Zhou Yan glanced at the ancestor of the Chen family indifferently, with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"Damn little beast, you're going to die!"

The ancestor of the Chen family roared angrily, his eyes filled with anger, murderous intent overflowing in his heart, and he wished he could tear Zhou Yan into pieces.


The ancestor of the Chen family flashed and rushed towards Zhou Yan again. Carrying terrifying air waves with his claws, he grabbed Zhou Yan fiercely.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly and punched out, resisting the attack of the ancestor of the Chen family.

The ancestor of the Chen family swayed and was punched away by Zhou Yan.

However, he did not give up just like that and charged in again.

"You are indeed very powerful, but I am not weak either, and you may not be my opponent!"

Zhou Yan sneered, stepped forward, and grabbed the neck of the ancestor of the Chen family.

"You little beast, let go of my master!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

I saw two figures flying down from the void. They were Chen Tianhai, the ancestor of the Chen Empire, and the Supreme Emperor of the Chen Empire.

The two strong men in the early stage of the Sovereign realm were among the top strong men in the Chen Empire, but now they were slapped away by Zhou Yan.

"Let him go!"

Chen Tianhai said coldly: "If you dare to hurt my master, I will destroy your entire family!"

"Destroy my entire clan? Are you sure?"

Zhou Yan smiled coldly and slapped the ancestor of the Chen family on the face. The ancestor of the Chen family was immediately dizzy from the slap, and a stream of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

However, Zhou Yan did not stop and slapped him again.

This slap directly displaced the internal organs of the ancestor of the Chen family. The blood flowed violently, many bones in the body were broken, and the whole person was crippled.


The ancestor of the Chen family screamed miserably, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He never dreamed that his powerful Sovereign realm would fall like this.

"You...you...you actually killed the ancestor of our Chen Empire!"

"You're done! You're dead!"

When Chen Tianhai and Chen Taigong saw their ancestor being killed, they roared angrily, and pieces of golden light emerged from their bodies, exuding terrifying pressure.


"You little beast, I'm going to crush you to ashes!"

"Boy, I will crush you to ashes!"


"You two, don't waste your efforts, because I don't need to fight you two at all."

Zhou Yan sneered: "Now, I will send you on your way!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan waved his fist again and hit the ancestor of the Chen family.


The ancestor of the Chen family was hit by Zhou Yan's fist, his whole chest was broken, and one arm fell out.


The ancestor of the Chen family could not believe that he would actually fall into the hands of a Martial Sovereign.

It all seemed like a dream.

When Chen Tianhai and Chen Taigong saw this, they were horrified, trembling all over, and deep despair emerged in their hearts.

"no no!"

The two of them roared at the same time, their eyes filled with madness.

In their eyes, Zhou Yan was their nightmare.

"Go to hell!"

Chen Tianhai shouted angrily, drew out a long sword, and slashed towards Zhou Yan.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, jumped up, and punched Chen Tianhai, sending the latter flying away.

This scene frightened Chen Tianhai and the two of them, and a strong panic emerged in their hearts.

However, both of them are strong in the Sovereign realm. Even if they panic, there is nothing they can do and they still have to resist with all their strength.

Two Sovereign realm experts join forces. Although Zhou Yan is very powerful, it is not that easy to kill two Sovereign realm experts in one fell swoop, let alone severely injure two Sovereign realm experts.



Zhou Yan punched out, and two waves of devastating waves swept out. The ancestor of the Chen family and Chen Tianhai were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew away, and their bodies were smashed into the earth.


Zhou Yan sneered, took steps again, and rushed towards Chen Tianhai and Chen Taigong.


"Boy, don't mess around!"

When Chen Tianhai and Chen Taigong saw Zhou Yan rushing over, their faces were livid with fear, and they ran away in embarrassment while shouting angrily.

Although the two of them are very strong, they are still two strong men in the early stage of the Sovereign realm, so they cannot compare to the terror of Zhou Yan.

"Bang bang bang!"

Soon, they were caught up by Zhou Yan, and each of their bodies was pierced, and they died directly on the barren mountain.

Two strong men in the early stage of Sovereign realm, die!

Everyone around was stunned.

No one expected that under the joint attack of the two ancestors of the Chen family, Zhou Yan would kill them all, and nothing happened at all!


Everyone swallowed their saliva and stared at Zhou Yan fearfully, feeling their hearts go cold.

This Zhou Yan is so terrifying!

Although the two ancestors of the Chen family were strong in the early stage of Sovereign realm, they were only a little stronger than him, and yet they were killed by him so easily. So, wouldn't his cultivation have reached the middle stage of Sovereign realm or even the Late Stage realm?

You know, there is a three-level difference between the mid-stage Sovereign stage and the late stage, which is simply insurmountable!

"What should we do? Do we need all of us here to kill this kid?"

"This kid's methods are too weird. Even the Sovereign realm masters were instantly killed by him with one move. It's not something we can handle at all!"

"Damn it! This kid is too strong. Once we take action, we will definitely be seriously injured or even die!"

"But if we don't take action, are we going to let this kid continue to grow?"


All the powerful men in the Chen Family Imperial Palace were whispering. They were very entangled in their hearts and were unwilling to take action.

However, Zhou Yan's displayed strength made them feel deeply fearful. If they did not take action, Zhou Yan would definitely kill all the disciples in the Chen Family Imperial Palace.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

"You two, go play with him!"

Zhou Yan glanced at the other people in the Chen Family Imperial Palace and said calmly, his tone full of coldness.

Zhou Yan has decided to completely eradicate the Chen family imperial palace to avoid endless troubles.

He didn't think he could stay in Chen's Imperial City forever.

"Little beast, you can't even think of succeeding. Our Chen Family Imperial Palace is a Sovereign Level force. If you dare to kill us, you will definitely die!"

The ancestor of the Chen family glared at Zhou Yan and said through gritted teeth.

"Oh? What about your Sovereign Level forces?"

Zhou Yan's faint words caused the Chen family ancestor and Chen Tianhai to tremble.

Sovereign Level forces!

Zhou Yan actually said the words Sovereign Level force. That was Sovereign Level force.

He is not even afraid of the threats from Sovereign Level forces!

This... what is his identity?

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