
In an instant, a giant beast stretched out its claws from the dark abyss, covering the sky and the sun, and slapped down hard, as if it could tear the void apart.

With a wave of his claw, the ground shook and the mountains shook, dust flew up, rocks fell, the surrounding vegetation was broken, branches and leaves flew, the scene was horrifying.

"Damn it, the demon is coming."

Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, the sword in his hand was unsheathed, and a sword energy flew through the air.

The sword energy was sharp and struck the giant beast's claws, but was bounced back and almost collapsed.

"What a solid body..." Zhou Yan's pupils shrank, full of fear.

This giant beast is huge, hundreds of meters high, like a towering mountain.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that the giant beast is covered with dense blood-red scales, glowing with golden iron luster, and is as hard as steel. Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers.

The giant beast roared, and the sound shook the world. It swept out a claw, and the strong wind roared, rolling up layers of smoke and dust.


Caught off guard, Zhou Yan ducked away in embarrassment, his chest was tattered and dripping with blood.

The next second, a sharp sound broke through the air, and a sword shadow broke through the dust and sand, carrying the power of destruction, straight through the body of the giant beast.

In an instant, the giant beast stood frozen, its huge body came to a standstill, its expression froze, it lost all vitality, and it was completely dead.

Zhou Yan stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the corpse at his feet, and sighed: "Unexpectedly, I actually killed a giant beast with my own hands!"

This giant beast was powerful, comparable to the Body Tempering Realm for practicing martial arts, but it was attacked by Zhou Yan and was directly chopped down.

Zhou Yan was a little depressed. His strength was still too weak and he could not unleash the full power of the talisman.

"That's fine, let's make peace with it now that we've come."

With a bitter smile, Zhou Yan walked to the corner of the cave, took out a stone brick, and knocked on the ground hard.

Dong dong dong...

The stone bricks were as hard as iron, and there was a thick and dull sound of impact, echoing in the cave like thunder.


Listening to this voice, Zhou Yan frowned slightly, showing confusion, and murmured to himself: "This is the core of the talisman array, which contains a strong magnetic field and cannot be destroyed easily."

"However, the texture of this stone slab is clearly the same as that of ordinary rocks. How can it resist magnetic field erosion?"

In ancient times, special magnetic fields existed in mineral veins or tombs in many places.

Under the interference of the magnetic field, ordinary mineral veins and tombs cannot be used. Only some treasures specially designed to restrain the magnetic field, such as jade bis, spiritual seals and other objects, can resist the magnetic field.

"This stone brick looks inconspicuous. There should be nothing special about it." Zhou Yan thought to himself.

"Forget it, keep it for now, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Discarding the stone bricks casually, Zhou Yan turned his head and looked around, his eyes fell on the talisman, his heart moved slightly, and he reached out to grab it.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, countless runes flashed and blazing flames burst out.

"not good."

Zhou Yan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly let go and stepped back.

After a while, the runes dimmed and became ordinary again.

"What's happening here……"

Staring at the talisman, Zhou Yan was a little confused. He vaguely guessed that this talisman should have some kind of restriction.

"Forget it, I'll study it slowly later."

Shaking his head, Zhou Yan looked around and confirmed that there was no danger, then slowly lay down on the ground and fell into sleep.

This sleep, I slept very sweetly, a dreamless night, and a leisurely morning.


In the haze, Zhou Yan woke up, feeling hungry in his belly.

"very hungry……"

Gulu, Gulu...

The roar of his stomach rolled like thunder, making Zhou Yan's cheeks twitch and feel ashamed.

A majestic seven-foot-tall man actually slept until he woke up naturally, and he was still hungry?

If this spreads out, it will definitely become a laughing stock!

"No, we have to hurry."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, struggled to get up, and continued walking forward dragging his tired body.

The journey through mountains and rivers became increasingly difficult.

In Zhou Yan's eyes, the mountains are densely forested, with towering trees, entanglement of vines, and overgrown weeds, filled with a strange and inexplicable atmosphere.


Suddenly, the treetops swayed, and a few rays of sunlight filtered through the gaps and fell on the ground.

"Hey, what is this?"

Zhou Yan was shocked and found an old withered tree in front of him.

Underneath the old tree were scattered a pile of withered and decaying leaves.

"These leaves seem to contain medicinal properties and can cure diseases and save lives."

Zhou Yan suddenly became excited when such thoughts appeared in his mind.

By chance, Zhou Yan was seriously injured and needed to find supplements.

"This old tree has been growing for decades and must have a lot of medicinal materials. We cannot let it go."

After a little hesitation, Zhou Yan cautiously walked towards the old tree.

As soon as I stepped forward, I heard footsteps coming from afar.

"Who!?" Zhou Yan was wary and followed the sound, but was stunned.

In the distance, a dozen masked men in black robes, riding horses, came quickly.


Zhou Yan hesitated and was shocked. He didn't know why these people were chasing him.

It stands to reason that this place is located on the border of the barbarian royal city and is isolated from the world. Where did these masked people come from?

"Hey, is there someone?"

A group of men in black robes reined in their horses and stopped. One of them raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Yan. The moment he saw Zhou Yan, he showed a surprised expression.

"who are you?"

Among the men in black robes, a young man in brocade robes came forward. He had a handsome face and looked like a noble prince.

"I am……"

Zhou Yan answered subconsciously, then shook his head and said, "I am a lost boy who encountered strange things. I hope you can help me find a clear path."

"Haha, our brothers are from the Nanchu Imperial Prefecture. Under the orders of the family master, we escort the young lady to leave the royal city and return to Nanchu City."

The young man in brocade clothes smiled and said gently: "My friend, let's set off together."

"It turns out he is from the Nanchu Imperial Prefecture." Zhou Yan suddenly realized and showed respect.

In response to this, the young man in Jinfu nodded and said: "You need to rest for a while. I will report to the lady and then I will pick you up."

After saying this, the young man in brocade uniform greeted him and rode away.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the ground, and performed exercises to heal his injuries.

Time passed, and soon after, Zhou Yan regained his energy and walked into the depths of the cave.


The cave was quiet and dark, with oil lamps hanging on the walls burning with orange flames.

The furnishings in the cave were simple, with only two items, a table and chair, and a bed carved with dragon and phoenix patterns.

On the bed, there is an ice coffin, which is emitting cold air and is creepy.

Next to the ice coffin, there are three fist-sized beads, which are crystal clear, emitting strange fluctuations, and filled with wisps of mist, making people feel heart-stopping.

Observing carefully, Zhou Yan's heart was beating wildly, his eyes were trembling, and he could not suppress his excitement.

Because it is a spiritual pearl, a rare treasure of heaven and earth, of infinite value.

"These spirit beads should be taken out from the Spirit Beast's body..."

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