Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1214, Blood Ginseng And Ganoderma Lucidum

He saw a blood-red Ganoderma lucidum on an ancient tree not far away.

"This is blood ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum!"

Zhou Yan recognized the origin of Ganoderma lucidum at a glance.

Blood ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum is a precious medicinal herb with extraordinary medicinal effects. It can temper Muscle Refining bones and increase the speed of cultivation.

"Haha, the food tonight is good."

Zhou Yan laughed loudly and picked off the blood ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum without any ceremony.

This Ganoderma lucidum is at least over a foot tall, and its entire body is crystal clear, as if it were carved from jade.

He threw the blood ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum into the storage ring.

Blood ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum are expensive and ordinary people cannot afford them.

But he was not short of money, so he naturally wanted to take these things away.


Zhou Yan was about to leave when suddenly, his ears moved slightly and he heard a rustling sound.

"Is there anyone?"

He looked up and saw a silhouette of Daoist quietly appearing and landing on a boulder. He stood with his hands behind his back and stared at him deeply.

"It's you?"

Zhou Yan's face darkened, and he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

This person is clearly the ancestor of the Bai family, Bai Wuji.

"Jie Jie Jie, Zhou Yan, you really did not disappoint me. In just a few days, you turned from a waste to a Martial Artist."

Bai Wuji grinned sinisterly and said in a cold tone: "I'm looking forward to it. How many moves can you hold on to next?"

As he spoke, Bai Wuji's aura erupted, turning into a sharp sword light and rushing towards Zhou Yan.


In just an instant, Bai Wuji's attack arrived.

"Hmph, since I dare to come to you for revenge, I will naturally be prepared."

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and stepped forward without fear.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, the two were fighting together and started fighting crazily.

The strength of the two is almost the same, and neither can do anything to the other.

But Zhou Yan's fighting skills were superior to Bai Wuji's. For a while, it was difficult for the two to tell the winner.

"You little bastard, no matter what your schemes and tricks are today, you will not be able to escape."

Bai Wuji looked ferocious, gnashing his teeth, filled with hatred.

This Zhou Yan caused him to lose his troops and lose his face, which is simply unforgivable.

Today, he vowed to crush Zhou Yan to ashes.

"You talk too much nonsense. It's not that easy to kill me."

Zhou Yan glanced at Bai Wuji indifferently, not panicking at all.

call out!

The next moment, Zhou Yan seized the opportunity and suddenly thrust out a sword, hitting Bai Wuji directly between the eyebrows.

This sword is as fast as thunder, powerful and sharp.

"Humph, pediatrician."

Bai Wuji's mouth showed sarcasm. He swayed and easily avoided the sword.


Zhou Yan smiled contemptuously and was not in a hurry to draw his sword again.

Bai Wuji's strength is not weak. He has just broken through to the Martial Master realm. When dealing with such a person, it is not advisable to act too hastily.

His mission is to lure Bai Wuji to show up, and then kill him.

"Boy, are you at your wits' end?"

Bai Wuji said in a cold voice with a fierce look in his eyes.


Zhou Yan shook his head.

"You little bastard, don't be pretentious. Use all the moves you have, lest you die in confusion later."

Bai Wuji said jokingly.

Zhou Yan didn't say anything, just stared at Bai Wuji coldly.

He is waiting!

Bai Wuji's strength is stronger than he imagined. I wonder if he can surprise him.

"Little bastard, why are you staring at me? Could it be that... you are afraid?"

Bai Wuji sarcastically said.

"I'm waiting for you to take action."

Zhou Yan said lightly.

"court death."

Hearing this, Bai Wuji became furious. He stamped his feet on the ground and shot Zhou Yan like an arrow.


Bai Wuji shouted loudly, his fist roaring like a volcano erupting, pouring out, making the void explode.

"The power of blood, Kai!"

Zhou Yan roared, and muffled sounds came from his body. His aura was rising steadily, becoming stronger and stronger.


He clenched his iron fist and punched out, as fierce as a tiger, as if the king of beasts had descended into the world.


The fists collided and exploded.

Kick, kick, kick!

A huge force came, and Bai Wuji took three or four steps back before he regained his balance.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, remained motionless and stood where he was.

"How can it be?"

Bai Wuji's expression was dull and full of disbelief.

He never expected that Zhou Yan's strength would become so strong that he could withstand even one of his attacks.

This was completely beyond his expectation.

"How on earth did you do that."

Bai Wuji's face turned pale, his heart twitched violently, and he asked unwillingly.


Zhou Yan smiled coldly and looked at Bai Wuji disdainfully.

He secretly sighed in his heart, Bai Wuji was old after all. Compared with the young and powerful young man, his strength was greatly reduced, and he could not even take one of his moves.

All this is because of his practice of "Chaos Creation Technique".

By practicing the "Chaos Creation Technique", he can absorb a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth and transform it into pure profound energy for his own use.

At the same time, there is an endless supply of Blood Fiend power to nourish his body.

Now, although he is at the peak of Innate, his actual combat power has fully doubled, reaching the terrifying Second Layer Heaven Martial Apprentice state.

"You, the Bai family, have hunted me down many times. Sooner or later, I will destroy the Bai family."

Zhou Yan's eyes turned cold and his tone was cold.

In the last life, the Bai family relied on their power to force his father Zhou Hongyu to hand over his skills and martial arts, and finally sent strong men to kill him.

In this life, he not only wants to take back everything that belongs to him, but also uproot the Bai family.

"Is it just you who will destroy my Bai family?"

Bai Wuji sneered, looking unconcerned.

"Do not believe?"

Zhou Yan sneered, his pupils were deep, as if they contained the power of stars, captivating people's hearts.


With a flick of his wrist, a pitch-black token appeared, emitting a faint cold light.

"Black Ming Order!"

Bai Wuji looked horrified and screamed, his face full of disbelief.

The Black Ming Order is the forbidden treasure of the Bai family.

It is said that this object was left by the previous head of the Bai family and possesses unpredictable power.

This forbidden weapon has suppressed several elders of the Bai family.

Only direct descendants are qualified to wear this item. Otherwise, even elder-level figures have no right to transfer it.

"Damn it!"

Bai Wuji cursed secretly in his mind, his expression changing.

How could Zhou Yan possess the Black Ming Order?

"Hmph, so what about the Black Underworld Order? Our Bai family has a strong foundation and cannot be shaken by just a Black Underworld Order."

Bai Wuji's eyes flickered, then he calmed down and said coldly.

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

No wonder Bai Wuji was so calm, he had nothing to fear.

Although the Black Underworld Token is precious, the Bai family is one of the five major families in Jiangnan County after all, and has a profound foundation. How can they be intimidated by a Black Underworld Token.

"Don't worry, the Black Ming Order is indeed very powerful, but..."

There was a sneer on Zhou Yan's lips.

"However, the Black Underworld Order on my body is a fake and shoddy product. It only has its appearance. I still hide the real Black Underworld Order."

He said every word.


As soon as these words came out, it was like a huge wave rising from a flat lake, stirring up the sky.

Bai Wuji's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Zhou Yan closely, as if trying to find flaws in him.

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