"Thank you, sir."

He solemnly put the Na ring on his finger, looked at it carefully for a few times, and after confirming that it was correct, he cupped his hand and said, "Young master, please do it."

"Thank you very much."

Zhou Yan nodded in thanks and then stepped forward.

After a while, he walked out of the restaurant.

At the entrance of the restaurant, a luxury carriage was parked.

Sitting on the carriage was a young man in black, with a gloomy face, a cold and arrogant temperament, and a cold light in his eyes. He seemed to be very noble, but also like a ferocious beast, which made people afraid to approach him.

"Sir, that little brother is out."

In the carriage, the young man in black opened his eyes, looked at Zhou Yan through the window, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Hmph! Even though you are in the Divine King Eighth Layer realm, you are worthy of calling me a brother?"

The young man in black shouted coldly, his face became more and more gloomy, and he said coldly: "Let's go, let's go there."


The coachman quickly agreed, drove the carriage, and quickly chased Zhou Yan.

"Brother, what a coincidence. Are you planning to go to Wantong Trading Company too?"

In the carriage, the young man in black lifted the curtain, stared at Zhou Yan, and said jokingly.

"Oh? You know me?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Hehe... I am Wang Hao, from Beiming County."

The young man in black, Wang Haopi, smiled and said sarcastically: "It is said that you eat and drink in the Zhou Mansion and do nothing every day."

"Today, you are even more audacious. You dare to offend me, Wang Hao. You are simply asking for death."

"Haha...it turns out to be Wang Hao, disrespectful."

Zhou Yan laughed and said, "However, now that we have met, you have to make the decision for me."

"Haha...making the decision for you? Why?"

Wang Hao sneered disdainfully and said mockingly.

"I am Zhou Yan, the eldest son of the Zhou family!"

Zhou Yan stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Did you know that the old guy just wanted to rob me?"


Wang Hao frowned slightly, stared at Zhou Yan, and said coldly: "Boy, do you want to use my hand to get rid of that old guy?"

"You are smart." Zhou Yan nodded appreciatively and said with a smile: "Yes, that's exactly what I planned, so I hope you can help me."

"Boy, I think you are really tired of living..."

Hearing this, Wang Hao became furious, suddenly drew his sword, and slashed at Zhou Yan's head.


In an instant, Saber Qi swept across and turned into a rain of blood, heading towards Zhou Yan.

These rains of blood contain strong toxicity, enough to poison the Martial Artist in the Martial Apprentice realm.

"Little tricks!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan shook his head, waved his sleeves and robe, and the strong wind howled, directly breaking the Saber Qi, and then punched out, annihilating the blood rain, and hit Wang Hao's chest.


There was a huge muffled sound, and Wang Hao howled miserably, his body flew upside down, hit the edge of the street hard, and fell into a puddle of mud.


Wang Hao struggled to get up, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his eyes full of resentment and despair.

"You...how can you be so strong!"

Wang Hao growled and said in disbelief.

In his expectation, his sword attack would definitely kill Zhou Yan.

Unexpectedly, the result was exactly the opposite.

"There are many people who are better than me in this world." Zhou Yan curled his lips and said, "But you can always look up, and you even need to kneel on the ground and beg for my forgiveness."

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp, filled with domineering, unruly and scornful expressions.

"I bother……"

Wang Hao's face was full of dissatisfaction and he spat on it fiercely.

"Aren't you convinced?" Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes, and a cold look appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In that case, I will destroy your cultivation level, then throw it into the manure pit and feed it to the fish, so that you can have a taste and be eaten by the dog. The taste of…”

While talking, Zhou Yan raised his foot and stepped on it.

With a click, he stepped on Wang Hao's Dantian.

"Ah... you damn little beast, how dare you, how dare you do this to me!"

Suddenly, a shrill wail resounded through the sky.

"Boy, I remember you, wait and see, one day, I will make you pay the price!"

Wang Hao's face was full of pain, he gritted his teeth and said viciously.


Zhou Yan glanced at Wang Hao indifferently, then moved his feet and left directly.

"Master, you..."

The coachman opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but finally endured it.

After a while, he drove the carriage slowly towards the Zhou family.

Back at Zhou Mansion, Zhou Yan walked straight into the living room and asked his maid to make a pot of tea for him.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned slightly and his heart beat violently.

"what happened……"

"The power of my soul has actually become restless..."

Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he noticed something was wrong, so he immediately sat down cross-legged and began to exercise and adjust his breathing.


After a moment, Zhou Yan's thoughts moved, and a strange power surged out from deep in his soul.

"This is...soul power?"

Zhou Yan was wildly surprised. He didn't expect that the soul power of this body would be so powerful!

"As expected of the eldest son of the Zhou family."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly.

This body possesses Fifth Grade qualification and is a rare Body Refining Talent.

Therefore, the soul power of this body is extremely huge, comparable to that of a two-star Martial Master.

"So, this trial mission is not difficult for me."

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his lips.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes widened, with a look of shock on his face.

"Martial Master?"

Under Zhou Yan's gaze, a blazing flame suddenly burst out in his dantian.

"Is this...Spirit Fire?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were stunned, and he was a little surprised: "No wonder the soul power I awakened is different. It turns out to be the Martial Master level Spirit Fire!"

This ball of Spirit Fire was purple-gold in color and emitted a scorching temperature, as if the temperature of the entire room had increased a lot.

"Not bad."

Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Martial Master level Spirit Fire is extremely rare, even among the royal family, there are only a handful of them.

"This trip to Nanyang County is really worth it."

Zhou Yan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Not only did he find the Rank Three martial skill "Nine Revolutions of Dragon Elephant Technique", but he also gained a Martial Master level Spirit Fire."

"It's not in vain that I ran two thousand miles and spent half a Xuanyuan Dan."

"This loss is worth it."

With that said, he returned to the room in a happy mood, preparing to retreat and recover.

at the same time.

In the barren mountains outside Nanyang City, a group of powerful martial artists gathered here with ugly expressions on their faces.

They have searched dozens of miles, but there is still no trace.

"Did this kid escape?"

The leader, a middle-aged man in black, with a livid look on his face, said angrily: "Humph, no matter whether he escapes or not, he must first return to Nanyang County and report to Commander Wang."

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