Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 55: The network of the mind commands the battle! The first cooperation between the ant tribe

After all, it was just a third-level wild monster.

The intelligence of the stone-eating beast was not high.

When it found that the ant tribe in front of it could ignore its strongest sound wave attack.

Its two green bean-sized eyes blinked vigorously.

For a moment, the brain crashed!

I don’t know what to do!

But Mo Fei, who saw this scene through the mind network, instantly figured out the key.

Looking at the stone-eating beast that was stunned and stayed in place.

While Mo Fei felt a little funny, he ordered all his ant tribes not to fight with the stone-eating beast, and to evacuate and gather together in time!

Why did this happen, Mo Fei actually knew very well.

Although the ant tribe that he failed to evacuate in time in the cave just now was blown away and stunned by the sound wave attack launched by the stone-eating beast.

However, that was because it was in such a small space like the cave.

First, the power of the sound wave was strengthened several times after rebounding!

In such a small space, the sonic attack of the stone-eating beast can create a very strong airflow.

My ants are so small that they will naturally be blown away by the strong airflow!

Now, retreat to the open space in front.

The stone-eating beast launched a sonic attack on its ant army again. Although it also caused some damage, it was much less powerful than in the cave!

Of course, there is another key point!

That is, the most outstanding thing about my ants is actually their sense of smell.

Their hearing is not as sensitive as that of other animals!

The way the ants perceive sound.

It is through the tentacles of the front jaws, as well as the organs of the body and feet to perceive the vibration of sound.

Therefore, compared with other animals with sensitive hearing, the sonic attack launched by the stone-eating beast causes very limited damage to them!

At this time.

After discovering that the sonic attack of the stone-eating beast caused limited damage to its ants.

Mo Fei was relieved.

He continued to order his ant army to retreat!

It was the stone-eating beast.

After discovering that his sonic attack seemed useless, he saw the ant army retreating.

He immediately rushed over in a rage!

In his opinion, he was wearing defensive armor and had a strong defense that even the fourth-level wild monsters could not do anything to him. Even if he did not use sonic attacks, these weak ants would not be able to do anything to him.

Besides, if the sonic attack was useless, didn't he still have a few sharp teeth!

He just didn't believe it.

If he continued, these ants could still survive under his sharp teeth!

The stone-eating beast was not slow!

Soon it caught up with the retreating ant army!

With a pointed mouth, the tongue rolled, and nearly fifty ants entered its mouth in an instant!

At this time.

Fifty ants were eaten.

The two small eyes of the stone-eating beast, which were the size of mung beans, suddenly lit up.

It didn't expect that the taste of these ants was surprisingly wonderful!

It was even sweeter than it imagined!

At this moment, the stone-eating beast wished that its mouth could be opened wider!

So that it could eat more ants at a time!

Just as the stone-eating beast opened its mouth for the first time and rushed towards the ant army.

At this time, Mo Fei in the territory finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The 20,000 third-level ant soldiers who mined stone, 50,000 slime ants, 20,000 acid ants, a mixed force of more than 150,000 marching ants, and 400,000 undead ant corps, have arrived!


At this time.

In Mo Fei's sight, more than 100,000 marching ants and acid marching ants arrived first.

As for the remaining 1.8 million ant army looking for granite blocks.

Through the mind network, Mo Fei could sense that they were also approaching this place quickly!

In ten minutes at most, all his ant armies will be able to gather together!

"Acid ants and acid marching ant corps, listen to my orders!"

Mo Fei took a deep breath and issued an order: "Group one thousand and mix into the four undead ant corps next to you!"

"Find the right opportunity, spray acid, and focus on attacking the eyes and abdomen of this stone-eating beast, these two places with weaker defenses!"

"Break its rock armor defense!"

"Undead ant corps, your mission is to cover the acid ants approaching this stone-eating beast!"

Mo Fei paused: "You must be prepared to sacrifice at any time!"

"When necessary!"

"You must sacrifice yourself to save the acid ants!"

The acid sprayed by the acid ants can corrode granite.

Therefore, only the acid ants can break the defense of this stone-eating beast!

However, there are not many of them.

There are only 20,000 acid ants and acid marching ants in total!

Mo Fei knew the importance of these 20,000 acid ants in dealing with stone-eating beasts.

Other ants can be eaten by stone-eating beasts.

But they must not be eaten by stone-eating beasts!

After all, there are more stone-eating beasts than the one in front of him!

Let’s not talk about how many stone-eating beasts there are in this mountain.

Let’s talk about now.

Mo Fei’s ant army provoked ten stone-eating beasts!

After the acid ants mixed into the undead ant army.

Mo Fei gave orders to the marching ants that reached the first and third levels.

Let them also mix into the undead ant army.

The marching ants that mixed into the undead ant army have only one mission!

When the acid ants' acid corrodes the rock-like scales on the stone-eating beast's abdomen and breaks through the stone-eating beast's defense.

The marching ants should follow up with an attack.

Use their pincers to tear open and expand the stone-eating beast's wounds!

Finally, Mo Fei gave orders to 50,000 slime ants.

"Slime ants, you also sneak into the undead ant army."

"Your mission is the most important!"

Mo Fei said solemnly: "When the stone-eating beast raises its claws, you seize the opportunity and shoot the slime at its soles!"

"As long as the soles of the stone-eating beast are stuck by the slime, its flexibility will be greatly reduced!"

"In this way, the acid ants can spray acid to hit it more accurately!"

"At the same time, the marching ants can also quickly climb its body and tear open its wounds!"


After arranging everything.

Mo Fei's eyes were motionless.

His eyes were fixed on the army of 400,000 undead ants approaching the stone-eating beast!

Can he kill this stone-eating beast?

Can he continue to mine the stones in the granite stone?

It depends on them!

If he fails!

Then he can only temporarily give up this granite stone resource that he has finally found.

Go to the misty forest again to find new stone resources.

Will it take one day or two days to find a new stone resource?

Mo Fei doesn't know.


If his ant army really can't do anything to these stone-eating beasts and can't kill them.

For the safety of his ant army, Mo Fei can only do this!

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