However, in just a few seconds, Zhou Yan felt that his whole body was numb, as if he had lost consciousness.

Zhou Yan's face was gloomy and his eyes were cold: "It seems that these people are here specifically for me, and their methods are extremely cruel and ruthless!"

You know, in the wild jungle, apart from Monsters, there are ferocious beasts. Ordinary hunters will ask for help from the villagers when they are in danger.

However, the other party obviously came for his life and used poison to plot and kill him.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, his eyes revealed a cold light, and his thick true energy flowed through his limbs and bones, nourishing his internal organs, muscles, bones and skin.

In an instant, a warm current emerged from the chest, driving away the toxins that had entered the body, and it was also able to mobilize True Qi in the Dantian to slowly repair the injury.


The violent trembling sound echoed through my ears, which was creepy and terrifying.

In the distance, a huge black shadow flew over, kicking up billowing dust and blocking the sunlight.

This was a giant snake, three feet thick, with dense black scales all over its body, shining with metallic luster. It opened its ferocious fangs and bit into Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's legs slightly bent, then he exerted force and suddenly stepped on the ground. With the help of the rebound, he moved seven or eight meters to the side, barely avoiding the attack of the giant snake.

In an instant, the hard stone slabs shattered and sand flew into the air.

The giant snake's tail swept forward, blasting a huge rock and smashing it into pieces.

"Beast, seeking death."

Zhou Yan was furious and his eyes were cold.

Although the move just now did not touch the vital part of the giant snake, the giant snake was also seriously injured and its ferocious nature was aroused.

Suddenly, a harsh and sharp hissing sound exploded.

A flaming shadow rushed over, emitting blazing heat and burning the nearby trees.

"Huh? This is..."

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment and looked intently.

It was a fire unicorn, majestic and majestic, its whole body burning with fire, like a war machine.

Wherever it passed, the vegetation was reduced to ashes and the ground was cracked, leaving a scorched trail.

This is a Divine King level Spirit Beast!

The fire unicorn is full of fire, shaped like red flames, fierce and terrifying.

Its eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, staring straight at Zhou Yan, as if looking at delicious food.

"You evil beast, you are seeking death."

Zhou Yan drank coldly, his eyes flashing with sharp coldness.

Fire Qilin is the Spirit Beast of heaven and earth, containing the essence of heaven and earth, which can help Martial Artist improve his strength.

At this moment, the fire unicorn locked onto Zhou Yan and rushed towards him, spitting out scorching flames like a wave sweeping over him.

Zhou Yan was in a bad mood and his eyes were even colder.

This fire unicorn is so powerful that it has the realm of Divine King Second Layer.

Under this situation, Zhou Yan had no choice but to temporarily avoid the edge and retreat quickly.

The fire unicorn was extremely fast and caught up in an instant, spraying out flames.

Zhou Yan was caught off guard and couldn't dodge in time. He was immediately swallowed up by the flames and his body shook twice.

Immediately, Zhou Yan raised his fist, and True Qi poured into the fist edge, condensing into a bright ball of light and smashing it towards the Fire Qilin.

The fire unicorn roared again and again, but was not afraid. It collided head-on. The two collided and made a thunder-like sound.

In an instant, the Fire Qilin was knocked back several steps, and the sole of its foot fell down, breaking more than a dozen towering ancient trees.

"You have such strong physical strength, no wonder you dare to fight me!"

Zhou Yan frowned. The fire unicorn in front of him was quite tricky. In terms of combat effectiveness, it was not inferior to him at all.

For a Martial Artist of the same level, it is not easy to kill a fire unicorn at the Divine King level.

In particular, the Fire Qilin is covered with fiery red scales and has amazing defensive power.

The fire unicorn roared and attacked again.

"Humph, since you want to play, then I will have some fun with you!"

Zhou Yan sneered, without showing any signs of weakness, and immediately faced him, using the "Overlord Fist", the wind of the fist roared and was extremely violent.

In just a moment, Huo Qilin was knocked to the ground by an iron fist, with blood dripping from his mouth, rolling and struggling, wailing miserably.

"It's just a fire unicorn, but you dare to scream in front of me?"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He had killed more than ten fire unicorns of this level, and it was easy to deal with them.

After all, the Fire Qilin's combat skills are much inferior to those of other ferocious beasts.

Therefore, Zhou Yan was able to play with ease, making the fire unicorn spin around, and suffered constant pain and torture.

Half an hour later, Huo Qilin was dying, lying on the ground, covered in blood and seriously injured.

Zhou Yan stepped forward, looked down at the dying fire unicorn from a high position, and said indifferently: "Submit."

Huo Qilin opened his eyes and stared at Zhou Yan fiercely.

Although it has low intelligence, it still knows dignity and will never surrender to its enemies.

"Haha, if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished by drinking wine!"

Zhou Yan sneered, raised his hand to hold Huo Qilin's head, and used the soul-stirring technique.

As soon as he thought about it, Huo Qilin's body stiffened, his eyes became dull, and his eyes turned, full of confusion.


Huo Qilin roared and knelt down on the ground.

"What's your name? Where are you from?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Master, my name is Qingyan. I was originally a fire dragon from the southern border."

Huo Qilin replied respectfully, recalling the past with a sigh in his tone.

Thousands of years ago, it was a powerful man who roamed the world, with a ferocious reputation that frightened countless enemies. Unfortunately, time has changed and the world has changed.

Now, it has been reduced to a slave and is at the mercy of its enemies.

"Do you know where this mountain range is?" Zhou Yan continued to ask.

Nanling is vast and the terrain is complex. Even if there are records, there will inevitably be deviations.

"Master, this is the eastern part of Nanling." Qing Yan replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan nodded, guessing that maybe this mountain range was Longhu Mountain.

After all, this world has Extreme Profundities, and all kinds of ancient secrets emerge in endlessly.

It is said that there are many precious medicines and spiritual fruits buried in Longhu Mountain, which are rare and valuable.

"Who is your master?"

Zhou Yan continued to ask, this is the key and must be clarified.

"Reporting to my master, my a Divine King level Spirit Beast." Qing Yan said hesitantly.

"Divine King realm?" Zhou Yan was stunned, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart.

There are very few Divine King-level experts in this world, and every one of them is an all-powerful being.

If it really is a Divine King Spirit Beast, I'm afraid there won't be many in the entire South Ridge.

"Are you sure?" Zhou Yan questioned.

"Master, I won't lie, because..."

Qing Yan's words were stagnant, and Qing Yan's eyes showed fear. He seemed to have thought of something, and his voice became depressed: "Because, the master's servants once led a group of Monsters to break through the mountain protection restrictions of Longhu Mountain and robbed a Spirit Medicine..."

"That Spirit Medicine is exactly what the owner's mother, the Purple Rose Fairy, needs!"

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