The punch of the Blood Demon was so shocking that it made people feel that even a star could be easily shattered.

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank.

He felt that the blood demon's punch would definitely blast him into pieces.

"No, we must avoid it!"

Zhou Yan secretly thought and quickly moved his position.


The blood demon's punch failed.

The bloody light exploded, the space collapsed, and a huge boulder was blasted into powder on the spot.

Zhou Yan's body appeared thousands of miles away, and one of his legs was almost broken.

He took a deep breath and looked a little ugly.

He never expected that the opponent's attack would be so powerful. Just one blow almost killed him.

If he was hit by this blood demon, he would definitely not survive.

"This blood demon is indeed extremely powerful!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered and became extremely solemn. He thought to himself that if he could not get rid of this blood demon as soon as possible, he would definitely fall here today.

"Blood shadow clone!"

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and roared, and the blood mist surged from his body, turning into a hundred-foot-long blood tiger, and pounced on the blood demon with its fangs and claws.

"The blood demon clone, swallow it for me!"

"Hoo ho!"

The blood tiger looked up to the sky and roared angrily, opened its mouth, and a terrifying devouring power erupted. The bloody beast opened its mouth and bit at the blood demon.

"Hahaha, you are looking for death!"

The blood demon looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes were extremely sharp, he formed seals with his hands, and terrible blood energy erupted from his body, forming a blood dragon and fighting with the blood tiger.

Although Zhou Yan's blood shadow clone was not weak in strength, it was far inferior to the blood demon and was quickly defeated.


In the end, Zhou Yan's clone was directly bitten into pieces by the blood dragon.

Zhou Yan's figure also disappeared from the place.

"Jiejie...boy, you can't escape!"

The blood demon laughed ferociously, his eyes glowed with bloodthirsty cold light, and the blood mist on his body kept rolling.

"call out!"

Suddenly, his figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared hundreds of miles away in an instant. With a palm shot, the sea of ​​blood surged and shot in the direction of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan continuously launched various attacks, trying to block the blood demon's attack.

Unfortunately, it's still of no use.

He used several big moves in succession, but the Blood Demon's sea of ​​blood grew stronger and stronger, neutralizing all his attacks.

His body was once again blasted away.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan's face was ashen. This time, he launched hundreds of attacks in succession, but still could not shake the terrifying blood demon clone.

The blood energy of the Blood Demon clone was so terrifying, it was an endless supply.

Zhou Yan was horrified. Although he was powerful, he was still in the Great Emperor Realm. How could he compete with a Transcendent Level expert from the Great Emperor Realm?

"Blood shadow clone, continue to use your ultimate move!"

Zhou Yan shouted, summoned eighteen blood shadow clones, and rushed towards the blood demon again.

The blood demon snorted coldly and waved his blood fist again, completely crushing the eighteen blood shadow clones and blasting them all into pieces.

"No, my strength is far from enough!"

Zhou Yan frowned and fell into silence, feeling depressed. He didn't expect this blood demon to be so terrifying. He had tried his best, but he still couldn't shake the blood demon's clone.

This guy's power is too terrifying.

"Brother Zhou Yan, let's take action together!"

At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

Zhou Yan looked up and saw a group of people walking towards this side.

This group of people were all wearing black armor, and their bodies were filled with strong murderous intent.

These black-armored men are all Saint King-level experts, and each of them is half a step into the Saint Realm world, with vast and tyrannical auras.

Among this group of people, there was a young man, wearing purple armor and carrying a purple-gold spear on his back.

His strength has suddenly reached the realm of a saint.

"Who are you?" Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and asked warily.

These people should be nearby forces, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a strong lineup.

"We are from the Black Evil Alliance. Which force are you from?"

The young man said indifferently, his eyes falling on the sixteen cities behind Zhou Yan, with a greedy look in his eyes.

"I don't care what kind of power you are, if anyone dares to interfere today, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and his tone was cold.

"Humph, I don't know how to appreciate it!"

The young man snorted coldly, swayed, and appeared in front of Zhou Yan in an instant, raising his foot and kicking him.


Zhou Yan quickly activated the Spirit Treasure, and a purple shield appeared in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"


The young man's kick was as terrifying as a flood. He kicked the purple shield and knocked it backwards.

"Damn, this guy is so powerful!"

Zhou Yan's face was extremely expressionless, and he quickly controlled the sixteen cities behind him to cover him.

Sixteen cities were blown away by a terrifying force and smashed into the distant mountain peak, directly collapsing the mountain peak, exposing a piece of pitch-black soil in the mountain.


Zhou Yan was seriously injured, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with fear.

The young man took one step forward and headed straight for him.

Zhou Yan quickly controlled sixteen cities to protect himself.

Unfortunately, it was of no use at all. The moment he took control, the young man punched out, sending sixteen cities flying.

Sixteen cities were all destroyed.

Zhou Yan was also punched away.


Zhou Yan fell to the ground hard and vomited blood.

"Jie Jie...Ants are just ants. They can never compete with an elephant!"

With a look of disdain on his face, the young man took one step forward and directly lifted Zhou Yan up.

Zhou Yan's face was gloomy and his heart was full of grievances. He had never experienced such humiliation since he was a child. He was bullied into this by an ant, which made him very angry.

However, anger is anger, and now he has no room to resist.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and said, "If you want the treasures of heaven and earth in my hands, I will give them to you right away!"

Zhou Yan knew in his heart that they came for the treasures of heaven and earth behind him.

As long as he can save his life, he is willing to pay anything.

"Jie stupid!"

The young man smiled coldly, with a cold look in his eyes, and said: "We are here to take your life. As for the so-called treasures of heaven, materials and earth, they have no effect on us."

Zhou Yan's face darkened.

"What do you want?"

"It's very simple, hand over the treasures on your body and spare your life, otherwise we will directly destroy your Dantian, destroy your cultivation, and turn your body into a puppet for us to control!"

The young man grinned, his eyes were deep and cold, with strong murderous intent.

"How dare you!"

Zhou Yan's face was extremely gloomy and he glared at the young man.

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