which is enough to cut open the body of this ghost dog by the wind blade and continue to tear open and expand it!

Just when the lightning ant soldiers bounced up and flew up.

I saw a fierce light suddenly appearing in the eyes of the Netherworld Dog.

The next second.

It turns the only thing that can move its head.

He opened his mouth full of horns and spit out a stream of faint blue flames towards the thunder ant soldiers!

But the lightning ant soldiers who had just jumped up were touched by the blue flames spitted by the Netherworld Dog, but they seemed to have lost their strength and fell to the ground one after another.

Not moving at all!

[You, the ants, are attacked by the Nether Dog, Nether Spirit Fire! 】

"Netherworld Spirit Fire?"

"What kind of flame is this?!"

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Mo Fei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The same scene, familiar.

When he was in the cave before, the flying ant soldiers were attacked by the soul-eating bats, and it was almost the same scene.

After being bitten by the soul-eating bats, the flying ant soldiers in the cave died!

And now, they were stained by the flames spit out by the nether dogs.

These lightning ant soldiers also fell strangely!

Among them, there was even a lightning ant soldier who reached the first level!


At this moment.

As these lightning ant soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

Mo Fei lost contact with them through the mental network!

Looking at the nether dogs that were still frozen by ice crystals and roaring continuously.

Looking at them again, the lightning ant soldiers were covered with dark blue flames.

Mo Fei frowned.

The lightning ant soldiers who fell on them were covered with dark blue flames, but they did not change.

However, they did not go out.

The dark blue flames on the bodies of the lightning ant soldiers were like dots of dark blue candlelight, burning.

And the lightning ant soldiers.

At this time, the green light of the life source had emerged.

It was as if they were fighting against the dark blue flames.

And as the lightning ant soldiers were covered with dark blue flames, the green light of the life source lit up.

These beans seemed to have changed a little!

On the contrary, as the blue flames grew stronger, the green light on the bodies of the lightning ant soldiers was changing!

"Could it be that this so-called netherworld spirit fire is fueled by the source of life?!"

Suddenly thought of something.

Mo Fei took a deep breath.

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