Among them, the most eye-catching thing is a Black Iron stone tablet with densely written calligraphy on it. After looking at it carefully for a moment, a look of horror appeared in Zhou Yan's eyes.

"Are all these martial arts skills and secrets true?"

Zhou Yan's breathing became rapid. These things were extremely valuable, and even the princesses and princesses in the royal family were probably extremely coveted.

"These things are left for you to practice as a reward for helping me obtain this body. Remember, if you dare to leak any information, I will twist your head off with my own hands." The man in white robe said coldly.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's body trembled suddenly and he said quickly: "Disciple does not dare. Disciple will never dare to go against Master's will."

After saying that, Zhou Yan respectfully exited the hall and left the valley.

"Haha, although this physical body is a little worse, it is just fine. Anyway, there are still five years until the end of the trial, which is enough for me to slowly train him. I just hope that this waste will not live up to my expectations."

Looking at Zhou Yan's leaving figure, the man in white robe raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a playful arc.



"Zhou Yan? Haha, we meet again. I underestimated your potential. In just two days, you actually understood the secret of "The Spirit Art of Ten Thousand Beasts and Demons", and even your cultivation level improved to a higher level. .”

On a mountain peak, Li Minghao stood proudly, with a sharp edge in his eyes: "But no matter how evil you are, so what? In the face of absolute strength, you are still as small as an ant."

"I'm going to kill you with my own hands."

After speaking, a bright light emerged from Li Minghao's body, and his whole body was bathed in a golden halo, dazzling like a scorching sun, exuding terrifying pressure.


Suddenly, Li Minghao moved very fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Zhou Yan.


The next moment, he punched across, containing violent and domineering power, which seemed to be able to destroy all obstacles, causing violent ripples in the air wherever it passed.

This punch carried the force of thunder, causing Zhou Yan's pupils to shrink sharply.

"So fast, such terrifying power. Has Li Minghao's cultivation reached the peak of Body Tempering Seventh Layer?" Zhou Yan's heart twitched.

There were waves in his heart.

In his previous life, he was a demon king who traveled across the nine continents. He had encountered many extraordinary talents with outstanding talents, but compared with the Li Minghao in front of him, there was a huge gap.

Li Minghao, Talent is terrible.


Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and activated the flame essence in his dantian. In an instant, the clothes on his body burned with blazing flames. As the flames spread, a wave of hot air spread out.

Bang bang bang...

Immediately afterwards, his body seemed to turn into a ball of fire, and the hot temperature made the air crackle. He punched away and collided with Li Minghao.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the next moment, Zhou Yan screamed, and his whole face was distorted, because Li Minghao's punch hit his fist and broke his arm abruptly. .

"It's ridiculous that even a person in the Body Tempering Sixth Layer realm wants to block my attack." Li Minghao sneered. His figure flashed and he was beside Zhou Yan in an instant and punched out again.

Bang bang bang...

Li Minghao's fists landed continuously. With each punch, a clear sound of bones exploding could be heard on Zhou Yan's body. In just three punches, his entire left arm was shattered into pieces.

This hasn't stopped yet. Li Minghao's attacks continue to fall, ravaging Zhou Yan's whole body crazily.

"Ah!" Zhou Yan screamed, feeling the severe pain all over his body. His entire face turned red from the pain, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Master, please spare my life. I can't survive. Please spare my life."

Zhou Yan kept wailing and begging for mercy. Under Li Minghao's ravage, his entire left arm was beaten to death, leaving only a layer of skin wrapping the skeleton.

At this moment, he was completely frightened.

The master in front of him was so cruel, almost like a demon.

"Trash is trash. I have taught you for months, but you are still so weak. How shameful!" Li Minghao shook his head and sighed, looking at Zhou Yan with indifference.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Minghao grabbed the void with his palm. In an instant, Zhou Yan's neck was tightly clasped. No matter how hard he struggled, it was to no avail.

"Master, don't kill me." Zhou Yan shouted in panic.

"Trash, you can kill me if I tell you to. What else do you need to ask?" Li Minghao angrily rebuked.


Hearing this, Zhou Yan's body trembled slightly. He knew that the man in front of him really planned to kill him, and he was scared to death.

The next moment, he closed his eyes, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes.

call out!

The next second, Zhou Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and a blazing light burst out from his eyes, as sharp as a sword.


A purple halo appeared around his body, and wisps of mysterious inscriptions intertwined and flickered, blooming into wisps of mysterious aura, shrouding his body. At the same time, a crystal clear aura appeared on the surface of his body. The armor was shining brightly, making him look like the Divine King had descended.

"Huh?" Li Minghao's figure suddenly froze, and his eyes were fixed on the armor on Zhou Yan.

"This is the spirit soldier-level armor." Li Minghao's eyes were full of greed, and his heart was secretly stirring.

"Spiritual soldier level armor?"

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

He never expected that after devouring a Red Sun Fruit, he would awaken a spiritual soldier-level armor.

"Yes, this kind of spiritual weapon armor was forged by me using a special method. It is extremely tough and has amazing defensive power. It is comparable to ordinary high-level spiritual soldiers. Moreover, it also has a protective aura that can withstand damage once activated. Innate Martial Artist's attack." Li Minghao explained.

"That's it." Zhou Yan suddenly realized. No wonder, his defense has increased several times, and he can even resist the attack of Innate Martial Artist.

"Master, I am willing to surrender to you and be your slave."

Zhou Yan said quickly, with a strong look of flattery on his face.

The other party is an Innate Martial Artist, and he is also proficient in various special skills. If he takes refuge in Li Minghao, his practice will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

"Oh? Are you sure you want to follow me?"

Li Minghao raised his eyebrows, with a joking look on his face: "Don't forget, I am your enemy."

"I do." Zhou Yan agreed without hesitation.

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