Zhou Yan's eyes were extremely cold and he said calmly.

What he just performed was the martial arts "Taixu Sutra" recorded in the Nine Yang Burning Heaven Technique, which was extremely powerful.

This kind of martial skill is made into Spirit Treasure with ancient true fire, which can burst out the energy that destroys the world and is enough to kill Saint.

Zhou Yan originally wanted to use this martial skill against the elders of the Holy Sect and the big shot of the Holy Sect, but now he was forced to use it by these ants. This is no wonder for him.

"Arrogant! Let's see how long you can be arrogant!"

"Do it! Kill him and take his Sovereign Level Divine Weapon!"

The crowd roared and rushed towards Zhou Yan crazily.

In an instant, more than a dozen Martial Master masters rushed towards Zhou Yan at the same time, and all kinds of attacks came overwhelmingly.

Although these Martial Masters were all low-level Martial Masters, they were superior in that they were huge in number and densely packed, one after another, not giving Zhou Yan any chance to breathe.


Zhou Yan shook his head and sneered, with a trace of sarcasm emerging from the corner of his mouth: "Since you insist on seeking death, then don't blame me for destroying flowers with my ruthless hands!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan stepped on the Dragon Step in all directions. He was as fast as lightning and avoided all attacks in an instant. He came to one of the Martial Masters and raised his hand to fight.


A slap hit the Martial Master's face hard, and he flew away immediately. Half of his head collapsed, bleeding from seven holes, and he died tragically on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan turned into an afterimage again and shuttled through the crowd, taking away a life with every punch.

In the blink of an eye, three minutes later, Zhou Yan was standing on the same spot, his clothes stained with large amounts of blood, his face still calm and unscathed.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground, all of them dead.


Seeing this scene, everyone in Chen's Imperial Palace took a deep breath and felt their scalps numb.

They never expected that this young man would be so ferocious that even the Sovereign Level Divine Weapon would not take him seriously. In the blink of an eye, he would kill all a dozen of their elite disciples. This strength was simply shocking.


The remaining disciples in Chen's Imperial Palace ran away one after another and scattered in all directions.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, stepped forward, reached peak speed, caught up with the two Martial Apprentice from the Chen Family Imperial Palace, and struck out with a palm.

boom! boom!

The heads of the two Martial Apprentice exploded immediately, blood sprayed out, and they fell to the ground, dying.

All of this happened in the light of calcium carbide fire. By the time the other disciples reacted, they had already suffered heavy losses and only a few were left.

"Damn it!"

"How did we provoke this evil star?"

"This is a Sovereign Level Divine Weapon, and it has such terrifying combat power. How can we fight it?"

The remaining disciples were extremely panicked, trembling all over, and filled with strong regret.

If they had known this, they would have stayed far away.

Now I'm fine, I've been kicked onto an iron plate, and I can't even save my life.

"I hate others betraying me the most. Since you have betrayed me, you must pay the price."

Zhou Yan looked indifferent and glanced at these people. Then he reached out and took out a black pill from the space ring. This is the Essence Gathering Pill, which can improve people's cultivation.

"What is this? What do you want to do?" A young disciple was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Zhou Yan did not answer, and directly crushed the pill. Suddenly, a majestic and pure vitality spread out and merged into the young man's body, making him feel extremely comfortable. His cultivation level continued to rise, and he soon broke through to Martial level. Apprentice 2nd paragraph.

"Hahaha, I broke through!"

The young man was so excited that he quickly knelt down to Zhou Yan and said, "Master, please spare my life. I am willing to surrender to you and work as a cow and horse by your side."

Others also reacted and followed suit, kneeling on the ground, kowtow and begging for mercy.

They were afraid that if they were one step slower, they would be killed by Zhou Yan.

After all, Zhou Yan dares to kill even the Martial Master, let alone them?

"Are you sure you want to surrender to me?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"Well, I am willing to surrender to you and be loyal to you forever."

These disciples nodded hurriedly, fearing that if they were a little late, their lives would be over.

"very good."

Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Zhou Yan curled his fingers and shot out a blast of energy, cutting off a disciple's arm.

"Ah~~it hurts..."

The disciple held his severed arm and howled miserably, dripping with cold sweat from the pain.

"What a waste!"

Zhou Yan scolded him coldly, then waved his hand, and a cloud of purple flame floated by. The disciple's entire right arm burned, and the intense burning pain made him unbearable.

"No, I was wrong, Master... have mercy on me..."

The disciple wailed and struggled desperately. His face was pale, his forehead was covered with large beads of sweat, and his knees were bent, trying to kneel down.

However, the purple flames became more and more powerful and burned fiercely, making this disciple unable to resist. He could only scream and wail in agony.

This torture lasted for five minutes.

This disciple completely collapsed, his whole body was soaked, and he sat limply on the ground, trembling all over, with deep fear in his eyes.

"Now, tell me, who sent you here?" Zhou Yan shouted coldly.

His eyes were fierce, staring at this disciple, making him feel cold all over.

"Yes... it's Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The disciple gritted his teeth and said.

"It's indeed her!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed fiercely and he spoke word by word.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess's strength is terrifying. If she were to come in person, she would definitely be able to suppress you..." the disciple continued.

"Shut up! What I want to know is detailed information." Zhou Yan shouted in a deep voice.

"Your Highness the Princess, she is..."

The disciple hesitated for a moment and decided to explain.

However, before he finished speaking, he was bombarded by Zhou Yan's thunder, and his body exploded and turned into a pile of flesh.

"So much nonsense!"

Zhou Yan shook his head. These ordinary disciples had no right to know his affairs, and he didn't bother to explain.

Later, Zhou Yan found some gold and silver treasures.

The gold and silver treasures here are all the wealth accumulated by the Chen family over the generations. They are extremely valuable, and Zhou Yan took them away without politeness.

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed, and he found a strange jade talisman on the ground, with complex inscriptions carved on the surface.

Zhou Yan picked it up and looked at it carefully.

"This seems to be a communication talisman?"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself.

The communication talisman is a rune made from the bones of the Spirit Beast. It can communicate with other Spirit Beasts and even fight with each other.

"Interesting, it's actually a communication talisman. It seems that there are many secrets hidden in the Chen family and the palace." Zhou Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

The communication talisman is extremely precious and difficult to buy on the market, unless it is a communication talisman specially made by some forces, but this obviously does not belong to the palace.

"Forget it, let's get out of here first, so as not to have a long night of dreams."

Zhou Yan shook his head and prepared to leave.

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