After a moment, Li Zhong came to his senses, flattered Zhou Yan, and said flatteringly: "With these things, our Zhou family can definitely dominate the entire Black Rock City."

"Hahaha...that's for sure!"

Zhou Yan said with a smile.

Immediately, he stood up and stared at the mountains in the distance, his eyes flashing.

"In this case, let's act quickly without further delay."

He waved his hand and said directly: "Li Zhong, you are responsible for staying behind, and the others will follow me."

"Yes, Master."

Everyone agreed, followed Zhou Yan, and set off quietly.

Black Wind Valley is only three miles away from Black Rock City.

After about half a stick of incense time, Zhou Yan and his party arrived.

"Master, ahead is the Black Wind Valley."

Li Zhong raised his hand and pointed to the mountains ahead and said, "According to memory, there is an open space ahead. Let's hide first."


Zhou Yan nodded.

Later, the group found shelter under a big tree.

Wait for the patrol team from Black Wind Village to arrive.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and his gaze fell not far ahead.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Seeing Zhou Yan's abnormal expression, Li Zhong couldn't help but ask.


Zhou Yan waved his hand and said indifferently: "Continue monitoring!"


Suddenly, a deafening loud noise came from within the mountains.

It was as if the earth was shattering and all the beasts were awakened.

One by one, wild wolves rushed out of the darkness and rushed toward the patrol team in Black Wind Village.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Although the patrol team of Heifeng Village is well-equipped, they are no match for these ferocious wild wolves.

In the blink of an eye, they suffered heavy losses and were retreating steadily.

"Run away quickly..."


A shrill wail came from the patrol team in Black Wind Village.

At this time, a strong man yelled: "Brothers, kill me and rush out!"

"Come on!"

Hearing this, the remaining Black Wind Village minions roared and fought bravely.

Bang bang bang...

The battle intensified and blood flowed like a river!

In the end, after paying an extremely heavy price, the Black Wind Village patrol team successfully broke through the encirclement and escaped.

"Haha, we won!"

"Hahaha... I made it out alive."

"Brothers, hurry up and leave Black Wind Valley."


The men and horses of Heifeng Village cheered and fled frantically.

"not good."

Seeing this scene, Li Zhong's expression changed drastically, and he said in horror: "Master, those bandits are about to escape, send someone to intercept them quickly."


Hearing this, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Li Zhong, are you a fool?"

"I warned you just now, but unfortunately, you didn't listen."

"Want to leave now? It's too late!"

"Master, I..."

Li Zhong lowered his head and said with shame, "This matter is all my fault for not reporting it to my subordinates as early as possible."


Zhou Yan snorted coldly and said, "You did make some omissions in this matter, but the crime will not lead to death."

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Master."

Li Zhong burst into tears with gratitude, knelt down and said, "Master, now that the reinforcements from Black Wind Village have escaped, do you want to send someone to arrest them?"

"No need."

Zhou Yan shook his head and said: "This time we went to Black Wind Valley to steal Spirit Medicine, not to kill."

"In addition, there are many masters lurking in the Black Wind Valley. If they are discovered, something may happen."

While speaking, Zhou Yan looked at the direction in which Black Wind Village was escaping, with a strange smile on his lips, and murmured to himself: "People from Black Wind Village, the faster they run, the better."

"Because their lives have entered a countdown."

As soon as the words fell, a wisp of cold light suddenly shot out.

call out!

The sword light pierced the sky and sped towards the distance.

"This... the young master actually let go of the people from Black Wind Village!"

Seeing this, Li Zhong was startled and hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Young Master, there are many people in Black Wind Village, and among them, there are some strong ones in the Martial Apprentice realm."

"If they find out, they won't let it go."

"Master, you are a rich man, you must not be involved in danger."

However, Zhou Yan didn't bother to talk to Li Zhong at all. He accelerated his steps and swept out of the dense forest.


Li Zhong froze on the spot, unable to calm down the shock in his heart for a long time. He couldn't help but swallow a few times, his face full of bitterness.

Heifeng Village has a fearsome reputation, and he is really afraid that Zhou Yan will be in danger.

"Master, you will be fine. I belong to Low Grade and I hope you will return in triumph."

Sighing deeply, Li Zhong hurriedly followed.

at the same time.

At the top of the Black Wind Cliff, a young man stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the top of the cliff.

This man has a handsome appearance and exudes a strong evil aura.

His name is Zhao Hu.

He is one of the four leaders of Black Wind Village and a Ninth Grade Martial Warrior, practicing sword skills.

"Little Lord."

Suddenly, behind Zhao Hu, a servant in green clothes stepped forward.

"Well, you go make arrangements and throw away all the bodies here. Also, block the news for me and don't reveal it!"

Zhao Hu ordered.

"As commanded."

The servant in green clothes said respectfully.

Soon, the servant in green clothes went down to prepare.

"Young Master, there is a secret passage in Black Wind Stronghold that can lead to the depths of the valley."

At this time, Zhao Hu said: "As long as the secret passage is blocked, no matter how many reinforcements there are in Black Wind Village, it will be difficult to break through the valley."

"Oh? Is this happening?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyes brightened slightly and he said in deep thought: "In that case, let's take action immediately!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan took the lead and ran towards the entrance of the secret passage.


Seeing this, Zhao Hu did not dare to neglect and quickly followed.

The two shuttled through the dense forest and soon reached the end of the secret passage.

"Master, this secret passage is not blocked."

After Zhao Hu looked at it carefully, he said.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan had a thought in his mind and said, "That's good."

Swish, swish, swish...

Immediately, without hesitation, Zhou Yan used his physical skills to sneak into the depths of the valley along the secret path.

Deep in the valley, there is a dark cave.

This cave is as dark as ink, and you can't see your fingers.


Suddenly, an eerie and cold voice sounded from the darkness.


Suddenly, in the depths of the cave, black air rose up and gathered into a burly figure.

"Boy, who are you?"

"This is the hiding place that I worked so hard to dig out. You dare to break into this place. You are really brave!"

This figure, wearing a jet black robe, has a tall figure and dark skin. It looks like it is made of steel, full of explosive power.

"Hehe... Black Hawk, stay safe!"

Zhou Yan grinned and said, "I came to you this time to ask a question."

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