"The emperor has been sleeping for too long. According to the deduction from memory, the emperor has been guarding here for more than sixty years. He can only wake up once every thirty years. Calculating the time, there are still five years left before the next time he wakes up. .”

The skeleton's voice was low: "If I hadn't foreseen the mistake, I would wake up in three days."

"At that time, I can use the power of Netherworld to restore the peak combat power of the past and sweep across the entire Beiyue Mansion!"

Zhou Yan's heart moved and he asked: "What is the power of the netherworld?"

"Haha, the power of the Netherworld comes from the yin and yang of heaven and earth. The resentment of all living beings is the condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It has infinite magical effects. It can strengthen the body, increase the speed of cultivation, and even give Martial Artist special attributes, such as thunder, lightning, wind and fire. Such a powerful, devastating attack..."

The skeleton talked eloquently, describing the mysteries of the power of the netherworld, which made Zhou Yan marvel.

"You have to remember that the power of the netherworld can not only increase the speed of cultivation, but also has other effects, which can temper the soul and temper the will."


Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly, and surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Boy, you are lucky. I slept for thousands of years before I got a drop of Netherworld blood. Now, I will give it all to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton's fingers moved in the air, creating runes one after another, intertwined and fused, and turned into a dark ball, suspended in mid-air.

"Boy, after swallowing this thing, it can help you stabilize your realm." The skeleton said.

"Thank you!"

Zhou Yan nodded and did not refuse.

After all, his cultivation level is too low and needs to be greatly improved.


Suddenly, the skeleton trembled, its body trembled, and a bright divine light erupted, turning into stars all over the sky and covering a thousand-meter radius.

In an instant, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, his body flashed, he retreated hundreds of feet, and opened up a safe area.


At the same time, billowing smoke spewed out, covering the sky, like an apocalyptic catastrophe, sweeping in all directions.

Zhou Yan looked up and was stunned. He saw a giant altar rising from the ground, towering into the sky, emitting a hazy golden light, like a sun.

On the surface of the altar, many runes are engraved, connecting the void to build a huge formation.

The array rotates, and billions of rays of light fall down, wrapping the skeleton frame, shining and blooming with dazzling luster.

"This formation..."

Zhou Yan was shocked in his heart, feeling the majestic aura of the formation, filled with a vast and ancient aura.

"The Nether Demon Suppression Array is based on the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and gathers the endless power of heaven and earth, which is enough to suppress all creatures under the holy martial arts!"

The skeleton's eyes flashed brightly, and he murmured to himself with an excited expression: "I didn't expect that after sleeping for thousands of years, I would be able to encounter the legendary formation. God bless me."


The skeleton trembled, and its figure disappeared, instantly rushing into the formation and resonating with it.


The next second, the array shook violently, and a circle of ripples spread out, turning into a vortex, swallowing up the aura of the Eight Desolations.


A roaring sound came, and in the Nether Demon Suppressing Array, endless ghost mist boiled and gathered crazily towards the center, forming a terrifying demon shadow.


The demon phantom opened its mouth and spit out a ball of black liquid, which contained extremely sinister power and made people feel heart-stopping, as if it could even corrode the soul.

"The poison of the netherworld!"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened with shock on his face.

The poison of the netherworld, as the name suggests, is the essence of the power of the netherworld, containing terrible toxins.

Even a being at the Holy Lord level will definitely die once he is contaminated.

However, the poison of the netherworld is extremely rare, and every drop is extremely precious and valuable. It is rare even for the powerful Holy Lord.

Moreover, the poison of the netherworld is a fatal threat to Saint's subordinates. Even if they are lucky enough to escape, their vitality will be severely damaged.

Therefore, in Netherworld Mountain, although Netherworld beasts are terrifying, they do not dare to approach. Only those at the Holy Lord level dare to venture in.

"The poison of the netherworld..."

Looking at the black liquid, Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched and he felt the crisis.

Without hesitation, Zhou Yan pulled away and retreated, keeping a distance to avoid being affected.


A moment later, the Netherworld Demon Suppressing Array was fully operational, and a pitch-black chain flew, entangled with Netherworld poison, and spread toward the skeleton.


The skeleton screamed excitedly, punched out with both fists, and smashed violently.

In an instant, the Netherworld Chain shattered and turned into countless fragments, scattered in all directions.

At the same time, the poison of the netherworld spreads and turns into a gray mist, which is highly toxic. Once it touches the skin, it will corrode in an instant and is difficult to remove.

Zhou Yan held his breath, hid in the corner, and kept retreating, his heart pounding.

The Netherworld Demon Suppressing Array is no small feat. Once activated, it can release a tremendous power and kill any enemy.


The bones of the skeleton frame were brittle, and its body expanded rapidly, eventually becoming three meters tall. Its entire body was pitch black and covered with dense veins, making it hideous and terrifying.


The skeleton stretched out its skinny claws and tore hard, actually pulling off two of the Netherworld chains.

"This guy..." Zhou Yan cursed secretly.

The chains of the netherworld were so tough and sharp that even Saint Weapon could not damage them at all, but they were torn apart by the skeleton's bare hands. This strength was simply astonishing.


Suddenly, the skeleton looked up to the sky and roared, venting its painful wails, its body trembling and struggling continuously.


Seeing this, Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly and he felt something was wrong.

The Nether Demon Suppressing Array is a kind of restriction, specifically targeting the monster-level Unparalleled Genius.

The skeleton has been sleeping for thousands of years and has long lost the power to resist. How can it be freed from its restraints.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

After a moment, the skeleton stopped struggling, its lips wriggled, and it let out a harsh laugh: "My emperor, I am finally out of trouble."

Before he finished speaking, a strange force burst out and instantly enveloped the skeleton, shrinking its body and turning into a three-foot-long man in a green shirt.


Looking at the man's appearance, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank, revealing a hint of surprise, as if he knew the man.

"The emperor's memory still remains in the seal."

The skeleton raised his hand to touch his head while explaining: "The emperor's memory was obtained in a Secret Realm in Xuanzhou, where many great heroes are buried."

"I went in to look for fortune, and I met a senior. He gave me the skills and aptitude tester, and told me that if my strength reaches the standard, I can seize the body again!"

"Seize the house?" Zhou Yan felt a chill in his heart.

"Yes, seize the body!" The skeleton nodded: "It's just that those seniors are too strong in cultivation. Even if they die, they still maintain the majesty and strength of their lives. Even I, the emperor, can't do anything to them!"

"The emperor can only choose a physical body, live in it, and wait for rebirth."

"This emperor's lifespan has reached its limit. If he is not resurrected, his soul will surely die!"

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