It could be said that Li Hu hated Lin Feng and the Lin family deeply.

If given the chance, Li Hu would never let Lin Feng go.

"Zhou Yan, don't be so arrogant. Do you really think I can't kill you?" Li Hu was extremely angry.

"Okay, I'll wait, come on!" Zhou Yan said indifferently.


Li Hu shouted angrily, kicked his feet suddenly, and rushed into the air instantly. Then, his right fist hit Zhou Yan fiercely.

Suddenly, a surge of vitality emerged, and Li Hu's muscles bulged, as if they were made of cast steel.


Li Hu's right arm seemed to turn into a long whip, sweeping across the void and stirring up the wind and clouds.

In an instant, this space was affected by Li Hu's momentum, and it seemed to be collapsing, and it was terrifying.


This punch was so powerful that it quickly hit Zhou Yan's chest.


Zhou Yan's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He felt as if his chest was hit by a huge mountain, and his internal organs were tumbling, almost ready to burst.

"how come?"

Seeing this scene, Li Hu showed a look of astonishment.

That punch just now was so powerful that even a master from the Divine King and the Third Layer would be seriously injured if he received this punch.

But Zhou Yan was unscathed and didn't even move.

"How is this possible?" Li Hu's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Li Hu, you just want to hurt me with this attack?"

Zhou Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then took a step forward, walked straight towards Li Hu, and slapped him.


Li Hu didn't expect Zhou Yan to take action suddenly. He was caught off guard and was slapped away by Zhou Yan.

"Pfft!" Li Hu's teeth were broken several times, his body fell heavily to the ground, and he spat out blood.

"Ah!" Li Hu roared in pain. He was going crazy. He was actually defeated?

"Li Hu!"

The other disciples of the Heavenly Origin Sect rushed over to support Li Hu, all of them looking horrified.

"What's going on?"

"Zhou Yan, why are you getting more and more powerful?"

"His strength has improved, he must have taken some kind of secret medicine."

"Damn it!"


Everyone gnashed their teeth and felt angry, but there was nothing they could do. They knew that Zhou Yan's strength was far beyond theirs.

"What are you still doing? Come together and kill Zhou Yan." Li Hu covered his cheeks and yelled.

Hearing this, the other disciples of the Heavenly Origin Sect gritted their teeth and rushed towards Zhou Yan again, but the outcome was still the same and they were easily defeated by Zhou Yan.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight of the elite Heavenly Origin sects led by Li Hu had fallen.

"Zhou Yan, don't be arrogant. I have invited foreign aid and they will arrive soon."

Li Hu gritted his teeth, stared at Zhou Yan with extremely vicious eyes, and shouted.

"Haha, foreign aid?"

Zhou Yan sneered and said: "Li Hu, you are considered a veteran of the Heavenly Origin Sect. In order to deal with me, you actually asked for help from foreign aid? You are thick-skinned."

Zhou Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense with Li Hu. Since Li Hu wanted to play, he would have fun with Li Hu.

"Haha... you don't understand. As long as I can kill you, no matter what method I use, I will admit it."

Li Hu sneered.

"Oh? In this case, I won't hold back anymore."

Zhou Yan's gaze became cold, and his eyes flashed with a frightening cold light.

Immediately, Zhou Yan exerted strength under his feet, and his body shot out. He jumped up, and his legs were like two iron spears, stabbing out fiercely.

Zhou Yan was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he was already in front of Li Hu, his legs whipping out like long sticks.

Li Hu's expression suddenly changed.

He never expected Zhou Yan to be so fast.

At this moment, he only had time to block with his left fist.

However, it was still a beat slow.


Li Hu's left arm was kicked to pieces.


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan kicked Li Hu hard on the chest.


Li Hu spurted a mouthful of blood, and he fell out, hitting the ground hard, causing a hole in the ground.

"Senior Brother Li!"

The remaining dozen Heavenly Origin Sect disciples cried out in sorrow.

Li Hu struggled to stand up. His long golden hair was disheveled, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he looked extremely miserable.

Li Hu stared at Zhou Yan with resentment.

"Li Hu, let me ask you one last question, are you convinced?" Zhou Yan stood with his hands behind his back, looking cold and arrogant.

Li Hu's pupils shrank into needle shapes and he stared at Zhou Yan.

He is unwilling to admit defeat, so he would rather fight to the end, even if he dies, than admit defeat.

"Zhou Yan, today, even if I die, I will use you as my support." Li Hu roared, his body swelled up, and he exuded a fierce and ferocious aura. He was like a wild beast, rushing out to kill him.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and murderous.

Although Li Hu is the First Layer Martial Artist in the Innate Realm world, and his strength is terrifying, to Zhou Yan, he is not worth mentioning.

"call out!'

Zhou Yan stepped on Kunpeng nine steps, and his body was like a ghost, avoiding Li Hu's attack. At the same time, he turned his defense into offense, pointed out and poked Li Hu's shoulder.


Blood splattered everywhere, Li Hu's shoulder blades shattered, and his entire arm drooped.

"Zhou Yan, you are seeking death, I will kill you." Li Hu went completely crazy.

His cultivation was higher than Zhou Yan, but he was suppressed by Zhou Yan.

He would never allow this kind of shame to happen.

Li Hu's fist struck like a cannonball with a fierce momentum.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, shook his body slightly, and narrowly dodged Li Hu's punch.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Yan raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The sword was sharp and contained terrifying power.

"not good!"

Li Hu's expression changed drastically and he quickly retreated.

"It's too late!" Zhou Yan shook his head.

His figure was like a ghost, and he chased after him instantly.


Li Hu couldn't resist at all. He was hit on the chest and his whole body was blown several meters away. He lay on the ground unable to get up.

"Pfft!" Li Hu knelt on the ground, looking decadent.

"Zhou Yan, you win. If you want to kill or behead him, it's up to you." Li Hu sighed, his expression gloomy.

"I'll give you a chance to live. From now on, you must rely on me, otherwise you will die." Zhou Yan said coldly.

"Zhou Yan, are you dreaming..."

Anger appeared on Li Hu's face. He, a master of Innate First Layer, was reduced to surrendering to the enemy. This was simply a great shame and humiliation.

"In that case, let's send you on your way!" Zhou Yan said indifferently.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a shout came from the distance.

Immediately, a group of people walked quickly into the courtyard.

The leading man, dressed in Tsing Yi, is handsome and has an extraordinary temperament. He has a tall and straight figure and arrogance between his brows.

"Qin Shaoyang!"

When Zhou Yan saw this man, he immediately narrowed his eyes and cursed in his heart. He was really haunted.

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