At this moment, Zhou Yan's muscles all over his body were swollen and his muscles and bones were ringing.

Then, he abruptly broke a rope around his waist.

Immediately afterwards, his arms suddenly exerted force and tied the knot made of hemp rope around his neck.

The next moment, Zhou Yan was like a explosive pack, burning crazily and completely shattering the muscles in his body.

Pieces of muscle turned into ashes and fell, but the surface of the skin was covered with thick steel armor.

Astonishingly... the Second Layer of Steel Armor Dragon-Elephant Technique!

After practicing the Steel Armor Dragon-Elephant Technique to the Second Layer, the whole person looks like a giant dragon-elephant.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's eyes widened in anger, like a demon god.

He suddenly raised his foot and stamped it hard on the ground.


The extremely solid bluestone slab was crushed and dented, forming a deep pit the size of a football.

Zhou Yan's speed instantly increased by more than ten times.

Like a shooting star, cutting through the void.

In an instant, Zhou Yan rushed past guards one after another, taking a life with every step.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of guards died.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Commander Wang became furious.

He did not expect that Zhou Yan would choose to blow himself up, causing heavy losses to his men.

A tall figure jumped out from it.

This man was wearing a steel battle suit and carrying two light-blade knives on his back, looking majestic.

"Zhou Yan! You want to kill me? It's just wishful thinking!"

"Today, I will let you know what a true Martial Artist is!"

Commander Wang snorted coldly and looked at Zhou Yan with contempt.

In his eyes, Zhou Yan was no different than an ant.

"Die to me!"

Commander Wang roared and waved his right fist violently.

Suddenly, a terrifying energy gathered in his fist and hit Zhou Yan on the head.

This punch contains terrifying power and can easily kill three cows.

Between the lightning and flint, Zhou Yan struck out with a palm.


The fists and palms collided, causing a deafening loud noise.

Thump thump thump!

Commander Wang groaned a few times and his face turned extremely pale.

Kick, kick, kick!

At the same time, he staggered back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.


This scene made him frown slightly.

He originally believed that with his Transcendent Level strength, he would be more than enough to deal with Zhou Yan.

But now, it's the other way around.

"How did you break through to the Transcendent Realm?"

Commander Wang's face was gloomy, and his eyes flickered with doubts.

In his impression, Zhou Yan was just a good-for-nothing who was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

It stands to reason that this kind of garbage would never be able to break through to the Transcendent Realm.

You know, even in China, Transcendent Realm is rare and only a handful.

"Haha, you seem surprised that I broke through to the Transcendent Realm?"

Zhou Yan smiled faintly and said with cold eyes: "Commander Wang, remember, I will not only break through to the Transcendent Realm, but I will also kill you to avenge my father."

Hearing this, Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and smiled: "Hahaha! How dare a mere playboy threaten to kill me?"

"Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan, you are indeed mentally retarded. If this is the case, then I will send you to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, Commander Wang suddenly jumped up, leaping more than ten meters, like a tiger descending a mountain, and pounced on Zhou Yan again.


Commander Wang straightened his right leg and swept forward with unparalleled power.


This leg is powerful and heavy, as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top, fierce and domineering.

However, Zhou Yan just stretched out his left palm and easily blocked the attack.


Commander Wang's eyes widened and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He never expected that Zhou Yan would still have such strength even though he was seriously injured.

You know, before this, he had personally tested Zhou Yan's strength, and he was pitifully weak and vulnerable to a single blow.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's strength increased tenfold and became stronger.


The next moment, Zhou Yan grabbed Commander Wang's leg and suddenly yanked him back, pulling him closer to him.

"Damn it!"

Commander Wang's face changed slightly and he wanted to break away.

"Kneel down."

Zhou Yan gave a low drink and tightened his fingers.


The crisp sound of bone cracking sounded.

Commander Wang's knees were directly crushed by Zhou Yan.

With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground.

"Commander Wang, don't you want to kill me?"

Zhou Yan sneered and then kicked out.


This kick hit Commander Wang's chest, causing him to spurt blood instantly.

"Aren't you going to use my body to claim credit?"

Zhou Yan sneered again and again and slapped him away again.


A clear slap sounded.

"If you want to kill me, I will kill you."


Zhou Yan grabbed Commander Wang's throat, and then used his five fingers to twist his neck.


Commander Wang vomited blood from his mouth and his face was as pale as paper.

Before he died, he still felt incredible and couldn't believe it at all.

I am a Transcendent Martial Artist, but I will be defeated by a loser.

"Commander Wang is dead!"

" away!"

The remaining soldiers panicked and fled.

"Want to escape? Where to escape!"

Zhou Yan laughed ferociously and immediately stepped forward to catch up.

Moments later, he caught up with a fleeing soldier.


Zhou Yan suddenly raised his leg and kicked half of his head away.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to catch up with another soldier and punched him in the chest without mercy.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the smell of blood filled the air.

In just a few moments, more than a dozen soldiers were killed.


Looking at the corpses on the ground, Zhou Yan laughed loudly.

At this time, he stood there, looking at the corpses on the ground, and his heart surged.

"Finally broke through to the Transcendent Realm!"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, looking excited.

He could clearly feel the surging True Qi in his body, like a flood bursting its banks, rushing endlessly.

Moreover, these True Qi are far more pure and spiritual than ordinary True Qi.

Obviously, these True Qi are all derived from martial arts.

"Is this the Transcendent Realm? It's really amazing!"

Zhou Yan's eyes bloomed with golden light, as bright as two scorching suns.

His strength also skyrocketed.

His physical strength reached a terrifying one hundred and sixty pounds.

His movement speed increased by about 50%, a full twenty times faster than before.

And his strength also increased by more than ten centimeters, becoming extremely terrifying.

All this is because he absorbed the beast elixirs of those monsters.

The reason why the beast elixir is precious is not only the powerful energy it contains, but also its special effects.

Just like before, Zhou Yan was just an ordinary Martial Artist who absorbed Rank Three Monster's beast elixir, that is, Rank Three Monster's beast core, with only ten centimeters of Strength Amplification, but now he has broken through to the Transcendent Realm and absorbed the beast core. Crystal's energy naturally increased significantly.

At this moment, Zhou Yan felt that his physical strength was comparable to that of a Transcendent Rank Nine strongman.

"With my physical strength now, I am afraid that even the strongest Transcendent Rank Seven will not be my opponent."

Zhou Yan showed joy and murmured to himself: "My current combat effectiveness is only a hair lower than the ordinary Transcendent Rank Eight, and I can even leapfrog the challenge."

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