"It seems that I have to find a way to get a few corpse cores in the future to practice the "Chaos Overlord Body Technique"." Zhou Yan thought happily.

The power of "Chaos Overlord Body Technique" is very powerful. If it can be cultivated to perfection, it will be enough to dominate Tianxing City, and no one can check it.

Unfortunately, corpse kings are rare and difficult to find.


Suddenly, a black shadow flew over, it was the armored corpse.

"This guy is not dead yet?" Zhou Yan frowned, a little confused.

According to common sense, the zombie king's defense power is extremely amazing, and ordinary attacks are basically unable to do anything to it.

After all, the Corpse King can cast poison and corrode everything.

However, Zhou Yan knew that the corpse king's most fatal weakness was his head.

As long as the head is blown off, death is certain.

"However, in this case, I will not be able to absorb the essence and blood of the Corpse King." Zhou Yan frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

The essence and blood of the Corpse King contains a huge amount of life essence. If taken, it will be beneficial to the body.

Unfortunately, the essence and blood of the Corpse King cannot be absorbed. Unless he can kill the Corpse King, he can only look back and sigh.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan felt his heart vibrate, as if there was some kind of power surging. Immediately, the blood in his body boiled, as if being pulled by some kind of force, gathering towards his heart.

"Huh? Why is my heart beating inexplicably..."

Zhou Yan's face changed drastically, he panicked, and his heart beat, making him feel suffocated.


After a moment, Zhou Yan's heart trembled violently, and a ball of blazing light burst out, illuminating the entire valley.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan felt happy and shouted: "What is this?"

In his heart, there was a drop of crystal clear blood suspended, as bright as a silver glow, exuding powerful power fluctuations.

"Is this my heart?" Zhou Yan's face was dull, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

The heart is the most important organ of the Martial Artist. It is connected to the soul. If the heart is damaged, the Martial Artist will suffer severe damage and may even endanger his life.

However, a drop of blood essence suddenly appeared in his heart, and the power fluctuation of this drop of blood essence was extremely vast and majestic, completely surpassing the memory of his previous life.

In this drop of essence and blood, there seemed to be a wild beast dormant, carrying a terrifying and evil aura.

"It's so weird. I wonder if I can control this drop of blood?" Zhou Yan's eyes flickered.

Immediately, he bit his fingertip, forced out a drop of blood, and approached the blood carefully.


The next moment, Zhou Yan's blood and essence collided, and the two forces collided and fought fiercely.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came, making Zhou Yan's hair stand on end and terrified.

It turned out that his heart blood could not bear the terrifying power contained in the essence and blood, and it instantly shattered and turned into nothingness.

"What is this drop of essence and blood? Why is it so weird?" Zhou Yan pondered in his heart and fell into confusion.

The heart blood is the condensed life essence of the Martial Artist, which represents the life of the Martial Artist. If the essence and blood collapse, it means that the Martial Artist has died.

"Perhaps, only by completely absorbing and refining it can we understand it."

Zhou Yan thought bitterly, feeling helpless. His current strength was too weak, and it would be extremely difficult to absorb and refine this drop of blood essence.


The next moment, he waved his hand and threw the corpse core towards the armored corpse.


The armored corpse opened its huge sharp teeth and swallowed the corpse core in one gulp.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan felt severe pain in his mind, and his eyes were closed tightly, showing a look of pain.

After a while, Zhou Yan opened his eyes, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"I...why did I fall asleep?" Zhou Yan was confused.

Just now, he was about to try to absorb the power in the corpse core, but unexpectedly, he fainted.

"No, there is nothing wrong with my heart. On the contrary, it has become stronger and stronger..."

After a while, Zhou Yan regained consciousness, noticed his physical condition, and his eyes widened.

On his chest, a bright golden luster spread in all directions, exuding a strong and vigorous aura.

"This golden luster should come from the power of blood in my body, but why is the power of blood so violent?" Zhou Yan frowned.

This coma was definitely an opportunity for him to evolve his bloodline.

His heart had become stronger, full of vitality, and surging blood flowed through his veins.

"Could it be...that this is the power of my ancestor's bloodline?"

Zhou Yan was shocked.

In the memory of the previous life, the records about this drop of essence and blood are extremely vague and seem to be covered in dust.

However, he vaguely guessed that perhaps the power of his ancestor's bloodline was closely related to this drop of blood essence.


The next moment, the armored corpse roared, raised its sharp claws, and grabbed Zhou Yan hard.


Zhou Yan's face changed slightly and he immediately avoided it.

There was a roar, and a three-inch deep mark was left on the solid rock wall, which was shocking.

"This armored corpse has reached its peak of combat consciousness and speed..."

Zhou Yan was horrified. Although he had a strong body, he had no chance of winning against the armored corpse.

Because the armored corpse's body was far beyond his imagination, Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers, invulnerable to water and fire, it could be said to be made of steel and iron, with infinite strength and extreme speed.

"Roar..." The armored corpse roared, its eyes were scarlet and extremely ferocious, and it pounced on Zhou Yan again.


Zhou Yan's steps were in the air, his body was like the wind, he quickly dodged the attack of the armored corpse, and at the same time, he punched out hard.


The armored corpse reacted, raised its sharp claws, and collided with Zhou Yan's fist, creating a huge force.

With a puff, Zhou Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggered back, and his right arm was sore and numb that it almost broke.

"This armored corpse is so terrifying that it doesn't look like a human being..."

Zhou Yan was frightened and wavered in his heart.

The armored corpse had only skeletons left, but it could still crush him. This scene simply subverted cognition.


The next moment, Zhou Yan's face changed slightly, and his eyes fell on the left shoulder of the armored corpse, where there was a fist mark.

"This...the wound on this armored corpse..."

Soon, Zhou Yan noticed that the wound on the left shoulder blade of the armored corpse had healed and looked unscathed.

"No wonder its attack power is so powerful." Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

The armored corpse's injuries have recovered.

Not only that, after the injury healed, the aura of the armored corpse became even more powerful, and his whole body was filled with thick black mist, which was eerie and terrifying.

"I understand, these dark powers originate from this drop of mysterious blood..."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with wisdom. He suddenly stretched out his hand, gently brushed his forehead, took out a dagger, aimed it at his wrist, and swiped it gently.

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