Before he left the Novice Village, his level was already full.

It is estimated that in the entire history of the world of lords, there are definitely not many.

The reward given to him by the newcomer trial is really rich.

This has a lot to do with his Heart of the Lord quality.

The colorful Heart of the Lord has surpassed the Mythical quality Heart of the Lord.

After the newcomer's trial, there will be no rewards. Even if he is now at full level, there will be no rewards.

Therefore, he really needs to fight on his own.

After the newcomer trial is over, he needs to do a lot of things when he goes out. He can only return to the territory to practice at night.

Because the entire territory exists in the form of Heart of the Lord, and he has not yet arrived in the Lord world, so after leaving, the entire territory will enter his Heart of the Lord in its original form.

If he comes to the Lord's World and wants to return to Canglan Continent, he can choose to place the territory where it was, and he can go back to Canglan Continent. After finishing the work, he can communicate with the Heart of the Lord and return to the territory. .

Zhou Yan felt that he was almost done and said to the girls: "It's almost time for me to leave the lord's world. You can just practice in the territory with peace of mind during this period."



"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything in the territory."

After the explanation, he clicked to leave the newcomer trial.

[Start transmitting...]

His entire body seemed to be in the starry sky and universe, immersed in starlight.

The entire territory seemed to be compressed, forming an independent void, and finally turned into an ancient scroll, which was exactly the ancient scroll in his mind.

The ancient scroll formed by the territory entered his body, the whole world was enveloped in a dazzling light, and he closed his eyes.

However, when he opened his eyes, he did not go outside, but came to a place, like a Heavenly Palace, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

The spiritual energy here is indeed very rich. Just by being in it, a lot of spiritual energy is actively absorbed by his body.

If he practiced in such a place, his cultivation speed would be at least a hundred times faster than the outside world, because in just a few moments, he unexpectedly found that the spiritual energy in his body was increasing rapidly.

These spiritual energies are too pure and too rich.

He didn't even want to leave.

He looked at the main gate and looked up. It was estimated to be a hundred meters high. There were three large golden characters on it: [Prestige Pavilion]

He gained a reputation of more than 100,000 yuan this time, and he could naturally exchange it for a lot of good things when he left.

[You have two hundred and forty minutes to redeem your favorite items. Once the time is up, you will be forcibly sent away. ]

A voice without any emotion came into his mind, like a cold machine voice.

"Two hundred and forty minutes is enough time."

He no longer wastes time, he must seize the time to exchange for good things.

Whether inside or outside the [Reputation Pavilion], the aura is equally strong.

He has two hundred and forty minutes. I believe that such a long time is enough for him to absorb a lot of spiritual energy.

Realm is not something that can be broken through at will like level.

He went to the door.

[Reputation Pavilion] is rarely opened and will only be opened at specific times.

The annual Newcomer Trial will be open to newcomers, provided that your reputation must reach at least 100 to meet the opening requirements.

With hundreds of thousands of reputation points, he entered the [Reputation Pavilion].

For a moment, he seemed to be in a sea of ​​treasures, with countless treasures floating in the air.

"There are so many treasures. I really want to move them all home."

He has this idea, but he doesn't have the strength.

An illusory interface appeared in front of him, with the prices of various treasures on it.

It contains the types and introductions of various treasures, as well as the prestige prices for redemption.

Weapons, armor, jewelry, cloaks, shoulder armor, clothing, buildings, techniques, skills, materials, pets...

There are many categories, and every time you click on a major category, there are many smaller categories.

For example, weapons are divided into: knives, guns, swords, halberds, sticks...

There are all kinds of weapons.

The lowest level equipment quality here is Spirit Weapon, and there is no equipment below Spirit Weapon.

This is [Reputation Pavilion], which only contains the best Apex Level equipment.

"My dear, the cheapest Spirit Weapon requires hundreds of reputations to redeem."

After casually looking at the prices of these equipment, he found that the prices of these Spirit Weapons were different. He did not intend to exchange them for weapons and equipment. These things could be bought sooner or later in the mysterious store.

He should exchange for those particularly precious things, or treasures that cannot appear in his territory. This is the best choice.

His technique is already the most Apex Level technique, so there is no need to read any more.

As for skills, you can take a look.

When you open the skills, you will see: Warrior, Spell, Taoist, Conjuration, Mage, Bow and Arrow, Restoration...

Another large category, with dozens of categories.

His professional characteristics allowed him to learn any skill, and he suddenly didn't know where to start.

He still had to choose one and click on the warrior skills.


Also popping up: Martial Artist type, Douqi type, Madness type, Dark type, Elemental type...

Zhou Yan: "(。ŏ_ŏ)"

He was speechless.

Sometimes making too fine a distinction can really drive people crazy.

He clicked on the Martial Artist category.

Emerging: boxing skills, knife skills, spear skills... defense, secret techniques...

Zhou Yan: “┗┃・□・┃┛”

Well, he chose defensive skills mainly because he already had enough attack skills, but he didn't have any defensive skills.



After selecting it several times, the skill he wanted finally appeared.

The skills here are of S quality at the lowest level and RRR quality skills at the highest level.

I clicked on a book of RRR-quality defensive skills and took a look. The reputation, four zeros, starts with a minimum of 50,000 reputation.

He couldn't bear to redeem such a good defensive skill.

He searched carefully and found a book with very good defensive skills.

[Skill: Fighting to turn the world around]

[Quality: R]

[Introduction: Form a defensive shield to protect yourself. You can transfer the damage you are about to receive to other targets, or even return it to the enemy. When hurt by toxins, the toxins can also be transferred out of the body and can also be used on other people. ]

[Exchange price: 20,000 reputation]

This skill is very good. Spending 20,000 reputation points to exchange for a life-saving skill is definitely worth it.

[Reputation - 20,000, exchange for "R· Stellar Transposition". ]

Hold the skill book in your hand and click Learn.

[Learn "R· Stellar Transposition". ]

He stopped looking at the skills category and clicked on a special category area.

As a result, a large number of categories popped up...

He didn't choose carefully and chose to display them randomly. It was too tiring to sort and select like this.

Even if it's random, there are a lot of things that appear.

He looked through them one by one, browsing them briefly and then refreshing them to see if he could find something that moved his heart.

As a result, when he refreshed to something, he found that the Heart of the Lord in his mind started to act strangely.

He was surprised. Didn't his Heart of the Lord still have what it needed?

He must have created something good,

He planned to take a closer look at this interface.

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