Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.

Suddenly, a stream of cool air spread down his throat and quickly spread to his limbs, causing his state to reach its peak in an instant.

Then, Zhou Yan shouted loudly and rushed towards the alien puppet.

At the same time, golden lines appeared on his right arm, swimming like golden pythons.

Pushing out with one palm, waves of Astral Wind were set off, sweeping across all directions.

In the blink of an eye, a ten-foot-tall, pitch-black puppet was killed by his palm!

Zhou Yan's face was still pale.

He felt that his body was slowly recovering.

"Yes, it actually has such an effect!"

Zhou Yan was overjoyed.

Soon, he found a safe area again to avoid the attacks of other alien puppets.

Zhou Yan was covered in blood and suffered severe injuries.

However, he still persisted.

Moreover, in this cruel environment, he also benefited a lot.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

In just a moment, Zhou Yan realized that the spiritual energy in his body was becoming more and more pure, and he was about to break through to the eighth level of Qi Refining!

However, his expression was extremely heavy:

"There are only less than five minutes left. How can I survive such a short time?"

At this moment, in the depths of the tombs, strange phenomena were occurring.

Originally, there were just one or two alien puppets chasing him.

But now, dozens of puppets appeared together and attacked crazily.

Their strength far exceeds all the puppets Zhou Yan has seen before.

There was even a puppet with silver armor.

The aura fluctuations revealed were extremely powerful, and seemed to be almost the same as that of the Innate Rank Three powerhouse.


Zhou Yan's pupils shrank.

He understood that this time, he was afraid of a narrow escape from death.

However, he had no choice but to resist.

Zhou Yan's strength, although not weak, is comparable to that of Body Refining Second Layer's Martial Artist.

However, facing these puppets, they are still stretched thin.

In particular, during the recent period, his body had problems, causing Qi channels to be blocked.

Today, the combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

However, even if this is the case, he can still barely hold on.

However, as time passed, his situation became worse and worse.


Finally, Zhou Yan was pierced by a sharp knife, and his shoulder was torn open.

The severe pain made him groan.

"Hahaha, are you going to die?"

Seeing this, the other alien puppets all became excited.

They swarmed up and charged towards Zhou Yan.


There was a fierce look in Zhou Yan's eyes.

"Since I can't escape, I'll just fight them!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan stood tall and straight, advancing instead of retreating, and took the initiative to meet those alien puppets.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere and strong winds raged.

Zhou Yan relied on his own advantages to kill seven alien puppets.

However, his own left hand was scratched by sharp claws and stained with blood.

At this moment, Zhou Yan roared, with murderous intent boiling in his eyes.

However, another alien puppet came to kill him.

The sharp nails fell on his back, leaving several horrific wounds and almost cutting him off.


Several other puppets took the opportunity to kick him out.

While flying upside down, Zhou Yan vomited blood, his chest collapsed, and his whole body was almost paralyzed.

"Haha, do you still want to fight to the death?"

A burly giant ape stepped forward and struck down with a punch, like a falling meteorite.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and tried his best to barely block it.

There was just a "snap" sound, the bones shattered, and half of the body was completely destroyed.


However, Zhou Yan did not give in at all, but charged forward again.

He is like a madman, fighting with many aliens.

Suddenly, when Zhou Yan was about to sneak attack a puppet, he was kicked away and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"You little bastard, go to hell!"

A strange puppet rushed over, holding a mace and smashed it on Zhou Yan's head.

If this stick hits his head, even if it is made of steel, it will smash him into mud.

But, at this critical moment.

A sharp sword light flew through the air and penetrated directly into the forehead of the alien puppet.

In an instant, its figure froze in place.

Then, he fell heavily to the ground and turned into a corpse.


Seeing this scene, everyone looked up.

The next moment, Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly widened.

I saw a graceful silhouette emerging from the void and descending.

She was dressed in green clothes and looked beautiful, with a hint of indifference between her brows.

Like an iceberg fairy, she refuses to stay thousands of miles away.

However, her beauty stunned everyone present.

Even Zhou Yan was dumbfounded.

"This...who is she?"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself.

He just felt that the woman in front of him was like an immortal, which made him fascinated and full of awe.

He had never heard of such a woman.

However, he knew that this must be a peerless beauty.

Otherwise, why would it appear here?

Could it be that...she is the real owner of this ancient tomb?

Zhou Yan guessed, but shook his head.

"This should not be her tomb or the place of inheritance."

Zhou Yan muttered secretly, his thoughts surging.

This ancient tomb is too huge.

The alien puppet they just encountered alone was comparable to the powerful Innate Rank Three.

The woman in front of her is even more frighteningly powerful. She is probably at least Innate Rank Four or above.

"Eh, that's not right... Her cultivation level has actually dropped to the Innate First Layer level?"

Soon, Zhou Yan noticed something unusual and couldn't help but his eyes flickered.

"Could it be that she was seriously injured and fell to this level?"

This look is so chilling!

However, the beautiful lady just opened her lips lightly and said lightly.

"Haha, do you think I don't dare?"

Zhou Yan sneered, his eyes burst with cold light, his figure suddenly changed, and he rushed towards the beautiful lady.

However, the beautiful lady raised her hand, and a dazzling star blossomed.

Immediately, a piercing star swept out and headed straight for Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan had no time to react and was hit instantly.

The whole person was thrown away like a kite with its string broken.


Zhou Yan opened his mouth and spat out blood, his face turned pale.

My whole body was shaking, my breath was weak, and even standing up was extremely difficult.

The starlight just now actually directly defeated the body-protecting Qi in his body.

This scene shocked him.

You must know that body-protecting aura is a secret technique that can only be mastered in the Innate Realm.

Moreover, once used skillfully, its power is endless.

Even experts at the same level would find it difficult to defeat.

But now, this beautiful woman can defeat the body-protecting Qi in his body with just a casual move, which shows how terrifying her cultivation is.

"Who are you?"

Zhou Yan asked in a trembling voice.

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