Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 59 Huge harvest! The fog comes again, return to the territory!

There are many more caves on the stone mountain.

After killing ten stone-eating beasts.

Next, Mo Fei continued to send troops to find the cave blocked by granite stones!

The unwilling stone-eating beasts were either killed and devoured by the ant army, or they escaped back to the cave and became hard laborers helping Mo Fei mine granite!

As more and more ants evolved into stone-eating ants, the number of granite stones Mo Fei collected was also steadily increasing!

Six hours passed.

In Mo Fei's territory, from the time the Ant Army left until now, the cumulative number of Ants produced by the barracks has exceeded two million!

At this time, on the granite mountain.

Mo Fei's ant army, which evolved into stone-eating ants, has reached 10,000 in number!

And the granite stones carried by Mo Fei's ant army have piled up into a hill!

at this time.

Mo Fei ordered his ant army to retreat and returned to the open space where the granite stones were piled.

It's not that the stone-eating beasts on the stone mountain have been killed by the ant army.

There are many more caves for stone-eating beasts.

However, at this time, the acid ants and slime ants under Mo Fei's command had already vomited out all the acid and mucus in their bodies.

Not a drop can be squeezed out!

Plus, it was already evening.

The sun has gradually set!

The forest has darkened.

If Mo Feitan stays here at night, accidents will happen.

So, I chose to withdraw my troops!

At this time, looking at the mountains of granite stones in front of the ant army.

Mo Fei estimates that there are at least close to 30,000 units of stone!

It has far exceeded the number of stones needed to upgrade the territory to a high-level village!

"Soldiers, work harder and transport these granite stones back to the territory!"

"Then you can have a good rest!"

Looking at the ant soldiers who were already slightly tired, Mo Fei encouraged him with a loud voice.

Today, except for the morning, the ant army returned to the territory to replenish their physical strength.

In the afternoon, they were either on the road, fighting with piranhas in the forest and anteaters on the granite mountains, and carrying granite stones.

Basically no rest.

At this time, quite a few ants were already exhausted and showing signs of fatigue!


The loyalty of these ant soldiers to Mo Fei is the highest level of absolute loyalty!

No matter how tired they are, they will not have any complaints against Mo Fei!

No complaints either!

They will strictly obey Mo Fei's orders!

"Yes, my lord!"

Ant clan 꺶jun replied.

The voice is still loud!

In today's two battles, the 2.5 million ants also lost some soldiers.

꺶About three 껜 or so!

놌In the battle with the piranha, the ant soldiers basically suffered no losses.

These three ant tribe soldiers were mainly those who went up the granite stone mountain and were eaten by the stone-eating beasts when they first encountered them.

The rest was under Mo Fei's tactical arrangements.

The ant army formed several groups and surrounded these stone-eating beasts in their caves, basically no further losses were suffered.

An ant tribe climbed up this hill made of granite stones.

Maybe seven people lift just one piece of gravel, or dozens of people lift one stone.

In addition, the hard armors of more than two hundred stone-eating beasts piled next to the granite stones were also lifted up by the ant soldiers.

Then, set foot on the road back to the territory!

Although tired.

However, it is still very easy for the ant army of 2.5 million to transport only 30,000 units of granite and the armor of more than 200 stone-eating beasts!

And under Mo Fei's order.

It was still a group of approximately 30,000 army ants that took the lead, clearing the way for the ant army returning to their territory and exploring the nearby environment.

The remaining fourth- and third-level stone-eating ants, as well as 150,000 marching ants and acid ants, are deployed on the outermost periphery of the army.

Responsible for guarding and protecting the immortal ants transporting stone!

In the forest, it was getting dark.

Thick fog is coming again!

This thick fog soon completely submerged the whereabouts of Mo Fei's ant army!

But, luckily.

Mo Fei's ant clan does not rely on sight to find their way.

Instead, they rely on the scent they leave behind along the way.

Therefore, even if the granite mountain has a long way to return to its territory, they can accurately find the way back!

No matter how thick the fog is, they will not get lost!

However, the dense fog completely covered the whereabouts of Mo Fei's ant army.

꿯And formed a natural protection for the 꺶 army!

Waiting for the ant army to transport the stone back to the territory.

Mo Fei came to the grass.

While letting the two million ants produced swallow their own breath and the spring of life.

While opening the regional communication channel of the Misty Forest.

See if any lord has mentioned that there are any dangerous wild monsters in the thick fog that need to be paid attention to.

at this time.

On the regional communication channel of the Misty Forest.

[Dense fog is coming. Have all your soldiers returned to their territory? 】

[Of course, the fog is not too thick now. If you wait a little longer, you won't be able to see even your fingers! If you don't come back, you may be lost in the forest forever! 】

【It’s over! My wild boar warrior went out to level up and hasn't come back yet. Could it be that he can't find his way back? 】

[The above, the probability is that they are dead! ]

[What are you thinking? You know it's getting dark, but you still send soldiers out to level up? ]

[I just want to level up quickly and get more meat to exchange for resources. I haven't gathered enough wood and stone to upgrade the territory yet, and the territory is still a primary village!

When I sent them out just now, I also told them to return to the territory before dark. Who knows what they encountered outside? They haven't come back yet! ]

[I guess they are dead. I'll take longer next time... I sent my knights to chop wood yesterday. The wood resource area is only about two kilometers away from my territory. I thought that even if there was thick fog, they would be able to find their way back to the territory at such a short distance... But the thick fog lasted for half an hour, and no knight came back. Not long after, I received a notification that my knight was killed by a wild monster. ]

[Haha, you are also a talent. What do you think of sending your knights to cut down trees?]

[Are you willing for me? Don't you see where this is, a tropical rainforest! There are trees everywhere outside, and many wild monsters are hiding in the trees, insidious and cunning! My knights are really unlucky in this environment!]

[Haha, that's right. The awakened soldiers are elves. In this environment, they are like fish in water! Today is the second day of entering the Lord's World, and the number of my elves has doubled!

After a day of hunting today, I directly shot and killed dozens of first-level wild monsters and seven second-level wild monsters!

My lord level has now been upgraded to the second level, and the territory has also been upgraded to a first-level village. It's so cool!

Next, I plan to get more wood and stone resources, build a barracks first, let my elves have more, and then build a blacksmith shop to make better bows for my elves, and then...]

Mo Fei took a look.

No one mentioned that the thick fog would bring other dangers.

These thick fogs seemed to interfere with the sight and sense of direction of the soldiers going out, making them lost.

So, they were a little relaxed.

After all, as long as there was the smell left by the ants, sight and sense of direction were not important to their own ant army.

Because, if they followed the smell left behind, their own ant army could find their way home!

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