Falling heavily to the ground, Black Wind Ghost's face was as pale as paper, and a wisp of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth and dripped down.

With one palm, he easily defeated Black Wind Ghost Lao's defense. Zhou Yan's strength has reached the peak of Earth Level, and he has also mastered Rank Three martial arts!

"Zhou Yan, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Feeling the pure spiritual energy draining from his body, Black Wind Ghost's face changed drastically and he roared hysterically.

"So what if I don't kill you?"

Looking at the black wind ghost old man in front of him, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth, "Since you want to die in my hands, then I will help you!"

After saying that, he swayed and rushed towards Black Wind Ghost Lao.

Seeing this, Yang Jianwu's face finally showed a look of fear, and he roared crazily: "Zhou Yan, please, don't kill me. I can give you a fortune, as long as you let me go." Whatever you want, I can give you!"

"Zhou Yan, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Seeing Zhou Yan approaching, Yang Jianwu finally couldn't help but panic appeared on his face, and he wailed quickly.


Zhou Yan shook his head, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "It's too late for you to beg for mercy now!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan stepped into the void and struck out with a palm.

"Boom boom!"

A destructive energy wave swept across all directions, exploding the ground into pieces. Yang Jianwu's body was shattered inch by inch under the attack of this terrifying energy.

A Prodigy at the early stage of Earth Level was killed so easily.

This situation made everyone dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? Yang Jianwu, the genius of the Yang family, ranks among the top three among the entire young generation in Jiangzhou, but he was killed with just one palm?"

"Zhou Yan, who is he? He can actually kill a strong man in the early stage of Earth Level with one move?"

"Who is this person, and how can he be so powerful?"

"Who is he?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and a question couldn't help but arise in their minds.

"Zhou Yan, you can't kill me. My father Yang Dong is the head of the Yang family in Tianyang County. If you kill me, he will definitely not let you go!"

Feeling Zhou Yan's cold murderous intent, Yang Jianwu couldn't help but feel boundless fear in his heart.

Although he is a genius disciple of the Yang family, Yang Dong is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Earth Level and is much stronger than him. He is no match for him.

"Yang Dong?"

Zhou Yan curled his lips and smiled coldly: "Don't worry, even if you are a genius disciple of the Yang family, I will still kill you!"

As he spoke, a hint of joking appeared on Zhou Yan's face, "You are right, Yang Dong is an Earth Level expert in Tianyang County, and he is also the deputy city lord of Tianyang County. But, do you think that your Can father protect you for the rest of your life?"

Hearing this, Yang Jianwu's face changed wildly.

Although Yang Dong is the deputy city lord of Tianyang County, he is not a person with real power, it is just a false title.

Above Yang Dong, there is another city lord whose status is comparable to that of the deputy city lord.

"What do you want to do?"

Yang Jianwu's heart twitched violently, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"Of course I'm sending you back to the west!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold. He waved his right hand, stretched out his arm suddenly, grabbed Yang Jianwu's neck, and tried hard to crush his throat.

Feeling the suffocation on his neck, the panic on Yang Jianwu's face instantly dissipated, replaced by a ferocious look, "Zhou Yan, if you kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"


Hearing this, a disdainful smile appeared on Zhou Yan's lips: "Who do you think your father is? He is just a deputy city lord. His cultivation is only at the early stage of Earth Level. If I want to kill him, it will be easy!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan ignored Yang Jianwu's threats. He exerted force with his right hand and with a click, Yang Jianwu's head went limp like mud.

"The people of the Yang family are really vulnerable!"

Looking at Yang Jianwu's body, Zhou Yan shook his head, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Zhou Yan, you are so powerful that even Yang Zhenwu can easily suppress you!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yunpeng couldn't help but admire, with admiration in his tone.

In his opinion, Zhou Yan's strength was already frighteningly powerful, and he was completely insurmountable.

"You're not weak either!"

Zhou Yan smiled lightly, "Now, you should be able to understand how insignificant you and Yang Jianwu are in my eyes."

Hearing this, Zhao Yunpeng nodded slightly, his eyes full of admiration.

"Okay, it's almost time. It's time to leave. Otherwise, if we attract other people, we will be in trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan's body flashed and he quickly left here.

"Senior Brother Zhou Yan, I'll take my leave now. Have a safe journey with you."

Looking at Zhou Yan's leaving figure, Zhao Yunpeng took a deep breath and quickly followed him and left the ruins.


"Where is this? Why am I here?"

In the ruins of the Yang family, a handsome man in a green shirt slowly opened his eyes.

In his sight, the surrounding scene was unfamiliar, and he didn't know where he was.

"Where am I?"

Yang Jianwu rubbed his swollen head and tried hard to recall what had just happened.

Suddenly, Yang Jianwu's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief.

He remembered that he was chased by Zhou Yan, and he was killed instantly with a sword!

Zhou Yan not only defeated him, but even drove him into the ruins and killed him completely!

"Zhou Yan, it's Zhou Yan!"

Thinking of all this, Yang Jianwu couldn't help but feel despair in his heart.

"Zhou Yan!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which immediately made Yang Jianwu's heart tremble, and he raised his head and looked around.

"Zhou Yan? Who is he?"

"I don't know him, but I know that he is an enemy of the Yang family!"

Looking at the person in front of him, Yang Jianwu was stunned for a moment, and his pupils immediately tightened: "Zhou Yan, it's you, you actually dare to kill Yang Jianwu!"

"Humph, he deserves to die!"

Seeing Yang Jianwu's reaction, Zhou Yan sneered.

Yang Jianwu, although he is a genius, unfortunately, he is a playboy, relying on Yang Dong's protection to do whatever he wants.

Zhou Yan wanted to teach him a lesson before, but unfortunately, he never found the chance.

Now that it happened, he would not miss this golden opportunity.

"Hahaha, you say I deserve to die? Do you really think you are the Heavenly King?"

Yang Jianwu sneered again and again.

"What do you think?"

Looking at Yang Jianwu's angry face, there was no fear in Zhou Yan's eyes. A mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I will show you now what it means to be an Earth Level powerhouse!"

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