Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1369, The Old Man In Black

Zhou Yan restrained his breath, groped quietly, and walked toward the outskirts of the valley.


At the same moment, on the other side outside the valley, a burly man suddenly stopped.

Next to him, stood an old man in black clothes, with a stooped waist, a thin body, and two copper bell-like eyes that rolled around.

"Commander Wang, there is movement ahead."

The strong man pointed forward and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Commander Wang glanced around and finally landed on an ancient tree.

"over there!"

His eyes flickered, his figure moved, and he stepped forward.

Soon, they found a hidden cave and hid in the dark.

"The boy should be here."

Commander Wang's eyes narrowed, and there was a green luster in his eyes, which made people's hair stand on end.


The next moment, he jumped up and struck the entrance of the cave with a palm.


With a muffled sound, the stone door exploded, and smoke and dust spread.

"not good!"

Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, and he quickly moved to one side, trying to escape.

Boo hoo hoo…

However, at this moment, several poisonous arrows struck through the wind and were nailed to the ground in front of him.


The arrow hit him, making a soft tinkling sound but causing no damage.


Seeing this scene, Commander Wang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Immediately, he looked at Zhou Yan and asked indifferently: "What you practice is the Profound Rank Low Level Iron Cloth Shirt?"

Iron cloth shirt, extremely strong defense.

Even an ordinary sword or a strong man in the Spirit Pill realm cannot break through his defense in a short period of time.


Zhou Yan nodded and admitted.

"Haha, what a blessing."

Commander Wang grinned, stared at Zhou Yan, licked his lips and said, "Although the iron cloth shirt is rare, there is a way to break it."

"What can I do?" Zhou Yan looked happy.

"I can tell you, but you have to hand over the spiritual talisman." Commander Wang said calmly: "As long as you are willing to hand over the spiritual talisman, I will spare your life, how about it?"


Zhou Yan hesitated.

It's not like he can't do this kind of thing.

But the key point is that the talisman is precious and he is reluctant to part with it.

"Bring it to me."

Commander Wang snorted coldly and flicked his finger.


A burst of energy shot out and shot into Zhou Yan's hand instantly.

"This talisman is really good!"

Commander Wang carefully examined the talisman and marveled at it.

Although he didn't know much about the goods, he also understood that this magic talisman was no small matter.

Immediately, he reached out and grabbed the magic talisman.


In an instant, Commander Wang felt the true energy in his body boiling, as if he had taken an aphrodisiac, and he was very excited.

"Hahaha, this kind of talisman is something you can only meet but cannot ask for!"

"If I can get it, my cultivation will definitely increase greatly!"

Commander Wang's eyes were full of greed and desire, and he wanted to devour the spiritual talisman immediately.


Suddenly, his eyes fell on Zhou Yan, and he smiled strangely: "Since you are so generous, then I will also give you a chance."

"If you are willing to sacrifice yourself to me, I can spare your life."

"I can even give you a Spirit Pill!"

After Commander Wang finished speaking, there was a joking look in his eyes, and an expression that showed Zhou Yan was convinced.

"You...you go too far!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and became furious.

This commander-in-chief is completely heartless and inhumane.

"Too much bullying?"

Commander Wang laughed, with strong mockery in his eyes, and said sarcastically:

"Little brat, do you think I'm stupid?"

"This High Level talisman is of huge value, how could I give you this waste?"

"I advise you to cooperate with me, otherwise, don't blame me for destroying flowers with my ruthless hands!"

Commander Wang had a cold face, flipped his wrist, took out a dagger, and put it on Zhou Yan's neck.


A cold light appears.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's face turned pale, sweat broke out on his forehead, and his whole body was shaking, as if he was frightened.

"Haha, kid, stop pretending."

"I know that you, this good-for-nothing, have a body-protecting armor on you."

Commander Wang sneered again and again and said word by word.

"Now that you know, you still dare to threaten me?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and became angry with shame.

"Stop talking!"

Commander Wang's expression was cold, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "I count to three, if you don't hand over the magic talisman, then go die."

After the words fell, Commander Wang slowly raised his dagger.


The next second, the dagger pierced the flesh and blood flowed out.

"I said!"

Zhou Yan was horrified and hurriedly shouted: "The talisman is on me, on me."


Commander Wang's eyes lit up: "Where is it? Give it to me quickly!"


Zhou Yan hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and reached out to touch his chest.


Suddenly, his body shook and he rushed out of the cave and ran away quickly.

"Damn it!"

Commander Wang cursed loudly and jumped out to chase him regardless of his identity.

"Actually ran away?"

"Doesn't he have a magic talisman on him?"

Seeing this scene, the strong man was stunned and didn't believe it.

"Commander Wang is chasing us out!"

"It seems like that guy is really a tough guy."

"As expected of the Martial Master group led by Commander Wang himself. Such courage is truly rare."

All the Martial Artists were talking about it.

They were quite appreciative of Zhou Yan's act of resistance.

After all, no one will give in when forced.

"Haha, tough guy?"

Hearing this, a young man shook his head and said calmly: "I'm afraid this kid is crazy!"

"Does he think that wearing a talisman on his body can rival the Seventh Layer Martial Artist?"

"This is impossible!"

"Unless he is Grandmaster Martial Artist, otherwise, he will definitely fail!"

"That's right."

"Tong Wang is the pinnacle Martial Artist of the Eighth Layer of the Third God. Moreover, he has practiced the "Golden Bell", "Iron Wall Kung Fu", and Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers!"

"It is said that Commander Wang has been practicing for more than twenty years and has experienced nine life and death trials. His strength is no longer what it used to be."

"Under Commander Wang, even the masters of the Sixth Layer of Gods can't survive three moves, let alone this loser."

Everyone was talking and belittling Zhou Yan.

Obviously, they were in awe of Commander Wang.

"Humph, trash is trash after all."

Commander Wang sneered, not taking Zhou Yan seriously at all.


As he spoke, he kicked off his feet and jumped out.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

"Commander Wang's speed is too fast. If you do this, you won't be able to escape at all!"

"Oh, this boy is probably in danger!"

Seeing this, everyone sighed and felt sorry for themselves.

They all followed Zhou Yan and were ready to get a piece of the pie.

Now that Zhou Yan is dead, aren't their joys in vain?

"Hey, this is..."

Suddenly, one of them opened his eyes with excitement.


The others looked in the direction that the man was looking, and their eyes suddenly widened with shock on their faces:

"What a strong spiritual energy fluctuation?!"

"Could it be spiritual grass?"

"Come on, let's go take a look."

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