After he finished speaking, his eyes flickered and he stared at the other person: "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Zhou Yan's words were calm, but full of unquestionable majesty.


Hearing this, the head of the Chen family showed a cruel smile.

"Zhou Yan, do you really think you are invincible? Today, I will let you know what the gap is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the head of the Chen family stepped on his foot and rushed towards Zhou Yan instantly.


The air exploded, and the head of the Chen family swept forward violently, his hands turned into claws, and he clawed hard at Zhou Yan's chest.

His speed is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye.


The head of the Chen family showed a fierce look in his eyes, and with a low roar, his five fingers were like sharp claws, piercing the air and tearing towards Zhou Yan's chest.

At this time, Zhou Yan was still standing in his original posture without moving at all.

"Zhou Yan, this idiot, is he scared to death?"

Seeing such a scene, the head of the Chen family and the rest of the Chen family couldn't help but frown.

This Zhou Yan is too arrogant and does not take the head of the Chen family seriously.

However, the face of the head of the Chen family also darkened.

He felt that something was wrong. Zhou Yan's contemptuous look just now and his current reaction seemed very strange.


His eyes were solemn, his heart was ringing with alarm, and he was highly concentrated.

Whirring whirring!

Suddenly, the wind suddenly changed, and a cloud of black mist erupted from Zhou Yan's body, turning into a sea of ​​Heavenly Fire, covering Zhou Yan and the head of the Chen family.

The flames surged and burned, burning the void and turning it into nothingness.

"Ah...what's going on?"

In an instant, the head of the Chen family felt a fatal crisis. His pupils suddenly shrank, and deep in his eyes, there was a deep sense of shock.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?"

He tried his best to resist, but he couldn't stop the waves of Heavenly Fire from coming.


In an instant, the head of the Chen family was swallowed up by the torrential sea of ​​fire.

" me..."

In the sea of ​​​​fire, there was a miserable wailing sound, which immediately stopped and completely disappeared from the world.


Seeing this terrifying scene, the Chen family members and many Chen family disciples around them all gasped, trembling all over, and showing fear on their faces.

The head of the Chen family actually fell like this.

Moreover, not even the bones could be found.

This is too appalling.


Chen Yunfei, the son of the head of the Chen family, was even more stunned on the spot.

Just now, the head of the Chen family came with murderous intent and wanted to take Zhou Yan's life.

Why did he die suddenly?

Could it be that the sea of ​​fire just now was not an illusion, but was summoned by Zhou Yan?


Zhou Yan stood with his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent, he glanced around, and shouted in a cold voice: "Whoever dares to take one step closer, I will kill them all!"

At this moment, the anger in Zhou Yan's heart had reached its peak.

Just now, the ferocious expression and sinister words of the head of the Chen family made him surge with murderous intent.

"Zhou Yan, how dare you kill your father?"

Suddenly, Chen Yunfei's eyes widened and he shouted angrily: "You are so insane and sinful, you..."

"Shut up!"

However, Zhou Yan was too lazy to pay attention and shouted loudly.


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan bent his fingers and ejected, and a ray of light shot out of the air and pierced Chen Yunfei's throat.


Blood splattered, Chen Yunfei opened his mouth wide, covered his neck, and knelt on the ground. Blood flowed down his palms, soaked the ground, and finally collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were bloodshot, as if full of disbelief, staring straight at Zhou Yan.

How come Chen Yunfei has no Law Manifestation letter, so Zhou Yan actually dares to take action against him? And, show no mercy.

"Chen Yunfei, because you and my mother were husband and wife, I will spare your life. If you still don't know better, I won't just cut your throat next time."

Zhou Yan looked cold and said indifferently: "Okay, you can leave with your useless subordinates. Remember, don't mess with me again."

His words were very domineering, but how could Chen Yunfei and others dare to stay?

Chen Yunfei forced himself up, dragged his scarred body, and fled in a hurry with a group of Chen's children.

In the blink of an eye, the scene fell silent.

"Zhou Yan, I hate you!"

In the distance, a girl's eyes were about to burst and she gritted her teeth.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with endless hatred.

This girl is none other than Wang Qianru, the daughter of the previous head of the Chen family.

However, she never expected that Zhou Yan would be so rampant and dare to kill the head of the Chen family.

Moreover, he didn't stop after killing people, and actually dared to provoke the Chen family members and ask everyone in the Chen family to leave.

"So what if you hate it?"

Zhou Yan glanced at Wang Qianru lightly and sneered: "Do you think you can take revenge on me with clowns like you? That's ridiculous!"


Hearing this, Wang Qianru's face turned red, and she was immediately filled with shame and anger.

"Zhou Yan, just wait for me, I will make you pay the price!"

Wang Qianru's pretty face contorted, and after saying harsh words, she led a group of Chen family's children and ran away in confusion.

Looking at their leaving figures, Zhou Yan sneered again and again.

"Zhou Yan, I will report this matter to the old man, and you can wait to be punished."

At this moment, Li Zhongyi looked livid and said coldly.

The old man will definitely punish Zhou Yan severely once he finds out that he has killed someone. Moreover, Zhou Yan must pay with his life!

"That's right! Zhou Yan really made a huge mistake this time!"

"We must quickly notify the family's senior officials and kill him. Otherwise, once Zhou Yan grows up, it will be a disaster for our Chen family."

Many Chen family disciples echoed, with deep fear in their eyes.

Although Zhou Yan's strength is not as good as theirs, he possesses terrifying fire-attributed soul power.

Once he refines it and enhances the power of his soul, his strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

Such monsters must be nipped in the cradle.

No matter who it is, Zhou Yan is not allowed to grow.

"I have already sent someone." Li Zhongyi said, "Now, go home immediately and report Zhou Yan's murder of the head of the Chen family to the old man."

Who is the head of the Chen family?

He is the head of the Chen clan!

He is the top master of the Chen clan!

If the head of the Chen family falls because of a little Zhou Yan, then the Chen family will definitely be in chaos.

By then, it will definitely have a very bad impact.


Hearing this, many of the Chen family's disciples bowed in unison and then left in a hurry.

Zhou Yan looked on with cold eyes and snorted in his heart, what about the head of the Chen family? I have long wanted to kill your Chen family, but today I am just following the trend.

Aren’t all the masters from your Chen family here?

I am worried that I have nowhere to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, so today you will send it to my door.

Zhou Yan, our Chen family will remember this account.

The Chen family!

It must be destroyed!

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