"Now, my cultivation has been sealed and my strength has been greatly reduced. Even if I escape, I'm afraid I won't be able to avenge her."

Zhou Yan sighed.


"Forget it, let's make peace with it now!"

Zhou Yan sighed.

Although he was very unwilling to do so, that was all he could do at the moment.

"By the way, I wonder how she is doing now?"

Wang Qingqing's figure appeared in Zhou Yan's mind, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Qingqing, I'm sorry. I failed to protect you. When I recover my cultivation, I will definitely find you and make you my wife, so that you will never have to worry about."

Zhou Yan's eyes shone with perseverance.

After a while, the flames in the canyon gradually dissipated, revealing a human figure.

"Is this where I will be buried?"

Zhou Yan looked at the canyon in front of him with a bitter smile on his lips.

This is a cliff, deep and dark, like a bottomless black hole.

"It looks like I can only fall down and die here."

Zhou Yan sighed, jumped up, and fell downwards.


Zhou Yan fell down and hit the ground heavily.

It was dark all around.

Zhou Yan felt a little nervous.

This wasn't the first time he was killed, but this was the second time he fell off a cliff.

This cliff is so deep that if you fall to your death on it, you won't even be able to leave any bones or residue.


"There's an attraction."

Zhou Yan felt that there was an attraction deep in the cliff.

"What is this?"

Zhou Yan was confused and thought. Suddenly, the runes on his arms lit up, and a ball of flames emerged out of thin air, wrapping his whole body.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan felt that the attraction on his body had lightened a lot, and he was no longer as frightened as the first time.

He followed the attraction and swam deeper.

Along the way, Zhou Yan kept observing and found that there was a stone bridge at the end of the cliff.

The stone bridge was covered with moss, as if it had been corroded by time.

However, the stone bridge still exists and is not broken.

Zhou Yan was overjoyed and swam over quickly.

He found that this stone bridge was stronger and wider than other stone bridges.

At the end of the stone bridge, there was a small courtyard. Zhou Yan swam over and saw several medicinal herbs in the courtyard.

"I see!"

Zhou Yan suddenly felt enlightened.

The attractive source of this stone bridge is caused by medicinal materials.

On the other end of the stone bridge is the cliff. The two just form a balance point, allowing the stone bridge and the cliff to maintain balance.

Zhou Yan was overjoyed.

He knew that this was because he had stayed here for too long.

This stone bridge must go through countless years to maintain balance.

His survival to this day is entirely dependent on the nourishment of elixirs and various treasures.

His body, after such a long period of training, is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. It can be said to be Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers.

But now, at the end of the stone bridge, there was a huge boulder blocking his way.

This boulder was several feet high, several feet wide, and nearly a hundred feet thick. Zhou Yan's entire body was like a speck of dust standing in front of it.

Moreover, this boulder could move at will, leaving Zhou Yan helpless.

"This boulder should be my tomb!"

Zhou Yan felt bitter in his heart.

"However, in this world, unless there is a Great Principal Golden Immortal, it is impossible to break this tomb."

Zhou Yan felt bitter in her heart: "Is it possible that I can only wait to die?"

"No! I will never be willing to die like this."

Zhou Yan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of anger and resentment.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up: "I remember that when we were in Tianxing City, there was a big force that sent ten people to kill me, but I was killed instead!"

"Now, I am trapped here, so what about the body in this sarcophagus? Maybe we can use it to break out of the siege!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed.

"No matter what, let's take out this body first!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were burning, and the fire energy from his body surged out and enveloped the corpse.

Suddenly, blazing flames rose from the corpse, like a furnace.

Zhou Yan was excited and quickly took out a dagger from the storage ring, cut open the corpse, and then took out the Monster Core.

"This Monster Core is simply a treasure for me at this stage!"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he quickly put away the storage ring.

"I have to regain my strength as soon as possible, otherwise, I won't be able to leave here at all."

Zhou Yan's eyes were burning.

"Well, take a healing pill first."

Zhou Yan took out a bottle of healing pill and swallowed it directly.


The effect of the elixir spread quickly, flowing through his body, repairing his body and spirit.

"These elixirs seem to have the effect of supplementing the power of the Primordial Spirit. It's really strange!"

Zhou Yan felt that the power of Primordial Spirit in his body not only increased a lot, but also strengthened a lot.

"The spiritual energy here is probably much richer than other places!"

Zhou Yan sighed.

This valley not only has spiritual energy, but also has strong spiritual energy.

"It seems that those powerful monks specifically built the Cave Mansion here."

"I'm afraid this place will breed many talents and treasures!"

Zhou Yan was excited and walked towards the depths of the valley in a flash.

Deep in the valley, there were countless trees and weeds. Zhou Yan did not dare to rush in and could only be cautious.

Every step he takes, he will be careful not to disturb any Monster.

"There is actually a pond here, how strange it is!"

Zhou Yan was shocked.

The water in the pond is not clear, but the color is extremely dark, as if it is a pool of stagnant water.

Zhou Yan felt it carefully and felt that this stagnant water contained a strong aura of life. For him, a cultivator, it was extremely suitable for replenishing the power of the Primordial Spirit.

He swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.


After swallowing it in one gulp, a pure life force rolled out of the throat and entered the limbs and bones.

Zhou Yan trembled all over, with a look of intoxication on his face.

This power was so majestic and vast that it seemed to be able to wash every inch of his skin, making his whole body clearer and clearer. It was as if he had been reborn and everything became beautiful.

"He is worthy of being a strong man at the pinnacle of the Great Saint Realm. The potential in his body is too great. If nothing happens, my cultivation will be able to break through to the realm of the Great Principal Golden Immortal in at most half a month!"

Zhou Yan was excited.

The Great Principal Golden Immortal is already considered a top master in this world.

"It's just that I can't leave here yet. I have to find a way out. Otherwise, I will die here. By then, even if I die, I won't know where to reincarnate."

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