
The young man in blue robe looked up to the sky and roared, a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his breath was weak.

But then, flames surged all over his body and burned blazingly.

"Run away!"

The other three were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Although they were confident in self-destruction, they were definitely not as decisive as the young man in blue robe.


In the sky, a dark cloud suddenly appeared, with lightning and thunder, wind and rain.

"Hahaha, you all must die!"

The blue-robed young man looked up to the sky and roared wildly. True Qi surged all over his body, and he condensed the majestic spiritual energy gathered between heaven and earth into a crimson spherical substance several feet high. Then, it exploded and turned into a torrent of Heavenly Fire. The light swept in all directions and instantly enveloped the entire mountain forest.

This is the most powerful method of the Martial Artist - self-destruction!

Self-destruction is a terrifying attack that the Martial Artist used to condense all his blood and Primordial Spirit before dying. It is so powerful that it can be said to destroy the world.


"Spare your life!"

"I don't dare!"


Countless wailing sounds echoed across the sky, but then, all sounds suddenly stopped.

In the vast sea of ​​Heavenly Fire, there was a burst of crackling explosions, as if something was broken and something was rebuilt.


Dark clouds rolled in the sky, Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder, and rain poured down.


Looking at the sea of ​​fire in the sky, which was getting smaller and smaller and gradually dissipating, Zhou Yan stood there blankly.

"I...I won?"

"Are these guys dead?"

He was stunned and a little unable to recover.

Originally, he was prepared to fight to the death, but unexpectedly, the young man in blue robe chose the stupidest way.


After a long time, he took a deep breath and exhaled a breath of turbid air, with a trace of excitement and excitement flashing in his eyes.

This trial allowed him to clearly understand the true meaning of practice and achieve great improvement.

From now on, he no longer has to be timid or worry about others plotting against him.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned and looked up into the distance, where two figures were quickly approaching.

These are two girls, 17 or 18 years old, dressed in green dresses, with beautiful looks, delicate and smooth skin, and beautiful facial features.

Their strength is not weak, they have actually reached the Body Tempering Ninth Layer realm.

"It's you?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and recognized the two of them. They were Liu Yan'er whom he had seen in the trial area. The other one was a man in green.

The man in green is very powerful and has surpassed the Body Tempering Ninth Layer.

"What? You still dare to kill your fellow senior sister?"

Liu Yan'er sneered, her eyes cold.

At this time, the two of them finally caught up with the battle.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense and risk your life!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes, sneered again and again, and rushed over.

Boo hoo hoo...

In an instant, his palms flew, and his fingers flickered like swords.

In an instant, several fingers shot out of the air, piercing through Liu Yan'er's delicate body, fierce and domineering.

"How brave!"

The man in green clothes next to him roared angrily, suddenly stepped out and punched.


The void trembled, and the air was squeezed, making a violent buzz.

There was only a muffled sound of "poof", and Zhou Yan's finger force was shattered by a punch, turning into a stream of light floating in the sky.

"So strong!"

Zhou Yan's face changed slightly, and he was surprised.

The strength of this man in green is much more tyrannical than those of the previous ones.

He could feel that the other party had some kind of special bloodline and had extremely strong physical strength, even stronger than him.

"Kneel down!"

The man in green shouted coldly, stamped his right foot, and shot out like a cannonball, stamping hard on Zhou Yan's chest.


Zhou Yan flew backwards, his chest was dented, his ribs were broken, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Haha, with your little strength, you dare to come to this wilderness. You are really tired of living."

The man in green glanced at Zhou Yan coldly, full of sarcasm.

At this moment, his strength is enough to rival Martial Apprentice at the peak of Body Tempering. Zhou Yan, who is only at Body Tempering Ninth Layer, is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"who are you?"

Zhou Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gritted his teeth.

"You don't deserve to know!"

The man in green shook his head with a condescending attitude.


Hearing this, Zhou Yan was immediately furious.

He is a disciple of Martial Venerable, how has he ever been insulted like this?

The next moment, a dazzling purple-gold light burst out from his body.

"you wanna die!"

The man in green changed his face slightly, snorted coldly, raised his leg and kicked Zhou Yan in the head.


Zhou Yan did not retreat but advanced, punching him forward.

This punch contained his lifelong resentment and resentment.


The fists and feet collided, making a dull loud noise.

"Deng Deng Deng..."

The man in green trembled violently and staggered back three steps. Every time he took a step, a crack appeared on the ground beneath his feet, showing that his feet carried a huge amount of power.


The man in green took a breath, with a look of horror in his eyes: "Your power..."

"Haha, do you think I'm a soft persimmon?"

Zhou Yan sneered, his eyes serious.

Just now, he deliberately hid his strength. On the surface, he only had the cultivation level of Body Tempering Ninth Layer, but he used the "Star Devouring Demon Technique".

"Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, you still won't be my opponent."

The man in green's face was livid, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The potential shown by Zhou Yan made him fearful. If he was allowed to grow, he would definitely become a serious problem in the future.


He shouted low, drew his sword out of its sheath, and slashed in the air.


The sword glowed brightly, with a chilling aura, cutting through the void and landing on Zhou Yan's neck.


The next moment, Zhou Yan stretched out his hand to resist, blocking the sword light without moving his body at all.


The man in green raised his eyebrows and his pupils shrank.

This sharp blade can cut through iron like clay and is so sharp that it can easily cut off even ordinary weapons.

However, there was nothing he could do about Zhou Yan?

"This knife..."

Zhou Yan touched the tip of his nose, feeling a little confused.

Just now, he blocked the sword light with his left arm. He only felt a stinging pain, but it was not hurt at all.

"Is it because I have cultivated the "Star-Eating Demonic Art" to a perfect level?"

He was a little surprised.

According to records in ancient books, only the first level of this technique has this effect. As you continue to practice, your body will become stronger and stronger, as if it were made of black iron.

However, this skill has been lost for a long time, and there are only a few numerical records. He doesn't know much about the specific situation.

"Damn it, you actually have such a treasure to protect you?"

Seeing Zhou Yan standing intact, Liu Yaner's pretty face changed slightly, and she felt a little jealous.

"Hey, since you brought it to my door, don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

Zhou Yan grinned, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and a violent and ferocious aura emerged from his body, like an unparalleled Monster King.


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