Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1362, Gaining The Upper Hand

However, Zhou Yan was not discouraged.

Instead, a smile appeared on his face.

"Although this humanoid puppet has amazing strength, it seems to be subject to some kind of imprisonment and cannot move at all..."

"Since it can't move, let me move it!"

Zhou Yan's thoughts changed rapidly.

Soon, he made a decision: "Whoops!"

The next moment, his palms stretched out and turned into sharp claws, grabbing at the weak spot on the puppet's neck.

As long as that place can be destroyed, the puppet will definitely die.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan still underestimated the terror of humanoid puppets.

He stabbed out with one finger, but it failed.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was slightly startled.

At this time, the humanoid puppet looked up at Zhou Yan, his eyes full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, as if mocking Zhou Yan's ignorance.

Immediately, the humanoid puppet stepped forward and walked towards Zhou Yan.

"Hmph! Do you think I really can't do anything to you?"

"Kneel down!"

Zhou Yan was furious.

A surge of evil energy surged from his body, causing the temperature around him to drop a bit.

And his figure flashed, and he pounced towards the humanoid puppet.

At the same time, he used his most powerful skill - Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens!

The two collided and made a dull sound.

Immediately afterwards, the humanoid puppet flew back and fell to the ground, with blood bleeding from the corners of its mouth.


Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this humanoid puppet is extremely powerful, it is still sealed and unable to move freely.

But the next moment, the humanoid puppet stood up again, roared, and rushed towards Zhou Yan again.

It is extremely fast, even faster than Zhou Yan.

Moreover, its defense and attack power are both amazing.

In just a few seconds, it fought with Zhou Yan for more than ten moves, and actually gained the upper hand.

Although Zhou Yan was physically strong, he was unwilling to fight him head-on, so he could only resort to fighting to delay time.

He knew that if the stalemate continued for a long time, it would be extremely detrimental to him.

Because the body of the humanoid puppet contains a steady stream of energy, but he needs to expend vitality to maintain his demonic body.

Another hard hit, and Zhou Yan took three steps back.

But he knew very well that if he continued to waste money, he would definitely be the first to fail.

"It's time to end..."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, and his pupils were glowing with a dark red light.

Behind him, a Flood Dragon phantom appeared, hovering endlessly.

His aura was rising steadily, and his whole person exuded a terrifying power.

Suddenly, a loud and high-pitched dragon roar resounded, shaking in all directions.

The next moment, his right arm was covered with a layer of pale golden scales, shining with a frightening cold light.

He punched out, causing the humanoid puppet to stumble back.

The boulders shattered and smoke filled the sky.

This humanoid puppet has become a wreck.

"Is it finally solved?"

Zhou Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked a little tired, but his eyes showed joy.

He stretched out his hand and tore it apart.

In an instant, the clothes exploded.

The muscular torso inside was exposed.

Zhou Yan's chest was densely covered with scales like dragon scales. Each one was crystal clear, flowing with bright brilliance, like the most beautiful work of art in the world.

Suddenly, waves of roars came from Zhou Yan's ears.

The next moment, pairs of red eyes appeared in his sight.

Those puppets all woke up from the darkness.

"What's going on? Why are these puppets suddenly alive?"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan was immediately startled.

Just now, there was obviously no life fluctuation, so why did it become more agile again in the blink of an eye?

The next moment, Zhou Yan turned around and ran away without hesitation.

He didn't want to be trapped in a tight siege again.

At this moment, those puppets were all chasing after them and swarming up.

In an instant, Zhou Yan was surrounded by overwhelming puppet figures.

Along with the violent explosion, Zhou Yan waved his fists and fought with all his strength, trying to escape.

However, these puppets are too powerful.

There are six or seven in total, and their strength is comparable to the peak of Qi Refining.

The rest of the puppets are comparable to the early monks of Innate Realm.

On the outside of the crowd, there are two stronger puppets, whose strength has reached the middle stage of Qi Refining.

With so many puppets united, no matter how powerful Zhou Yan is, he will inevitably suffer.

A puppet in the middle stage of Qi Refining slashed down with a knife, almost hitting Zhou Yan on the shoulder.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Zhou Yan got out of the way, and the danger became more and more dangerous.

Zhou Yan's punch was so powerful that he knocked several puppets away in an instant.

However, those puppets were not afraid of death and still swarmed up like crazy, surrounding Zhou Yan.

The weapons in their hands fell towards Zhou Yan one after another.

Zhou Yan dodged and dodged, barely avoiding the fatal attack.

However, his clothes were still torn and dripping with blood.

Suddenly, a roar sounded in Zhou Yan's mind.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was hit hard, his whole body trembled, and he almost fainted.

"What the hell!"

Zhou Yan was shocked.

However, he quickly calmed down and gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​consciousness shook.

A cold breath filled the air and enveloped his sea of ​​consciousness.

The originally groggy head suddenly regained its clarity.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of information poured into his mind and were absorbed and digested by him.

"I see!"

Zhou Yan suddenly felt enlightened.

It turns out that this is a secret technique called "The Art of Controlling Beasts", which is a technique created by ancient alien races.

Through the Beast Control Technique, Zhou Yan can control thousands of strange monsters.

These monsters are all born from heaven and earth, and each has its own characteristics.

Some are good at swallowing blood food.

Some have outstanding talents and are good at poisoning, assassination and other techniques.

Some are huge, like mountains.

All in all, this "Beast Control Technique" is very mysterious, even beyond Zhou Yan's expectations.

Especially those monsters that are born with poison are even more rare treasures.

Once obtained, the value is amazing.

As for these monsters, Zhou Yan is not yet qualified to conquer them.

Unless, he waits until his strength reaches the Qi Refining Late Stage before he can give it a try.

"do not care."

"Now that I have captured the dragon vein, I will now go look for that cave to see if there is Spirit Medicine in it!"

Zhou Yan's mind was spinning and he quickly made a judgment.

He was not in a hurry to leave, but chose to stay and observe these alien puppets.

After all, these alien puppets are extremely powerful and numerous in number.

Zhou Yan was going to take the opportunity to explore and see if he could master this method.

Night, silent.

Suddenly, a wisp of sound broke through the air.

Zhou Yan's figure flashed, and he passed through the trees and jungle quietly and came to a remote path.

He took a deep breath, held his breath, and slowly approached a huge banyan tree.

This banyan tree is about a hundred feet high, with lush branches and leaves, covering the sky and the sun, completely blocking the moonlight.

But above the tree crown, there is a huge tree crown, like an umbrella.

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