Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1326, Terrifying Cultivation Level

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyelids jumped sharply, showing an expression of disbelief.

Martial Master, what kind of existence is this? In Beiyue County, he can definitely be regarded as the top master.

Even in Cloud Prefecture, such a strong Martial Master is a Grandmaster-level figure.

Unexpectedly, the girl in front of me has such terrifying cultivation!

"Hmph, but don't be discouraged. As long as you practice hard, sooner or later you will become a true Martial Master!"

The girl comforted her.

"Thank you for your advice, girl!"

Zhou Yan was ecstatic, saluted respectfully, and spoke.

He was excited. Originally, he thought that this visit to Nanyang City would be a disaster. Unexpectedly, he would encounter such a Prodigy in another village.

If he could be accepted as her disciple, and with the help of this purple ganoderma, he would even be sure to directly condense his martial spirit!

After all, there are many memories of past lives stored in his mind.

"You're welcome, what's your name?"

The girl asked with a slight smile.

"Boy Zhou Yan, meet the master!"

Zhou Yan bowed and saluted respectfully.


The girl nodded slightly, then stretched out her slender hand, and a stream of spiritual power poured into Zhou Yan's mind, and began to help him sort out the sea of ​​consciousness and improve his cultivation.


After a moment, the girl frowned, with a look of confusion on her face.

Zhou Yan's physique is so weird that he actually absorbed one hundred and eight spiritual grasses, but his cultivation level is still at the Divine King Eighth Layer.

"Is this guy not practicing?"

The girl was doubtful.

She had never encountered such a thing before.

"It seems that the only way to find out is to go to his parents!"

The girl thought to herself, then turned around and left.


at the same time.

A street corner a few hundred meters away from Zhou's Trading Company.

A carriage stopped here, and the person driving the carriage was clearly the elder of the Yang family.

Inside the carriage, a middle-aged man sat quietly cross-legged, eyes closed Nurturing Spirit.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's pupils opened, and a ray of light shot out.

The next moment, he raised his arm and raised his index finger to the empty point.


The air seemed to be torn apart, and a dark crack appeared, spreading forward.

Click, click, click!

Wherever the dark crack passed, the surrounding walls were shattered, turned into dust, and disappeared into thin air.

The carriage was also affected by the shock wave and shook violently.

Fortunately, the groom reacted very quickly and whipped out his whip several times to stabilize the frame of the vehicle without crashing into the house.

"This is... the Sky-Breaking Finger!"

At this time, the middle-aged man had shock in his eyes.

The Sky Breaking Finger is astonishingly powerful and can be called an Earth Rank Low Level martial skill.

Unexpectedly, he could actually witness the birth of this martial art with his own eyes.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you!"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet sound came from the carriage.

Immediately, the car curtain opened, revealing a young and tender face.

"Haha, nothing!"

The middle-aged man smiled lightly, shook his head and replied:

"You go to sleep first, we will be home soon!"


The girl nodded and got into the carriage obediently.


However, just three seconds later, the carriage suddenly swayed.


The girl screamed in fright and rolled down.

At this moment, a cold murderous intention came from outside the carriage.

"You dare to sneak attack on me, you deserve to die!"

A sharp shout suddenly resounded.


In an instant, a sword flashed, slashed down like a horse, and struck hard towards the carriage.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, his blood boiled, and he exploded madly.

He jumped up into the sky like a Flood Dragon emerging from the water.


The sword slashed down, but it fell into the air. It struck the hard stone slab and sparks flew out.


The next moment, a gloomy ghost claw penetrated the void and arrived in an instant.


In an instant, blood spurted out.

The middle-aged man groaned, his face turned pale, and five deep scratches appeared on his chest.

The wounds were hideous and dripping with blood.


Seeing this scene, the girl gasped, her face full of shock, and she stood there blankly.

"This little girl is actually a Martial Master!"

Zhou Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the girl in the carriage.

This girl, who looked only twelve or thirteen years old, was actually able to defeat a Martial Master.

This talent is simply incredible!

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

The girl came back to her senses, walked over hurriedly, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, but there was a chill in the depths of his eyes, and he slowly said: "Xiaoru, let's go back!"



People around him were talking a lot, looking at Zhou Yan with sarcasm and ridicule.

"Haha, this kid is so unlucky!"

"That's right, I just got the opportunity, but I was attacked by a poisonous snake, and even the elders of my family were seriously injured!"

"Oh, why do you think this kid doesn't have eyesight, yet he chooses to buy medicinal materials in Nanyang City? Isn't this going to kill him?"

"Deserve it!"

Everyone shook their heads, with pity and amusement on their faces.

In Nanyang City, one of the two largest forces is the Zhou family and the Yang family.

Therefore, the ordinary people here usually live with their tail between their legs and do not dare to provoke these two forces.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, happened to be in the crosshairs of the gun, and was regarded as a thorn in the side of the Zhou family and the Yang family, who wanted to get rid of him quickly.

Today, if the middle-aged man hadn't arrived, I'm afraid he would have died.

And all this is his own fault.

"Hmph, you piece of trash, get out of Nanyang City!"

At this moment, a cold shout suddenly exploded in the restaurant.

Then, a burly figure stepped out and walked straight towards Zhou Yan.

"Yang Xiong!"

Seeing this person, the middle-aged man in the carriage shrank his pupils.

The man in front of him had a tall body and bulging muscles, as if he were made of steel.

What is even more surprising is that the aura on his body has reached the peak of Martial Apprentice Ninth Layer.

There is only half a step left to advance to the Martial Master realm!

"Yang Xiong from the Yang family? I heard that he has understood the 'Breaking Sky Finger' and is extremely powerful. This kid is miserable!"

"Not only is it miserable, this kid's Dantian is seriously damaged. No matter how many pills he takes, it may not be able to make up for it!"

The people around him suddenly started whispering.

Yang Xiong, the number one genius in Nanyang City, cultivates at an astonishing speed. He is only twenty-one years old now and has such a cultivation level that he is comparable to a genius monster.

Moreover, he was cruel and murderous. Someone once accidentally offended him and was killed on the spot.

It can be said that the evil reputation spreads far and wide.

"Zhou Yan, I will give you three breaths to kneel down and beg for mercy, or you will die!"

Yang Xiong stood in front of Zhou Yan, looking down from a high position, looking down proudly, like a king judging his subjects.

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

A mere loser actually tried to cling to the Zhou family, which was beyond belief.

Today, he wanted to let Zhou Yan know what despair meant.

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