Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 110, Silver B0Ss (Happy New Year)

The armored earth dragons walked towards the city wall with heavy steps. They were thick-skinned and had amazing defense. They opened their mouths and roared at the soldiers.

The ground erupted with a rumbling sound, and the armored dragon began to launch a fierce attack on the soldiers.

"Dong dong dong!!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of collision sounds sounded, and the armored earth dragons hit the shield. Their tall and powerful bodies did not break through the shield's formation, and they were all blocked from the shield.


After the armored earth dragon was blocked from the shield, the soldiers in the middle row immediately raised their spears and attacked the armored earth dragon.

The bullets pierced the body of the armored earth dragon one by one, and a piece of bright red liquid flowed out. The armored earth dragons fell one after another. The soldiers were like battlefield harvesters, killing these armored earth dragons in a battle formation.

These armored earth dragons didn't have any cooperation. They were divided and surrounded by soldiers, and corpses fell one after another on the ground.

It's not that the armored dragon is not strong enough, but that the soldiers are too strong. Each of them is a soldier with S quality or above, and the level of each soldier is between level 25 and 30.

Coupled with a suit of weapons and armor above bronze, combined with the battle formation bonus, Chen Qingzhi's bonus, and the bonuses of various buildings in the territory, it is not very difficult to kill these nineteen-level elite monsters.

Under the leadership of Chen Qingzhi, the soldiers exploded with great strength. They quickly killed the armored dragon that broke through the defense tower and began to actively advance.

Five-star siege formation, a small team of five people, there must be a supplementary team behind the small team. After the small team in front kills the monsters, the team behind will step forward to take over the position.

This greatly ensures their rest time and combat effectiveness, and will not keep them in high-intensity battles.

With this method, the entire battlefield was under Chen Qingzhi's control.

As an excellent commander, Chen Qingzhi will have more than just this battle formation, and he will choose the most suitable battle formation to use.

The other heroes haven't taken action yet because it's not time for them to take action yet.

If these monsters had long-range attack capabilities, today's battle would not be so easy.

Fortunately, these monsters were just a group of thick-skinned monsters. Facing the powerful defense towers and soldiers, the advantages of these monsters were not reflected at all, and they were all killed by the soldiers.

Zhou Yan was relieved when he saw that the battlefield was going so smoothly.

He has many large-scale talismans in his hands, all bought from the mysterious store. These talismans can also cause very powerful attacks on monsters at critical moments.

He had many back-ups prepared, just waiting for the monster to force him to use them.

But he felt relieved when he found that these monsters didn't have the strength to force him to use it.

The Iron-Armored Earth Dragon's attack has always been high-intensity. It started at eight o'clock in the morning and lasted until eight o'clock in the evening. There has been no sign of a decrease.

He will also use "Meteor and Fire Shower" to kill monsters. When there are many monsters, he will also rush out to kill a wave of monsters.

Coupled with the use of the second skill of the defense tower, they always maintained a state of suppression against these monsters.

There are three hundred soldiers and several heroes guarding each of the four directions of the territory.

The defense tower can kill most of the monsters, and all subsequent monsters will be dealt with by the soldiers.

The heroes just need to pay attention to some emergencies at any time, let the soldiers keep the military formation running, and prevent monsters from destroying the military formation.

They all have disposable scrolls, charms and other props given by Zhou Yan. In addition, they are very powerful. These armored earth dragons have never caused them much crisis.

Even less threatening than yesterday.

Yesterday's mechanical monster had long-range attacks, which was still very troublesome.

There were just a lot of monsters today, which was a great test of their physical strength, endurance, and cooperation.

When fighting at night, we have to talk about the role played by [Light Tower].

Although this defense tower is usually unknown, this defense tower has a very powerful benefit to the entire territory.

The night here is still very cold, but with the [Light Tower] here, this defensive tower can drive away the cold and can extend to a hundred meters outside the city wall.

[Lighting Tower] drives away the cold and allows the soldiers to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

The entire territory is illuminated by the [Light Tower] as if it were daytime, allowing everyone to see the monsters outside. These monsters have nowhere to hide and are all within sight.

[Light Tower] is still at Level 20, mainly because no one has obtained a light gem in the entire newcomer trial.

The battle continued, and monsters fell one after another.

Eleven o'clock at night.

Zhou Yan finally saw a different figure appearing among the monsters.

A special sound appeared on the ground. This monster was very huge. Although it was still hidden in the darkness, its pair of glowing eyes was at least five meters high from the ground.

Only when the monster got closer did everyone see what kind of monster it was.

This monster is tall and big, more than five meters tall, and its entire body is at least twenty meters long. Its tail, which is full of sharp teeth, is already ten meters long.

This is definitely a very powerful monster.

Zhou Yan clicked to view the information about this monster.

[Monster: Armored Dragon Lizard]

[Quality: Silver]

[Race: Warcraft] ]

[Level: Level 19]

[Special: Iron Armor, Strength, Defense, Tail]

[Introduction: Coming from a continent of Warcraft, with a faint trace of dragon blood, he is the leader of this group of iron-armored earth dragons. He possesses very powerful power. ]

"Damn it! Even the other bosses from the White Silver Level appeared in the newbie trial!"

Zhou Yan was very shocked.

Silver BOSS is much stronger than other BOSS at Azure Bronze Level.

Other monsters in the White Silver Level are very destructive. Even if he believes that he can resist this monster by building his own Great Wall, he does not want to be destroyed by this monster.

Once it is damaged, it will cost spirit coins to repair.

"We must not let this BOSS come to the city wall!" Zhou Yan looked at Chen Qingzhi and said, "You continue to command the army to stop those armored earth dragons, and leave that big guy to me."

"How dare the general put the lord in danger? The general is willing to go out of the city to kill this monster himself!" Chen Qingzhi said quickly.

"You are underestimating me, lord. If your main skill is that you can't even deal with this monster, then you are too weak. No need to say more, just keep an eye on me."

The second skill of the defense tower has not been restored yet, otherwise he will definitely shoot this BOSS first.

With a slight leap, he flew out of the city, and casually used the move "Meteor and Fire Shower" to cover the BOSS.

Meteors and fire showers killed countless armored earth dragons. Although the BOSS was also injured, its defense was indeed good. In addition, its armored back was just enough for defense, causing only slight damage to it.


The BOSS roared in pain and rushed towards him. His two forelimbs accelerated and the ground shook violently like an earthquake.

(Author: Happy New Year to everyone! The author is still writing in the cold weather.)

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