After everyone reacted, they gritted their teeth and looked at him with hatred. They all took action at the same time and used their killing moves to attack Zhou Yan.

The attacks of these people were extremely sharp. Every swing of their swords cut through the void, shrouding Zhou Yan with a harsh and sharp sound.

"Humph, since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for killing them all."

Zhou Yan's eyes were indifferent, and he jumped directly into the air. A blazing spiritual light bloomed from his body, like a dazzling sun.

The next moment, he raised his right hand and suddenly pressed it down.

In an instant, endless thunder surged out of Zhou Yan's palm. The thunder gathered on his palm and condensed into a thunder hammer.

"Get out of here."

Then, Zhou Yan suddenly flicked his arm, and the thunder hammer flew out, turning into a bright thunder light and blasting forward.

The thunder roared, and wherever it passed, the air was split, making a violent explosion.


The next moment, there was only a muffled sound, and the thunder hammer collided with many attacks. Suddenly, countless electric snakes swam out, and they were extremely fast, knocking each man in black to the ground.

"What is this? Such a domineering thunder."

The remaining people all changed their colors and were extremely horrified.

"No, we have to evacuate!"

These people looked at each other, all thinking of retreating.

After only fighting for a moment, they already realized that the strength of the young man opposite them was far beyond their expectations, and they were not able to compete with him at all.

"You want to leave now? It's too late!"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly, and his figure rushed out like lightning, reaching the extreme speed.


Streams of sword light burst out, roaring out like a tidal wave, covering all the men in black.

Puff puff....

In an instant, blood mist sprayed and corpses fell to the ground.

In just a few breaths, the old man in black robe and others were all dead, leaving only the old man in black robe alive, who was firmly trampled under his feet.

"Spare... spare my life..."

The old man in black robe was shaking all over, with a look of fear on his face. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Sir, I was wrong. Please let me go..."

"Humph, let you go? Are you dreaming?" Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes, and immediately, a fierce murderous intention filled the air, and sneered: "You just wanted to kill me, but now you want me to forgive you?"


When the old man in black robe heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Sir, I am willing to take refuge in you and work for you. Please spare me..."


Zhou Yan shook his head, turned his palm over, and a fiery red pill appeared in his hand.

"This elixir is called the 'Soul-eating Pill'. It is made from the essence and blood of the Nine Netherworld beast. After swallowing it, it can make people fall into an illusion. They will be trapped in the illusion forever and it will be difficult to wake up. Moreover, this kind of elixir has no solution.”

"So, just be prepared to bear the pain."

"no, do not want..."

The old man in black robe turned pale and completely lost hope. He roared crazily: "Zhou Yan, if you kill me, my father will not let you go. He will definitely crush you to ashes."

"Oh? Your father? Is he very awesome?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone revealed a trace of amusement.

Although he had never met the father of the old man in black robe, Zhou Yan had already judged from the other party's words that there must be a powerful force behind the old man in black robe.

"Hahaha, Zhou Yan, you're done!"

The old man in black robe laughed ferociously, with a fierce look in his eyes. He said fiercely: "My father is the old man Heifeng, the leader of Black Wind Village. His cultivation is unpredictable and he has reached the Universal Truth Realm. Once he comes out, Guan will definitely kill you!"

Universal Truth Realm?

Upon hearing these three words, Zhou Yan looked slightly stunned, and then his eyes lit up.

He was worried about not being able to find the Martial Artist of the Universal Truth Realm to try out. Unexpectedly, there was a strong Universal Truth Realm man here. If he could kill the leader of the Black Wind Village, the reward for this mission would definitely be extremely generous.

"Hey, you brought this to your door yourself, so don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhou Yan grinned, his eyes full of excitement.

"don't want....."

The old man in black robe was shocked, and he quickly shouted: "Sir, I am willing to surrender to you. I have a valuable treasure that may help you break through the realm."


Zhou Yan's eyes moved and he asked: "Take it out first and have a look. If it is really valuable, I can consider sparing your life."

"This is...."

The old man in black robe nodded, slowly stretched out his palm, and in the palm of his hand, a jade plaque the size of a palm appeared.

"Huh? It's actually the spirit Origin Stone?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with joy. This jade tablet had a dark golden color and was covered with runes. It was a spiritual Origin Stone of extraordinary quality.

You must know that the spiritual Origin Stone contains majestic spiritual energy. As long as he absorbs this spiritual Origin Stone, it is enough to promote him to the Body Tempering Sixth Layer realm.

"How do you have such a thing?"

The next moment, Zhou Yan's face instantly darkened. He stared at the old man in black robe and asked coldly: "Tell me, who are you?"

The Spirit Origin Stone is extremely precious. Even some large sects cannot possess such a treasure.

"This jade token was given to me by an expert and was asked to be carried by me to look for opportunities. I thought that in a few days, I would be able to successfully enter the Body Tempering Eighth Layer and even reach a higher level. "

The old man in black robe sighed, his expression gloomy and extremely sad.

"What's the name of that expert?" Zhou Yan asked.

"I do not know him."

The old man in black robe shook his head. He really didn't know the other person, but he met him once by chance when he was young. At that time, the expert gave him this jade pendant.

At that time, he was only about ten years old. The other party gave him some pills and left in a hurry.

Therefore, this jade pendant has only commemorative value to the old man in black robe.

"Your luck is really bad. Not only did you not get the Origin Stone, you also lost a Soul-eating Pill." Zhou Yan couldn't help but sigh.

He knew the efficacy of this soul-eating pill. Once he swallowed it, he would enter the world of illusions. In the world of illusions, he would encounter all kinds of pain and torture. In the end, in this torture of illusions, he would slowly exhaust his energy. Qi Shen, death.

"Sir, please save me. If you save me, I promise that I will try my best to assist you!"

The old man in black robe begged again and again. He could tell that Zhou Yan was determined to get the Origin Stone. Whether he could save his life now all depended on Zhou Yan.

"This jade pendant belongs to me!"

Zhou Yan glanced at it and immediately fell in love with the jade pendant. He reached out to grab it and wanted to put it into the storage ring.

"Don't even think about it!"

The old man in black robe was furious and resisted desperately.

Suddenly, a burst of black light surged from his body, and a cloud of black smoke formed a skull face in the void, biting towards Zhou Yan.

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