"After you take this elixir, you will immediately step into the Innate Realm. Your strength will skyrocket. Even if you meet the Innate Martial Master, you will be able to fight."

"As for the secret book you used to defeat me just now, I can pretend that nothing happened."


Hearing this, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes uncertain. After thinking for a moment, he reached out and took the porcelain bottle.

"Haha, you really took the bait, and I'll give this pill to you." The man in green robe laughed proudly, feeling very happy in his heart.

"This elixir is fake." Zhou Yan said indifferently with a calm expression.

This Nine Dragons Po Yuan Pill is obviously mixed with a lot of inferior medicinal materials, and even the medicinal effect is very weak. It cannot be compared with the real Ninth Grade Spirit Gathering Pill Law Manifestation.

"What? How is this possible?"

Hearing this, the green-robed man's face changed drastically. He looked at Zhou Yan in astonishment and asked in disbelief: "How can you identify it?"

"Huh, I've already checked it out. You guys sell pills every two or three months."

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and said in a cold tone: "Your lies are too clumsy to deceive me."

"Nothing is impossible in this world."

Zhou Yan's face was expressionless, but his eyes became more and more serious, "I will give you three seconds to consider, either kneel down and kowtow to apologize, or die here."


The green-robed man's face was twisted, and he glared at Zhou Yan angrily. He was a majestic Innate Martial Master, but he kowtowed to a Body Tempering Realm Martial Apprentice to beg for mercy.

"One, two, three!" Zhou Yan was impatient and prepared to take action.

"Wait a moment."

The man in green robe panicked. His mind was racing, he weighed the pros and cons, and finally gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "I am willing to return the secret book to you, please let me go."


Zhou Yan grinned and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? If I let you go, will you let it go?"


The green-robed man was speechless. Naturally, he would not leave easily, but staying would only lead to death.

"We can sign a life and death contract!" The man in green robe hesitated for a long time and finally said.

"Life and death contract?" Zhou Yan was startled. This is a rule of Xuanxing Continent. Once a master who has reached Innate Realm or above signs a life and death contract, he cannot violate it. If he violates the contract, he will be severely punished.

"That's right, as long as we sign a life and death contract, the two of us will coexist with each other. We will suffer both loss and prosperity. If you die, I will not be able to live." The man in green robe said solemnly: "Unless you are not afraid die."

"Why should I be afraid?"

Zhou Yan shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "Besides, even if you die, I can still gain experience points, so there is nothing to worry about."


Hearing this, the man in green robe turned pale instantly.

"Zhou Yan, let's make a deal!"

"I can help you lift the ban and allow you to enter Beiming Mountain Mansion to practice. In this way, your strength will also increase rapidly. In the future, you will become a generation of heroes and become famous throughout Dongyue County." The man in green robe quickly persuaded.

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

Zhou Yan glanced at him, with contempt on his face, and said slowly: "Besides, do you think that you, a mere Innate Martial Master, are qualified to negotiate with me?"

As soon as these words came out, the man in green robe was stunned.

This trash is so rampant!

Such a sentence could not help but appear in his mind.

Zhou Yan, this is the nature of waste.

In Beiyue Mansion, Zhou Yan is a complete loser. Not only is his cultivation mediocre, he also likes to sneak around and bully others. He is a well-known coward.

"Zhou Yan, are you sure you want to kill them all?" the man in green robe roared angrily.

"If you kill me, you will never succeed!"

Zhou Yan stared at him coldly, with sharp eyes and a strong murderous intent: "I promise, this matter will never end like this."

"Okay, Zhou Yan, be cruel!"

The green-robed man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists with overwhelming hatred. Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "You win this time, but I tell you, our Beimingshan Mansion is not that easy to provoke. of."

"I hope you won't regret it in the future, otherwise, there will be no place for you in the entire Dongyue County."

With that said, the man in green robe turned and left directly, his steps hurried and his expression solemn.

Zhou Yan's strength is too terrifying, and he doesn't want to stay and seek abuse.

"I won't regret it!"

Zhou Yan stood there, watching the man in green robe go away, and snorted coldly in his heart.

In this life, he will never allow the tragedy to happen again. In his previous life, he was forced to drop out of school because of his lack of strength. But now that he has the Vajra Immortality Art, how can he be afraid of the Beimingshan Mansion?


Suddenly, there was a roar in Zhou Yan's head, as if he was struck by lightning, his whole body was shaking violently, and his expression kept changing.

"How is this going?"

Zhou Yan was horrified, feeling that a giant beast from the wild was resurrected in his body, extremely ferocious and full of destructive power.

"Could it be that the Vajra Immortal Art has broken through again!?" Zhou Yan was shocked. He did not expect that the Vajra Immortal Art would suddenly break out.


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan shook his head, feeling something was wrong, because although the Vajra Indestructible Technique was strong, it would not cause him to have such abnormality.

"It's not the Immortal Vajra Art!"

Zhou Yan frowned and carefully checked his body, but couldn't find any problem at all.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan noticed that a strange ray of light emerged from the Dantian area, emitting a dazzling brilliance, dotted like fireflies.

"That's it!"

After seeing this strange ray of light clearly, Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly lit up and he was extremely excited.

This ray of light is the first level of the "Swallowing Technique", called "Swallowing Soul"!

There are seven levels in the "Swallowing Technique". Each time you break through one level, you can control a Divine Ability.

Zhou Yan was very lucky. In his previous life, he was lucky enough to obtain this volume of skills in an ancient ruins. From then on, he rose to power in Nanling, dominated an area, and became a prince.

It's a pity that when Zhou Yan reached the fourth level of cultivation in his previous life, his lifespan was exhausted and he died. When he came back, his life had changed.

"Little brother, let's make a deal. As long as you are willing to let me live, I can promise you a condition, including the woman you want, and I can help you get it." The man in green robe continued to lobby.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and said sarcastically: "I, Zhou Yan, am the Saint Emperor of the Nine Netherworlds. I travel across the Myriad Worlds and conquer the eight wastelands. What kind of beauty have I never seen? Do I need to rely on you?"

"What's more, do you think you are really my opponent?"

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to kill my wife and children, you must pay the price with blood!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with cold light, his murderous intent revealed, and he took action without hesitation.

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