A hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth: "You think you can stop me wearing tattered clothes?"

As he spoke, Zhou Yan's figure flashed, as fast as the wind, and he pointed out, hitting the black dragon's head in the middle.

The center of the black dragon's head was pierced, and blood dripped from it.

Suddenly, the black dragon howled and screamed, his face turned pale.


Black Dragon was filled with anger.

Zhou Yan obviously humiliated it deliberately, making it angry.

"Black Dragon Treasure Clothes, open it for me!"

The black dragon looked up to the sky and roared, its body expanded, its momentum gradually increased, and finally, it reached its peak state.


The huge tail was drawn out, bringing up a sharp gust of wind and sweeping towards Zhou Yan.

"Well come."

Zhou Yan laughed loudly and was full of fighting spirit.

He kicked the ground with the soles of his feet, launched his body into the air, and punched out, sending the giant tail drawn by the black dragon flying away.

Then, he bent his right leg and kicked it out violently, hitting the black dragon's head.

The black dragon's skull was cracked, blood spattered, and his head was almost broken by the kick.

"Ouch...it hurts me to death."

The black dragon screamed in pain.

This time, it was seriously injured.

Zhou Yan's attack speed is very fast and the power is amazing, completely surpassing the ordinary Innate Grandmaster.

"Haha, you stupid snake must die today."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and murderous intent emerged.

Just now, he had felt that there was an inner elixir sealed in the black dragon's body.

This is a treasure.

If it is swallowed, the cultivation level will definitely skyrocket, and there is even hope of breaking through to the Foundation Building Stage.

The black dragon's cultivation has reached the half-step of Foundation Building, and there is only the last step left before truly stepping into the Foundation Building stage.

"Boy, don't be arrogant. I won't fight with you anymore."

Suddenly, the black dragon let out a low cry and actually chose to run away.

"Want to leave? It's too late."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold.

This is a half-step Foundation Building level Monster, with a strong body, noble blood, and treasures all over his body.

If you can kill the black dragon, you will make a fortune.

Therefore, he does not intend to give up easily.

"Boy, I admit that you are not weak physically, you are three points stronger than me."

The black dragon's eyes rolled around, revealing a cunning look: "Unfortunately, our black dragon clan is good at speed and is not suitable for hand-to-hand combat."

"You can't catch me, but I can easily get rid of you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black dragon's body swayed and turned into a stream of light, fleeing in the direction of Lin Hai.

"Huh, want to escape? No way."

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, jumped up, stared closely at the black dragon, used his body skills, turned into an afterimage, and swept forward.

In the blink of an eye, the two chased each other and disappeared into the vast night.

"Boy, remember this, I will never let you go."

The black dragon roared and galloped away towards the valley.

It has already felt that Zhou Yan's breath is getting closer and closer.

After a while, Zhou Yan finally caught up.


The black dragon's pupils shrank.

Zhou Yan's speed was so fast that it was almost as fast as it, making it difficult for it to escape.

"Damn, what should I do?"

Black Dragon looked gloomy.

It has already seen that the boy in front of it is very powerful.

Coupled with its weird movement skills, it might be difficult for it to escape.

However, it is not willing to give up.


Finally, the black dragon gritted his teeth and decided to fight for his life.


Its body rolled and a dark cloud erupted from its mouth.

Black clouds covered the sky and covered all directions, exuding a rotten and evil smell.

The black dragon roared, spread its wings, and rolled up a huge black wave, sweeping in all directions.

"Boy, go to hell."

It let out a vicious curse.

"This is my domain!"

The black dragon's eyes are full of ferociousness, and its domain can suppress the enemy's actions, making it difficult for the opponent to move forward and use his skills.

This move is extremely powerful.

In its opinion, it only takes a few seconds to kill Zhou Yan.

"You're such a stinky fish, you really know how to enjoy it."

In the black dragon realm, Zhou Yan was content and not afraid.

He raised a fist, and his fist was crystal clear, glowing with golden light, like glass, and containing vast power.

Zhou Yan punched out, instantly destroying the black tide in the sky.


The next moment, the black dragon was penetrated by a punch, blood sprayed out, and the vitality was dim.

"You loser."

Zhou Yan shook his head, picked out the inner elixir of the black dragon, and threw it into the storage ring.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan jumped up and sat down on a towering ancient branch, waiting for the black dragon to resurrect.

After a while——

"Damn, this damn boy."

"Just wait for me, I will never let you go."

"When I regain my strength, I will be the first to kill you."

The black dragon's shrill roar spread in all directions.

Its body squirmed, its blood boiled, and a layer of dark red scales appeared on its surface. A fishy smell filled the entire valley.

"The black dragon bloodline has awakened."

In the distance, Zhou Ming's expression changed slightly, and he quickly urged: "Grandpa, kill the black dragon quickly while it is extremely weak."

"Otherwise, once it fully awakens, we will be in danger."


Zhou Tianlong nodded, his eyes sharp, and he slowly approached.

"Little beast, I have recorded this debt, and sooner or later I will pay you back a hundredfold."

The black dragon's eyes were scarlet and he glared at Zhou Ming with a ferocious look.

"Hmph, you're just an ant, you still dare to threaten me?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and he looked directly at the black dragon.

In an instant, murderous intent surged into the sky, as if it could freeze the air.


On his skin, there was a bright golden light, like cast gold, dazzling the eyes and full of domineering aura.

At the same time, the energy and blood in the body are surging, like a rushing river, shaking the world.

Under Zhou Yan's skin, there was a faint sound of dragon roar, and the power of Qi and blood seemed to turn into a dragon elephant.


Feeling the powerful aura, the black dragon looked horrified and couldn't help but take a step back.

Although it is a Monster, it is only in its infancy after all. It has never seen such a scene.

"You stinky fish, how dare you threaten me?"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and walked forward, his energy and blood surging.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground shook violently with every step he took.

A terrifying aura was released from his body, sweeping in all directions and causing the air to tremble.

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, and his body suddenly accelerated, like a furious lion, striking hard.

"not good."

The black dragon was shocked, and his heart was awe-inspiring.


The next moment, Zhou Yan's fist had arrived.

Along with the ear-piercing explosion, the black dragon's huge body flew out upside down.

The black dragon fell to the ground, kicking up violent smoke and dust.

At the same time, a green Spirit Stone fell from its mouth.

This Spirit Stone is surprisingly the inner elixir it just spit out.

At this time, a head poked out from the nearby weeds with a confused look on its face.

"Oh My God!"

"That black dragon was defeated!"

The little beast in the weeds had its eyes widened and its mouth opened into an O shape.

You know, Black Dragon is a half-step Grandmaster Realm Monster with amazing combat power.

Even in Qingyun County, he is still a powerful figure.

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