Hearing this, the man in black's pupils shrank sharply, and he stared at Zhou Yan in disbelief, as if to confirm the authenticity of his words!

"Why, don't you dare to do it?" Zhou Yan looked at him and said.

The man in black shook his head quickly. He was not stupid. He knew what the Devil Mercenary Group was. If he offended them, he would die in minutes!

"Then go quickly, remember, don't expose the transaction between us." Zhou Yan warned.

"I understand." The man in black nodded.

"Remember to find a suitable opportunity to introduce me to the leader of the Devil Mercenary Group." Zhou Yan added.

The man in black was startled, then nodded quickly and said, "I will!"

Zhou Yan didn't say anything more, turned around and walked out of the cave.

The man in black looked at Zhou Yan's leaving figure, a jealous light flashing in his eyes.

He wanted to rush out, beat Zhou Yan severely, and trample Zhou Yan under his feet, but he didn't have the strength at all!

The man in black gritted his teeth, but in the end, he still held back.

He knew that his strength was not as good as Zhou Yan, so he could only bow his head temporarily, otherwise, he might really die in Zhou Yan's hands.

"Little brother, please stay."

Zhou Yan had just taken a few steps when he heard someone calling him.

He stopped and slowly turned around, and saw a young man who looked young standing there.

"Your Excellency, what do you want me to do?" Zhou Yan looked at the young man and asked indifferently.

The young man looked at Zhou Yan, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

The young man in front of him didn't seem to have changed much.

Could it be that his identity has not reached a point where he can feel danger?

"Little brother, which plane do you come from? Why do I feel that you are not from the mainland?" The young man asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's lips curled into a sneer. This guy actually doubted his identity!

"I come from the Star Continent, you can call me a genius boy."

Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes. This young man is actually from the Star Continent? !

Star Continent is a wild continent. There are many powerful people here, and each continent has various forces. Each of these forces has the ability to destroy the world, even more powerful than those Transcendent Level continents. Even more terrifying!

"Little brother, since you are from the Star Continent, you must have heard about the situation on the mainland." The young man said, "What do you think of me, the leader of the Devil Mercenary Group?"

"Are you talking about the evil man who kills without batting an eyelid?" Zhou Yan snorted coldly: "I think he is just coveting my treasure, so he wants to do harm to me."

"Oh?" The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Yan: "I don't know where you saw that he was plotting your treasure?"

"Do you still need to watch this? Ordinary people, who would spend a huge price to find an alchemist, and then arrest the person and imprison him in a closed secret room?" Zhou Yan said coldly.

Hearing this, the young man frowned.

He really didn't know about this matter, but since Zhou Yan said that the leader of the devil mercenary group was greedy for treasure, there must be something wrong.

Thinking of this, the young man said: "Since you are so sure, why don't we make a bet on whether you can escape tonight."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan sneered and said: "If you have a way to save him, then I will bet with you. But if I win, I want the storage ring in your hand."

The young man raised his eyebrows, and after a moment of silence, he nodded in agreement.

After the two reached an agreement, Zhou Yan said goodbye to the man in black.

"May I have your name?"

As soon as Zhou Yan walked out of the cave, he was stopped by a woman.

This woman was wearing a tight-fitting leather armor and looked heroic and heroic.

Zhou Yan glanced at her and said, "Anonymous."

"Anonymous..." The woman said Zhou Yan's name again and looked at him with strange eyes: "You can't be Zhou Yan, right?"

Zhou Yan did not deny it and said: "Exactly."

This woman is the one she met in the Devil Mercenary Group before, named Su Yuechan.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Su Yuechan looked at Zhou Yan and said, "I saw you coming out of that grotto before, and I thought you had been killed by the devil mercenary group. But now it seems that you were not hurt at all. It's really Amazing!"

"Thank you." Zhou Yan replied indifferently.

Su Yuechan curled her lips and then asked, "I heard that you greeted the leader of the Devil Mercenary Group?"

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "Yes."

"Since you have said hello to the Devil Mercenary Group, I will not hide it from you. You are friends with the leader of our Devil Mercenary Group, so our Devil Mercenary Group will not deal with you. You can return safely."

"Will the leader of your devil mercenary group deal with me?" Zhou Yan asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes." Su Yuechan said with a smile: "The leader of the Devil Mercenary Group is a kind man. He has helped many weak practitioners. Therefore, the prestige of the Devil Mercenary Group is very high on the mainland, so we don't want to The friendship between our two regiments is ruined because of you."

"You mean, I can return to the Devil Mercenary Group?"

Zhou Yan was relieved.

Although he is not afraid of this devil mercenary group, it would be a bit uneconomical if the leader of the devil mercenary group turns against him because of himself.

More importantly, he also wanted to find out from the other party's mouth who the boss behind the Devil Mercenary Group was!

"Of course." Su Yuechan nodded and said, "I will take you to see our leader now."

Zhou Yan nodded, then followed Su Yuechan and flew into the distance.


Night falls.

The headquarters of the Devil Mercenary Group is located deep in the valley.

Zhou Yan followed Su Yuechan to a secret room in the valley.

There were two guards standing at the door of the secret room.

"Miss Su is back." The guard looked at Su Yuechan and said respectfully.

"Well, I have something to discuss with the group leader. Please step aside first." Su Yuechan said.

"Yes." The two guards responded and stepped back.

Zhou Yan followed Su Yuechan and entered the secret room.

This secret room is very spacious, with many tables, chairs, and a stone bed.

Su Yuechan took Zhou Yan to sit on the chair next to the stone bed. She looked at the middle-aged man lying on the stone bed with worry in her eyes.

"Captain, he has been injured for several days and he still hasn't woken up." Su Yuechan sighed.

"I know." Zhou Yan replied indifferently.

Su Yuechan turned her head, looked at Zhou Yan doubtfully, and asked, "Since you know, why don't you come back sooner?"

Zhou Yan glanced at Su Yuechan and asked without explaining, "The leader of your Devil Mercenary Group, how deep is his cultivation?"

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