Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 107, Ghost General Chen Qingzhi

After the four bosses were killed, these mechanical monsters had no further reinforcements. After eight o'clock in the evening, today's trial finally ended.

[The battle on the twenty-eighth day of the newcomer trial is over! ]

[Start settling rewards! ]

[Destroy one hundred thousand Level 18 Elite · Mechanical Dogs, 80,000 Level 18 Elite · Mechanical Cats, 80,000 Level 18 Elite · Mechanical Rats, 80,000 Level 18 Elite · Mechanical Snakes, and four Enhanced · Bronze · Mechanical Tibetan Mastiffs . ]

[Combat rating: SS]

[Reward: The basic reward is 15 million soul coins, 15 million spirit coins, and an SS quality hero summoning token. Additional rewards for evaluation: 30 million soul coins, 30 million spirit coins, and a C-quality random special barracks. ]

A total of 45 million soul coins and spirit coins!

This is definitely an amazing wealth.

This trial rewards an SS-quality hero summoning token. This token can summon SS-quality heroes no matter which barracks it is summoned from.

Coupled with a special barracks building, the rewards given this time are indeed very good.

If he fails today, these rewards will have nothing to do with him.

The rewards in the last three days are indeed very rich, and those who persist to the end will receive great rewards.

But the rewards of other newcomer lords are definitely not as good as his.

Hold the Hero Summoning Token in your hand and check its attributes.

[Item: Hero Summoning Token]

[Quality: SS]

[Introduction: It can be used in any barracks, and you will definitely get a hero with SS quality. The summoned hero is related to the barracks unit. ]

After seeing this hero summoning token, he thought about it and decided to use it on the [White-robed Ghost Soldier] barracks.

Of course he hopes to summon Chen Qingzhi, but whether he can summon him in the end depends on luck.

His current level is Level 30, and his luck value has reached 106 points.

As for the special barracks, he can no longer build it because there is not enough open space in the territory to build buildings.

The reason why [Underworld] was able to be built before was because that building was a very special building that occupied a very small area and formed its own space inside.

Unless he can continue to upgrade his territory, otherwise, this barracks can only be left alone for now.

However, he has another way, which is to put away a completed building and then take it out when the territory is upgraded and the open space is large enough.

He first came to the [White-robed Ghost Soldier] barracks and took out an SS-quality hero summoning token.

He calmed down and began to use the hero summoning token in his hand.

"My white-robed ghost general, you must appear!" Zhou Yan kept praying in his heart.

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] Prompt: "Using the Hero Summoning Token, the hero was successfully summoned - Chen Qingzhi!"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "My white-robed ghost general is finally here!"

A colorful light appeared on the summoning altar, and a graceful, elegant and handsome man with a serious and cold face appeared on the ordering platform wearing white clothes.

Chen Qingzhi is still very handsome, with a height of 1.8 meters and wearing white clothes, his appearance is slightly worse than him.

He looked at Zhou Yan, knelt down on one knee, clenched his hands into fists, and said: "General Chen Qingzhi, pay your respects to the lord."

"No gifts, no gifts, no gifts." Zhou Yan said quickly, and then looked at Chen Qingzhi's attributes.

[Name: Chen Qingzhi]

[Sex: Male ]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human race]

[Lord: Zhou Yan]

[Quality: RRR]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Level: 0]

[Upgrade required: 100 soul coins]

[Charm: 20 (Basic 2)]

[Luck: 20 (Basic 2)]

[Strength: 10 (Basic 1)]

[Physique: 11 (Basic 1.1)]

[Agility: 20 (Basic 2)]

[Spirit: 40 (Basic 4)]

[Talent: Holy Ghost Ghost Body (the speed of commanding soldiers is +100%, and the marching speed at night is an additional +50%. When commanding white-robed ghost soldiers, subordinates can cause an additional 50% damage to soul-type enemies)]

[Skills: Rushuai (leading soldiers, combat effectiveness +100%, morale +200%), intimidation (50% deterrence against dark and soul monsters), soldier training (can train white-robed ghost soldiers), white-robed armor ( When fighting, wear white armor, all attributes +20%), surrender (10% probability of making Low Level soul-type enemies surrender), military formation (marching formation, combat effectiveness +50%)]

[Qualification: RRR]

[Skill: None]

[Realm: None]

[Introduction: Evolved by mysterious energy, basic attributes increase tenfold. Famous teachers and generals should not keep themselves in prison, and thousands of troops should avoid white robes. ]

Chen Qingzhi's attributes are very high, including very high agility and spirit.

The key is that Chen Qingzhi has too many skills, each of which is related to commanding troops. He is a naturally handsome man.

He directly upgraded Chen Qingzhi's level to Level 30.

The basic properties become:

[Charm: 80 (Basic 2)]

[Luck: 80 (Basic 2)]

[Strength: 40 (Basic 1)]

[Physique: 41 (Basic 1.1)]

[Agility: 50 (Basic 2)]

[Spirit: 190 (Basic 4)]

Chen Qingzhi is not a hero known for his strength, but a Confucian general whose attribute point growth is also based on spirituality.

After upgrading, the power of various skills has also been greatly improved.

With Chen Qingzhi, the white-robed ghost soldiers finally have a leader, and their combat effectiveness will increase several times.

"Chen Qingzhi, you will continue to lead the white-robed ghost soldiers from now on, and make the reputation of the white-robed ghost soldiers a nightmare for the enemy!"

Zhou Yan ordered.

"Yes!" Chen Qingzhi accepted the order happily.

Later, Zhou Yan led Chen Qingzhi to the battlefield. Countless [white-robed ghost soldiers] were very happy after seeing Chen Qingzhi and quickly shouted: "Hello, lord, hello, general!"

"I will work together from now on to not let the lord down."

Chen Qingzhi was also very excited after seeing these soldiers.

"We will definitely work together in the future!" replied many white-robed ghost soldiers.

From this, we can see how strong Chen Qingzhi's cohesion is and how huge his bonus is to this army.

Zhou Yan gave Chen Qingzhi a detailed explanation of the current situation in the territory, and also introduced him to the situation of all the defense towers in the territory one by one.

He led Chen Qingzhi through the entire territory and introduced him to the functions and attributes of each building.

This made Chen Qingzhi more surprised and more confident as he watched.

The architecture of the territory is really too strong. With so many high-quality buildings, he has unlimited expectations for the future of the territory.

Chen Qing was worthy of being born as a general. He quickly had a general understanding of the situation in the territory and also made some suggestions.

Zhou Yan thought it was pretty good and started to adopt it.

Then, he handed over all the defense work of the entire territory to Chen Qingzhi.

Chen Qingzhi was very touched that he had been treated with such high regard when he first came to the territory, and he quickly said: "The lord has such high hopes, I will do my best to protect the territory and prevent any enemy from entering the territory."

"I believe in your ability and your strength. Work hard. One day, I will make our territory the top of the world!"

Zhou Yan also said with great enthusiasm.

"I will do my best!"

After Chen Qingzhi accepted the order, he immediately devoted himself to the city defense work of the entire territory.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, was considering which building to take away to build the newly acquired barracks.

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