However, now is not the time to focus on these issues.

Because the attacks unleashed by Beiming Mountain were becoming more and more terrifying, almost locking on Zhou Yan, and there was no way to avoid it. The only way to counter it was to fight head-on. There was no other choice.


Zhou Yan shouted loudly, his muscles all over his body bulged, blood vessels like horned dragons appeared on the surface of his skin, and his body became even larger than before.

At the same time, the blood in his body boiled and his breath soared, reaching its peak state.

Bang bang bang!

Zhou Yan stepped on the ground, causing the entire valley to tremble. If it weren't for the solid rock underneath, it would have collapsed long ago.

He held an iron sword and performed the Nine Lingyun Styles.

Swish, swish, swish...

A sword thrust out, the sword energy was like a rainbow, extremely sharp, cutting through the void.

This sword technique is what Zhou Yan is best at. Every move is exquisite and extremely powerful.


A crisp sound sounded, and Beimingshan easily shattered the sword energy, leaving it unscathed and slapped it down.


Zhou Yan's chest exploded, blood spurted out, and he suffered heavy injuries. He flew out and fell hard to the ground.

"Like an ant!"

Beimingshan shook his head, his eyes were cold, and he said indifferently.

"Zhou Yan!"

"Xiao Yan!"

Looking at Zhou Yan lying in a pool of blood, Nangong Yanran and Li Yun both panicked and burst into tears.

"Hmph, a mere loser dares to disobey me. He deserves to be damned!"

Beimingshan walked up to Zhou Yan, kicked him to the ground, raised his hand to grab his neck, and gathered his fingers together, preparing to break Zhou Yan's neck.


Suddenly, a strange sound came out, causing Beimingshan's expression to change slightly.

"Huh? This boy's bones are so tough!"

Beiming Shan was a little surprised. His claw just now was so powerful, but it was blocked by Zhou Yan's bones and was not crushed on the spot.

However, Zhou Yan still had no reaction.

"Haha, since your bones are so strong, let's break your bones and see how arrogant you can be!"

Beimingshan sneered, clenched his fist suddenly, and punched Zhou Yan on the chest.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's chest exploded and his ribs were broken into several pieces. The blood was dripping and shocking. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal fragments. His face was distorted and looked extremely painful.


Beimingshan sneered and waved his arm again, hitting Zhou Yan.

This time, he wanted to kill Zhou Yan completely in one fell swoop to avoid long nights and endless dreams.

"No, we must find a way to avoid it!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and struggled, a dark look flashed deep in his eyes.

He had already resigned himself to his fate and just hoped to delay the time until he succeeded in his cultivation, take revenge and kill this vicious slave girl with his own hands.

"Get out of here!"

At this critical moment, Zhou Yan roared angrily, and his body erupted with evil energy that shot into the sky. He activated the [Element-Devouring Demonic Skill], and a mass of dark mist surged out of his body.

Hoo ho ho!

In an instant, spiritual energy from all directions swarmed in and gathered above Zhou Yan's head, condensing into a vortex.

This scene made Beimingshan stunned for a moment.

"This young man can actually absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

Beimingshan was extremely surprised. Such a situation was simply unheard of.

"This boy has a secret and must be captured!"

Beimingshan's eyes darkened, his body passed by as fast as a galloping horse, and he slapped Zhou Yan on the head with his palm.

"Hahaha! It's finally my turn to show off."

Suddenly, a burst of excited laughter came from the small cauldron.


The next second, the small cauldron turned into a stream of light and landed on Zhou Yan's shoulder, emitting a sacred purple light.


Beimingshan looked stunned and looked at the small tripod.


Suddenly, the purple light flourished, and the small tripod turned into a purple jade gourd, suspended in mid-air, absorbing the light of the sun, moon and stars, exuding a vast and majestic aura.


The small cauldron vibrated, making a sound like a bell and a big Lu, shaking the world, like the roar of divine soldiers, and the roar of ancient ferocious beasts.

In an instant, a destructive wave swept out, like a storm, destroying everything. It instantly shook Beiming Mountain away and crashed into a huge boulder, sending smoke and dust flying.

"what happened?"

"I'm actually hurt!"

Beimingshan climbed up with a look of shock on his face, as if he had seen a ghost. He was a dignified Innate Realm high-level Martial Artist, but he was actually injured by a small cauldron?

This is incredible.

He looked down at the purple jade gourd, his eyes full of doubts.

"Could it be that this little cauldron has special power!?"

Beimingshan's eyes flickered, and he guessed: "Perhaps this small cauldron has an extraordinary origin and can restrain our Beiming Sect's bloodline technique!"

"Hey! No matter what the reason is, you can't escape the ending of being suppressed today!"

Beimingshan's eyes were cold, his body swayed, and he rushed forward instantly, punching out with the power of Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder.


He punched out, and the wind was raging like a tiger roaring and a dragon roaring. The air vibrated violently, forming circles of ripples.

In an instant, Zhou Yan's whole body shook violently, and he felt an overwhelming force coming at him. It was impossible to resist it. His body flew out and he vomited blood.

After just a few encounters, Zhou Yan suffered heavy losses.

"Beimingshan, you are so despicable, sneak attack on me!"

Zhou Yan cursed and was extremely angry.

He clearly had the upper hand, but Beimingshan took the opportunity to sneak attack. It was really shameless.

"Despicable? You are a good-for-nothing, do you still deserve the word despicable?"

Beimingshan sneered, his face was gloomy, and his murderous intent was fierce. He took a step forward, and in a flash, he rushed in front of Zhou Yan and punched him again.

"I'll fight you!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were about to burst, his anger was burning, he roared crazily, his eyes were red, and he punched him.


The two fists collided, making a dull sound, and a huge force poured down, causing Zhou Yan's right arm to feel a sharp pain, as if it was torn apart, and the whole arm hung down limply.


Zhou Yan screamed, with a look of pain on his face, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his body was shaky.

"Haha, trash!"

Beimingshan laughed heartily, his eyes full of mockery, he approached step by step, and sneered: "Don't worry, after you die, I will treat your sister well and let her experience all the humiliation in the world!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped forward, swept out his right leg, and swept forward with terrifying power.

"Beimingshan, you are looking for death!"

Hearing these insulting words, Zhou Yan was furious. He roared angrily, his whole body burst out, and he broke free from the restraints and stood up.

"Hey, there is a terrifying power hidden in this kid's body, but this power seems to be sealed by something!" Beimingshan frowned.

He could sense that the qi and blood in Zhou Yan's body was very strong, even several times higher than that of ordinary people. However, he could not activate it and seemed to be falling into a deep sleep.

This situation is so strange.


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