Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 122, Zhang San Successfully Changed His Job

After finishing all matters in the general territory, all we have to do is wait until eight o'clock in the morning to announce the results and rewards of this trial.

Zhou Yan is still looking forward to the rewards of this trial.

After all, at the end of each trial, he was SS only a few times, and the rest were SSS.

Even in the history of Lord World, such an achievement is enough to be proud of.

Everyone is very tired, and Zhou Yan himself has been busy all day. He is practicing cross-legged alone tonight.

As for Diao Chan and Zhen Mi, they were also practicing in the house.

Cultivation is a long-term matter. It can not only enhance strength, but also relieve fatigue, mental energy, and recover from injuries.

At seven o'clock in the morning, everyone had already woken up.

The chat channel for the newcomer trial is no longer available for chatting, and all trading places have disappeared.

However, people who have added friends can still communicate with each other.

"Boss, are you awake?"

"Were all those announcements yesterday yours?"

"What do you think the reward will be this time?"

"I'm very panicked. I don't know what my grades are. I want to enter the four major colleges of Shenlong Kingdom, and I don't know what the admission score will be this time."

"Brother, have you decided which university you want to apply for?"


[Hegemon of the World] This idiot couldn't help but send Zhou Yan various messages early in the morning and ask some boring topics.

In fact, [Hegemon of the World] was really bored. He not only sent a message to Zhou Yan, but also to all his friends. As soon as anyone responded, he was like a machine gun and started chatting.

Anyone who can be his friend naturally has a certain level of strength, but everyone knows what kind of virtue this guy is, so until now, no one has criticized him.

Including Zhou Yan, directly set the ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode.

Liu Yue, who has S Level cooking skills, prepared a sumptuous breakfast early.

After Zhou Yan had eaten with the girls, he looked at the time, seven-thirty.

When waiting, it always feels like time passes too slowly.

Everything is running normally within the territory. Whether it is the irrigation of [Spirit Field] or other daily routines, Li Shuang is in charge.

Nie Xiaoqian went to the [Underworld] to practice on her own.

Zhen Mi helps Li Shuang deal with some daily chores. She has good administrative skills, so it is good for her to help.

The main purpose is to arrange for people from the territory to enter the [Heritage Temple] for trials.

All the soldiers in the territory had to go in, and more than a thousand people entered in batches to choose the profession that suited them for inheritance.

As for Diao Chan, she followed Zhou Yan around the territory and then came to the [Mysterious Shop].

Five job-changing scrolls were refreshed today, but the quality is not very good. The best job-changing scroll is only of B quality.

He bought them all.

Refreshed again, there are five job transfer scrolls.

This time I had better luck, and an S-quality job transfer scroll appeared.

The other four job-changing scrolls are all below B quality, and they can be sold for some money.

[Item: Flame Fire Girl Job Change Scroll]

[Quality: S]

[Introduction: Restricted to women, as long as they pass the test of the Fiery Fire Girl within the scroll space, they can be transferred to this profession. It will disappear after use, so please be fully prepared before using it. ]

[Price: 10 million spirit coins]

Although women were restricted, S-quality professions, and also legal professions. Such high-quality legal professions were very scarce. According to his estimation, five times the price would not be a problem.

[Mysterious Shop] As long as something good appears, he can make a lot of money by selling it to others if he doesn't need it himself.

When he walked out of the mysterious shop, there were already many fewer people in the territory, and they all went into the [Heritage Temple].

Territory prompt: "Congratulations to Territory resident Zhang San for successfully completing the trial and being transferred to his only profession - the Outlaw Gunslinger."

[One person in the Temple of Inheritance has successfully transferred to another profession, turned on the inheritance professional characteristics, and all attributes are +5. ]

"Hey! This Zhang San has finally completed the trial."

It is worth mentioning that Zhang San has successfully completed the trial and came out of the [Heritage Temple].

Zhang San's profession still surprised him. He didn't expect that this guy could pass such a test.

The only profession is very difficult to pass, so no wonder it took him so long to complete it.

Not long after, Zhang San happily came to Zhou Yan, clasped his fists and said, "Luckily Zhang San lived up to his command and completed the inheritance trial!"

"Yes, you have lived up to my lord's expectations for you. The territory will still need you to protect it in the future!" Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"Zhang San will definitely defend the territory to the death!" Zhang San replied.

Zhou Yan selected a gold-quality spear from the [treasure room] and said to Zhang San: "You are the first soldier I summoned. Take this weapon first and go to Chen Qingzhi." General reports."

"Thank you, Lord!" Then Zhang San said in surprise: "General Chen is here too!"

"Go, he probably hasn't entered the [Heritage Temple] yet." Zhou Yan said.

After Zhang San left, Zhou Yan checked Zhang San's profession.

[Soldier: Zhang San]

[Sex: Male ]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human race]

[Lord: Zhou Yan]

[Quality: SSS (same as building)]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Weapon: White-robed Ghost Soldier]

[Level: 10]

[Upgrade required: 150 soul coins]

[Charm: 62]

[lucky: 62]

[Strength: 137]

[Physique: 126]

[Agility: 112]

[Spirit: 115]

[Occupation: Outlaw Gunslinger (When holding a gun weapon, the damage is increased by 100%, and the additional damage of gun skills is increased by 50%)]

[Talent: White-robed Ghost Soldier (Physique +10%)]

[Skill: White-robed Ghost Array (requires at least 10 ghost soldiers to perform together, strength +50%, defense +50%)]

[Introduction: Under special evolution, basic attributes increase tenfold. If it is led by a general and coordinated with the military formation, it will be even more powerful! ]

Zhang San's current attributes have become very strong, and with this unique profession, he is very much looking forward to what kind of surprises Zhang San can bring him in the future.

After walking around, he came to the [Forge].

"Lord, I am also going to the [Heritage Temple], hoping to obtain the forging inheritance of the ancient dwarves."

When Jerry saw Zhou Yan, he quickly saluted Zhou Yan.

"Don't worry, there are countless inheritances in the [Heritage Temple]. You will definitely be able to find the inheritance you need. I wish you good luck."

Zhou Yan also hopes that Jerry will get a good inheritance. These dwarves are all heroes of the territory. He hopes that every dwarf can inherit a good profession.

After watching the dwarves walk towards the [Heritage Temple].

The time finally arrived at eight o'clock.

Newcomer Trial Announcement: "Congratulations to the lords who have completed the Newcomer Trial. The overall ranking of the Newcomer Trial has been announced. Please check it yourself. The rewards for this year have been distributed. Newcomer lords can claim them by themselves."

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