However, unexpectedly, Zhou Yan discovered them.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Yan was secretly happy.

"Since you refuse to cooperate, I won't be polite!" Zhou Yan said coldly.


He suddenly raised his foot and stomped on the chest of the man in black. The sternum of the man in black immediately shattered.


He spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body was lifted up by the terrifying shock wave. Like a kite with a broken string, he was thrown out and fell heavily into the corner.


The man in black raised his head with difficulty and looked at Zhou Yan with disbelief on his face.

The scene just happened in a flash of lightning, so fast that he couldn't react in time.

"Haha, I've already said that I'm not someone you can mess with!"

Zhou Yan sneered, slowly walked towards the man in black.

"Don't come here! If you take another step forward, I will kill myself immediately!"

The face of the man in black was full of despair and sadness, and he said with a trembling voice.

Zhou Yan frowned slightly and said, "Suicide? This method doesn't seem to be very effective. I think it would be more effective to torture you slowly!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly knelt down in front of him and begged: "Please, let me go!"

"Haha, let you go? I don't think so!" Zhou Yan laughed arrogantly, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. It's too late to regret now!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan pressed forward again.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

When the man in black saw this, he quickly ran away, but was chased by Zhou Yan.

However, although his martial arts skills are good, his physical fitness is a bit poor.

Therefore, in front of Zhou Yan, he had no power to fight back at all.

After several confrontations, he was beaten to the ground by Zhou Yan.


The man in black raised his head and looked at Zhou Yan, his eyes full of resentment and humiliation, "Kill me if you can!"

He knew that his identity had been exposed, so he was no longer afraid of Zhou Yan. As long as he was unwilling to tell, Zhou Yan would never be able to find out.

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and his eyes became deep.

Kill this man? He would like to think that, however, not every way of death in this world is suitable for killing people.

He had tried to use various punishments to deal with those rebels before, but in the end, he just sent those people to a dead end.

This is the biggest regret in his heart.

So, at this moment, he hesitated.

Not only because he didn't want to end this guy's life with his own hands, but also because he wanted to know the purpose of these people.

Now, he has basically determined the identity of this group of people.

The man in black who led the team was a Qi Refining Stage fifth-level monk, the other two were both Foundation Building Realm practitioners, and the remaining person was a Foundation Building sixth-level practitioner.

Although this strength is not considered a master in Tianxing Kingdom, it is still outstanding in Yunxiao Kingdom, so he dared to bring people to Yunhai City, hoping to succeed in one fell swoop, get rid of Zhou Yan and replace Zhou Yan's position.

Unfortunately, their plan was doomed to fail.

This is why Zhou Yan suddenly came up with such an idea.

If he could get some information out of their mouths, then he could follow the clues and find out who was behind them!

"I advise you to tell me honestly to avoid suffering." Zhou Yan sneered and looked down at him, "Otherwise, I guarantee you will regret it!"

"Bah! If you can, kill me!" The man in black stared wide-eyed, filled with resentment, "Do you dare?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

He didn't expect that this man in black was so unafraid of death and could be so tough.

"I can't guarantee that I won't do something stupid like this. After all, life is short, so you have to do something memorable, right?"

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth as he spoke word by word.

Hearing this, the man in black's heart twitched suddenly, and his expression suddenly changed.

It's a feeling of fear and despair.

He knew Zhou Yan really dared to do this.

"Who sent you here?" Zhou Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked.

When the man in black heard this question, he was stunned for a moment, then a sarcastic smile appeared on his face, and he snorted: "Want to know? Yes, you can sell that bitch's soul to me, and I will consider telling you!" "

"What? Selling your soul?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Yan had a look of shock on his face.

No matter how you look at it, Zhou Yan doesn't seem to be a money-lover.

If he really loved money, why would he give up everything and go to southern Xinjiang alone a year ago?

What's more, with his strength at the time, he could easily get whatever he wanted, so why did he choose Southern Xinjiang?

Therefore, they must have misunderstood him and thought he was greedy for beauty.

In fact, he was indeed a little moved.

But when he thought of Ye Qingtang, he shook his head, suppressed his thoughts, shifted his gaze, looked at the man in black indifferently, and said, "Why should I believe you? What if you lie to me?"

The man in black looked coldly and said, "Humph, you don't have to trust me, but don't forget, you are being held here now. Do you have a choice?"

After listening to his reminder, Zhou Yan finally remembered that the position he was in now was in a cell, and he had no choice at all. Unless he was killed, he would never get out.

Zhou Yan frowned and his eyes rolled.

"You...who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are." The man in black said, "What matters is that our master needs your blood to save someone, so you must die, and you must die in my hands!"


Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly condensed.

It turned out that he wanted to use his blood to cure that person.

That person...couldn't it be her?

His eyes became dark at this moment.

He didn't expect that in this situation, someone was still thinking about Ye Qingtang, and that the other party was willing to pay such a high price.

The anger in his heart burned fiercely, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he wanted to devour everything in front of him.

"You bastards! How dare you take advantage of her? You are looking for death!"

"Looking for death? Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of being called the 'Proud One of Heaven'?!" the man in black snorted with contempt on his face.

"Looking for death? Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of being called the 'Proud One of Heaven'?!" the man in black snorted with contempt on his face.

"Then you must be prepared to bear the price of death!" Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, exuding extremely fierce evil aura, like a murderous god coming to the mortal world.

The man in black's pupils shrank slightly and he couldn't help but take a step back.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course I want your life!"

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