After all, the level of [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] is only Level 10. This war beast is a Level 30 Dark Gold BOSS after all. In terms of defense and recovery, it is not comparable to the Level 20 Gold BOSS.

But this giant war beast was injured. Its back had strong defense, but its abdomen did not have such a thick defense, and bright red blood flowed from it.

This is its weakness. After Zhou Yan sees it, he will naturally take advantage of it.

The shape of the war beast looked very much like a movie he had seen on Earth called Godzilla.

However, the claws of this giant war beast are very sharp, its tail is not that long, and its head is quite big, with rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes emit a cyan light under the night.

It moved quickly towards the territory. Zhou Yan controlled the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] and aimed at the two Level 20 golden BOSSs. They had to be eliminated first.

These are two orc dragon knights with long-range attack capabilities, holding two staffs. There are many dragon knights around to protect their safety.

But these defenses are useless against the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] attack.

[Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] once again burst out ten plasma missiles, attacking the opponent quickly.

The two bosses are still the same as before, one activates a magic barrier to protect the war beast, and the other wants to intercept the missile.

They thought that the target of this attack was still a giant war beast.

Unfortunately, the missile bypassed the war beasts and rushed directly towards them.

That golden BOSS, the magic it released flew into the air and intercepted Lonely, but not a single missile could intercept it.

They never thought that these missiles would come towards them.

By the time they reacted and tried to escape, it was already too late. Ten missiles completely submerged them, and the energy of the explosion covered the entire area.





The two golden bosses were eliminated in this way.

But the war beast is still advancing, and continues to come towards the territory. The huge figure brings great pressure to everyone, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

[Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] attacked again, and ten missiles whizzed down from the sky, continuing to attack the war beast, and the target was its abdomen.

The ten missiles spread out and attacked the belly of the war beast from different places. The war beast stretched out to grab it, trying to crush these iron lumps, but the attack speed of the missile was too fast, and it could only Grab one of the missiles in your hand.

Just as he was about to scratch the iron lump into pieces, the missile "boomed" and erupted with terrifying energy, blowing open the entire arm of the war beast.


The war beast burst out with a painful sound.

The other nine missiles quickly exploded in front of the war beast.

The missiles all fell on the war beast. However, because the war beast was injured before, the positions of these bombs were shifted when they exploded. Only two exploded in the belly of the war beast.

Even so, it caused great damage to the war beast, and the whole body fell directly to the ground with a loud roar.

It was not dead, but was badly injured and was rolling and wailing.

However, it seemed to become angry, and it quickly stood up. Its body emerged from the smoke, revealing its scarred body, and its eyes were filled with angry flames.

It did take a lot of damage, one of its arms had exploded and only a claw was left.

It became a one-clawed beast.

It looked up to the sky and raged in the direction of the territory, roaring in all directions. Then, dragging its injured body, it quickly ran towards the territory. It wanted revenge and wanted to destroy the defense tower of the territory.

The war beast quickly entered the attack range of the [High-Energy Machine Turret]. A series of shellings erupted on the body of the war beast. However, the war beast's defense was very strong. It was protecting its abdomen. These shellings only brought It is just some hindrance and cannot cause it fatal harm.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

A series of plasma bombs rushed towards the war beast again, and the target of this attack was placed on one of its feet.

The ten missiles turned into a stream of fire and attacked the feet of the war beast from different places. They soon landed on the feet of the war beast and exploded.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ten plasma bombs exploded on the feet of the war beast at the same time. The terrifying energy directly blew off one of the war beast's feet.

The roar of the war beast became louder. It was in great pain. It kept rolling, struggling, and wailing on the ground. The orc warriors on the ground were affected, and many of them were directly crushed and killed by the war beast.

The defense tower will not care about the pain of the war beast and launches another attack.

[High-energy laser turret] covered, plasma bombs also attacked again, and the two defense towers attacked at the same time.

A series of explosions drowned the war beast again.

It doesn't seem to be dead yet.

The vitality is very tenacious, but this time the voice is much weaker. Even if he is not dead yet, he is not far away from death.

Another wave of bombs covered it, and it finally became silent.

Territory prompt: "You have completed the hidden task of the newcomer trial. Killing [a dark gold quality monster] will reward you with 5000 reputation points and a dark gold shoulder armor treasure chest. There will be a newcomer trial announcement. Will the territory name and real name be announced? Do you have a nationality?”


Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]



The entire newbie trial: "~(´ー`~), (˘•ω•˘), (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。), (˘•灬•˘), (*´□`σ)σ .. ....”

Everyone was speechless.

Completely shocked.

Good guy!

This guy enjoys being on TV.

It's here again.

This time, even the dark gold BOSS was killed.

Is this guy still human?

A reward of 5,000 reputation points!

Plus a dark gold shoulder armor treasure chest!

I don’t know how many people have made their eyes drop with envy.

It's almost the end of the newbie trial, and you are making this move again. This is because you don't want them to quiet down at all.

The entire newcomer trial was originally peaceful, but because of Zhou Yan's announcement, it became restless again and they started chatting again.

This was all caused by Zhou Yan.



After the war beast was eliminated, Zhou Yan was completely relieved and immediately diverted the attack of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] towards the other three directions.

By the time it's 11:59...

Territory prompt: "You have completed the advanced mission and killed ten [gold quality monsters]. You will be rewarded with 4000 reputation points and a dark gold quality treasure chest. A newbie trial announcement will be made. Will the territory name and real name be announced? Do you have a nationality?”

Zhou Yan: “o(´^`)o”

He really didn't want this.

However, the reward is coming, and there is no way to stop it.


Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

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