Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1250, Nine Nether Demon Dragon

This is an unforgivable mistake!

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and looked resolutely: "You want me to be your mount? That's wishful thinking! I am a human cultivator. You can't control me. I would rather explode my Primordial Spirit than be controlled by you!"

"Haha, you are worthy of being a genius among human cultivators. Human cultivators like you are indeed very stubborn. In this case, I have no choice but to destroy you!" The voice of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon became cold and full of murderous intent. With a wave of his right hand, a ball of black magic energy emerged from the tips of his fingers, and then condensed into a dark magic gun in mid-air.

As soon as the magic gun came out, the void shook and the space was distorted.

A heaven-destroying aura swept across all directions, as if it was about to tear the entire space apart.

Zhou Yan's face turned pale. He felt the power of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon, and his heart was filled with fear and despair. He knew that he could not avoid the blow of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon.

"You little bastard, go to hell!"

The Nine Nether Demonic Dragon roared low, and then stabbed the magic spear in his hand, and a dark rainbow pierced towards Zhou Yan with terrifying pressure.

The spear penetrated extremely fast and arrived in front of Zhou Yan in an instant.

"Baby, this is your destiny!"

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Jiuyou Demon Dragon's mouth.


A loud noise exploded in Zhou Yan's ears, and then, a black cloud appeared out of thin air, blocking Zhou Yan's face. As soon as this black cloud appeared, it emitted streaks of black energy. The black energy turned into a big black bird, opened its mouth and swallowed the black spear of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon.

"how so?"

The face of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon changed drastically, and his eyes were full of horror. He did not expect that his full blow would be swallowed by this beast.

"You, what kind of Monster are you? Why do you have the power of devouring?" The face of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon turned livid.

"My name is Heavenly Demon Eagle!" An indifferent voice came from the black cloud, as if he was mocking the Nine Nether Demon Dragon, which made the Nine Nether Demon Dragon become furious.

"Swallowing Heavenly Demon Eagle, what kind of Monster are you? How come you have such terrifying devouring power?"

"I am the Heavenly Demon Eagle, a terrifying demon bird!" A voice came out from the black cloud again.

Swallow the Heavenly Demon Eagle!

It is an overlord-level existence among Warcraft, and its devouring power is unparalleled!

"Damn it! You dare to laugh at me! I will definitely kill you!" Jiuyou Demon Dragon shouted angrily, murderous intent burst out from his eyes, and then, a black demonic energy turned into a huge handprint and moved towards the swallow Heavenly Demon Eagle suppresses it.

"It's a small skill, but I have the nerve to show it off!"


The Heavenly Demon eagle flapped its wings, and its huge body jumped up. Then it flapped its wings violently, turning into dark clouds that filled the sky, covering the huge handprint. The Heavenly Demon eagle opened its mouth and pecked hard at the handprint.


The handprint was shattered instantly.


The talons of the Heavenly Demon Eagle carried violent power and stabbed into the chest of the Nine Nether Demon Dragon. Suddenly, the body of the Nine Nether Demon Dragon flew out like a rag doll and fell down. On the ground, large mouthfuls of blood continued to gush out from his mouth.

"How could this happen? What on earth is going on? How can this beast withstand my full blow?" Jiuyou Demon Dragon's eyes widened. He didn't believe the scene in front of him. How could his attack? Will he be resisted by a mere demon bird?

"Baby, I advise you to surrender to me, otherwise, I won't mind killing you. Anyway, death is not that difficult in Demon World. Only by becoming my mount will I treat you well." !"

"Hahahaha..." The Nine Nether Demonic Dragon looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, seeming to be mocking Zhou Yan.

"Nine Nether Demonic Dragon, this is my battlefield, my domain, you can't control me. Today, no matter what, I will fight you to the end!"

"Looking for death!" Jiuyou Demon Dragon's face was gloomy and terrifying, "Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude! My patience is limited."

"Hmph! Even if I die, I won't be your mount! If you want to kill me, you must kill me first!" Zhou Yan's voice was full of determination. He had already made up his mind to fight for serious injuries. Kill the Nine Nether Demon Dragon here.

"Since you don't have to drink wine as punishment, I don't have to be polite to you. Today, I must kill you, collect your soul, sacrifice it into a puppet, and become a sharp sword in my hand to kill all those who oppose you. my people!"


A terrifying demonic energy erupted from the body of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon, and then spread to the surroundings, causing the surrounding spaces to collapse and collapse. Zhou Yan's body was crushed by this terrifying force. His clothes were directly crushed to pieces. His whole body was covered with deep scars that could be seen on the bones. Even Zhou Yan's ribs were injured. A few were broken.


A mouthful of thick blood spat out from Zhou Yan's mouth. He felt that the internal organs in his body had been crushed to pieces, and he was in unbearable pain all over his body.

"I...I am not willing..."

Zhou Yan raised his head with difficulty. His eyes were dull and lifeless. His mind was blank, and the world in front of him gradually became blurry.

His consciousness gradually disappeared and he passed out.


A breeze blew by, and Zhou Yan's figure disappeared.

When Zhou Yan woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed. This room was very large, with simple yet gorgeous furnishings, making it look simple and elegant. He struggled to get up, but his whole body felt like it was falling apart.

"Where is this place?"

Zhou Yan tried hard to recall the memories before he fainted, but he couldn't remember how he fainted.

The room here is obviously different from the palace where he was. It looks a bit old. It doesn't look like a palace, but like a farm.

"Did you say that I transmigrated again?"

A hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth. If this were the case, what would his family do?

"No, I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, supported his weak and weak body, stood up slowly, and prepared to walk out of the room.


As soon as he opened the door, he heard a loud noise from outside, and then, a man in black robes came galloping from a distance.

"Who allowed you to break into the royal city privately? Someone is here!"

An old man rushed over and blocked the man's way.

"Get out!" The man in black robe glanced at the old man and shouted coldly.

There was a fearful expression on the old man's face, but he still insisted and refused to let him go: "Who are you? How can you break into the royal city without permission? I am the leader of the royal city's guard. If you dare to do anything wrong again, we will report it to the city lord immediately!"


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