Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 113, Peach Blossom Sachet

"This technique is worth at least tens of billions of spiritual coins!"

When Zhou Yan saw this skill book, he found that it was a very rare thunder skill book. Even if he only knew a few things about Lord Continent, he knew very well how valuable a high level thunder skill book was.

If these two items alone were put up for auction, they could sell for at least 50 billion spiritual coins.

This is still his estimate, and he doesn't know the specific value.

The rewards for the last three days of the newcomer trial are too great.

No wonder the newcomer trial is hailed as an opportunity for ordinary lords to rise.

These words are so suitable for him.

"Chan'er, Zhen Mi, please open the 400,000 treasure chests."

There are 400,000 treasure chests (he ignores the fractional numbers), all of which are Black Iron or above, including hundreds of silver treasure chests, four gold treasure chests and the gold pendant treasure chest as a reward.

The four gold treasure chests were naturally exploded by the four silver bosses.

Although Diao Chan's luck value is lower than Zhen Mi's, Diao Chan also has equipment that increases her luck value, so the gap between Diao Chan and Zhen Mi is not very big.

It is slow for one person to open more than 400,000 treasure chests, but two people can speed up the process.

The two began to open the treasure box. A series of messages came from the [treasure room], but he ignored it. There were too many things. He would wait until all the treasure boxes were opened.

As soon as the treasure box is opened, the [treasure room] will be sorted out immediately. He only needs to watch the changes in various data in the treasure room at any time.

Fortunately, 99 treasure chests of the same quality can be stacked.

Each of the two women only needs to open a maximum of two thousand times to open all the treasure boxes.

Soon the last five gold chests were left.

[Get equipment-Fire Cloud Boots. ]

[Acquire the skill-"S·Thunder Technique". ]

[Get equipment - Zixiao Sword. ]

[Get equipment-Changhong Sword. ]

[Get the pendant-peach blossom sachet. ]

He checked the five pieces of equipment one by one, and every piece of equipment was of gold quality.

The attributes of these equipment are very good, and the weapons are better than those he uses.

This time he obtained two pieces of golden equipment. He handed the Zixiao Sword to Diao Chan and said, "Chan'er, take this Zixiao Sword and use it."

"Thank you Lord."

In front of others, Diao Chan still likes to call Lord Zhou Yan.

She picked up the Zixiao Sword, and with a "clang" sound, the sword was unsheathed.

The Zixiao Sword is purple in color, and its shape is very delicate and beautiful. It is very suitable for women to use. Diao Chan danced it casually a few times and immediately fell in love with this sword.

The other Changhong Sword was used by himself.

The Changhong Sword is longer than the Zixia Sword and twice as heavy as the Zixiao Sword. This weapon is very sharp and has armor-piercing damage, which is very good.

As for Zhen Mi and Nie Xiaoqian, they each have two or three pieces of golden equipment. Zhou Yan bought them from the mysterious store and gave them to them.

He put away the pair of Fire Cloud Boots. None of the three women were suitable to use this piece of equipment because he was still wearing a silver suit. He didn't want to change it now. He planned to keep it and collect a complete set of gold armor before wearing it.

He picked up the S-quality skill book.

Although Zhen Mi can learn, she already has many skills. In addition, she only has a bonus to ice spells, so she does not plan to learn other types of spells.

Naturally, he learned this skill by himself.

[Learn "S·Thunder Technique". ]

The skill book turned into a purple light and entered his body.

This is a book of single-target magic skills. It is very powerful and is very suitable for dealing with powerful BOSS.

There was one last piece of equipment left, which was the equipment from the pendant treasure box, and he began to check its attributes.

[Equipment: Peach Blossom Sachet]

[Quality: Gold]

[Durability: 150/150]

[Attribute 1: Reduce 20% of negative damage from spells, magic, soul, sound waves, charm and other types of damage. ]

[Attribute 2: Increase practice speed by 10%. ]

[Attribute 3: Can release a peach blossom illusion array to confuse the enemy and put them into a state of chaos. The area of ​​the illusion array is two hundred square meters and the cooling time is seven days. ]

[Attribute four: Increase luck by 10 points. ]

[Equipment requirements: Male, Charisma 50, Luck 50, Spirit 100]

[Introduction: From the hand of a certain peach blossom fairy, several formations were engraved on it. ]

The attributes of this piece of equipment are very high.

He had also obtained a gold-quality bracelet before, but its properties were far inferior to this one.

This piece of equipment focuses more on defense and can resist many types of defenses.

Although it does not increase physical defense, for him, his attributes are very high, melee ability is strong, and with armor, physical defense is pretty good. For other types of defense, which is very low, this sachet can increase those aspects. Defense, very good.

"This piece of equipment is very powerful and can be used for a long time."

He liked this piece of equipment very much and wore it around his waist.

This is a sachet, generally given by a woman to her lover.

Diao Chan looked at Zhou Yan and thought that she would learn a tailoring-type sub-profession, and in the future she would make a peach blossom sachet better than this and give it to Zhou Yan.

Zhen Mi and Nie Xiaoqian also had the same idea. They also wanted to make a sachet for Zhou Yan.

There are 400,000 treasure chests, and a lot of good things can be found.

More than two million soul coins, millions of spirit coins, tens of thousands of Black Iron equipment, thousands of bronze and silver equipment, hundreds of silver equipment, and even two gold equipment appeared.

There are also ten job transfer scrolls, but these are ordinary professional skill books.

There are hundreds of other skill books. There is only one A quality book, three B quality books, and six C quality books. The others are all Low Level skill books.

He put them all into the [Treasure Room]. Li Shuang is responsible for these things. She will distribute these equipment and skills to the right people in a reasonable manner.

He upgraded all the soldiers in the territory to Level 30.

The soul coins consumed are only a small part.

With so many soul coins, of course I have to upgrade myself.

Territory prompt: "Soul coins - eighteen thousand, your level is raised from Level 30 to Level 31."

Territory prompt: "Soul Coin - 20,000, your level is raised from Level 31 to Level 32."

Territory prompt: "Soul coins - twenty-two thousand, your level is raised from Level 32 to Level 33."


He upgraded from level 30 to level 40, spending a total of 270,000 soul coins.

His soul coins are enough to upgrade all heroes to level 40.

Therefore, he raised the levels of Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian, Sun Shangxiang, Yan Chixia, Chen Qingzhi, eight sisters Si Teng, and five sisters Hua Yuerong to level 40.

This only consumed some, so he began to upgrade the soldiers in the entire territory.

After raising all their levels to Level 35, he still had about 20 million soul coins left.

Such a powerful lineup should be enough to deal with the last wave of trials.

Nie Xiaoqian went to the [Underworld] to practice, while he, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi practiced in the [Aura Bamboo House].

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