The venom of this little snake is extremely strong. Once infected, you will die in an instant.

"Get away!" Zhou Yan shouted, shaking his palm, he grabbed the black snake directly.


The next second, Zhou Yan felt a pain in his wrist, which was entangled by the black snake.

"As expected of a demon from the Bone Refining Realm, his strength is really terrifying. Even after he died, he still survived for so many years and could still attack." Zhou Yan's eyes were cold.

Then, he suddenly shook his arm hard, trying to shock the black snake to death.


The next second, the black snake was shocked to death by Zhou Yan, fell to the ground, and turned into ashes.

However, although the black snake died, it left behind a pitch-black scale that was silvery and extremely tough.

Zhou Yan reached out to pick up the scale armor, and his heart suddenly beat wildly, because he clearly felt that the energy contained in this scale armor was extremely powerful.

"This is the scale armor of the Bone Refining Realm demon. It is priceless." Zhou Yan was ecstatic.

This is a Bone Refining Realm-level Monster. Its skin is like fine iron, so tough that even bullets cannot break it.

Moreover, this scale armor is filled with a strong aura of energy.

Without hesitation, Zhou Yan peeled off the scales, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up. There was an extremely rich fragrance lingering on the scales.

"The scent of ambergris?" Zhou Yan was shocked.

He didn't expect that this piece of scale armor was actually fused with the essence of a thousand-year-old Ambergris plant.

This is Supreme Grade medicinal material, which can be used for elixir refining, artifact refining, Law Treasure forging, etc.

Moreover, ambergris is extremely rare and rare. It can only be found in dragon veins and is extremely difficult to find. Even Zhou Yan has only seen it in classics.

"I didn't expect that there would be an ambergris here. Not bad, not bad." Zhou Yan laughed.

Ambergris is the Apex Level Spirit Medicine coveted by Alchemists. It is extremely valuable and can be said to be priceless.

It is said that when the ambergris matures, a dragon-shaped shadow will appear on the branches, spraying ambergris liquid, and strange phenomena will appear.

Moreover, ambergris liquid has the effect of washing the body, cutting hair and cleansing the marrow. After taking it, it can improve the physical condition and enhance potential and qualifications. It is one of the rarest treasures in the Immortal Cultivation World.

However, Ambergris is extremely rare, even in the Nanling Region, it is rarely seen. Every time it appears, it will cause countless Martial Artists to fight and fight, and blood will flow like a river, which is extremely tragic.

"Haha, I made a lot of money this time." Zhou Yan was extremely excited.

He originally planned to find a way to come in and collect the ambergris after leaving the ancient tomb, but he unexpectedly got the news about the ambergris.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Zhou Yan immediately took out a talisman from the storage ring and put it on his chest, and his whole aura suddenly changed.

"This is...disguise?" Zhou Yan looked surprised. He didn't expect that in addition to the jade pendant and the bead, this storage ring also contained such things.

"Disguise can change the appearance, breath, voice, etc., but it requires the consumption of Spirit Stone, and it cannot last long."

Zhou Yan whispered, he put the storage ring on his left hand, and then put the black snake's body into the storage ring.

"It's worth venturing into the ancient tomb this time. This storage ring just solves my urgent need." Zhou Yan's heart was filled with joy.

The storage ring is an exclusive equipment only for Qi Refining Realm Martial Artist. It has a huge space and can even grow various Spirit Medicines and ores. It is a coveted treasure for any Qi Refining Realm Martial Artist.

"Eh, that's not right..." Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned.

The space inside the storage ring was only about ten feet, which seemed much narrower.

This storage ring was once sealed by a certain ancestor, so it can carry objects up to two meters in size.

Now, this storage ring can only accommodate objects of one meter in size.

"No wonder after I entered the storage ring, I found that the space here was only one-third of the original size. It turned out that the space was sealed." Zhou Yan shook his head, a little disappointed.

"However, it is a worthwhile trip to find such a treasure." Zhou Yan took a deep breath to calm down.

This storage ring is absolutely priceless.

Because it can not only store things, but more importantly, it can hide his true appearance. Even if the enemy sees his appearance, they will not know who killed them.

"There must be a lot of Spirit Medicine and ores in this mountain range." Zhou Yan murmured, his eyes shining, and he searched like a money man.

There are many bones in this area, probably hundreds of bones, all of which are Bone Refining Realm level monsters.

"Eh? Why is something wrong?" Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned, squatted down, and carefully observed the pile of white bones.

These skeletons had their hearts removed and were dripping with blood, which was shocking.

"It seems that there should have been a battle here." Zhou Yan squinted his eyes and thought to himself: "Maybe it was a battle between the Bone Refining Realm Monster and the Qi Refining Realm Martial Artist?"

"There must be something special here, otherwise it would be impossible to gather so many Monsters."

"Huh? Is this... ambergris?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's face changed drastically, his pupils tightened, revealing endless excitement.

I saw a pool of smelly blood next to these corpses.

"This should be the residue of ambergris." Zhou Yan breathed heavily, with hot eyes, staring at the ball of ambergris, as if he saw countless treasures.

Ambergris is a treasure born from dragon veins. It is extremely rare and every drop is priceless. It is comparable to Spirit Medicine that is thousands of years old. It is the Holy Medicine used by Qi Refining Realm Martial Artist to enhance his realm.

"This is the essence left by the Bone Refining Realm Monster." Zhou Yan licked his lips, his heart was surging, and he couldn't wait to swallow the ambergris saliva immediately.

"However, I am too weak now and cannot withstand such a powerful medicine."

Zhou Yan thought for a long time, and finally endured it. After going back, he planned to ask his father to help him refine the elixir, and use the power of the elixir to break through the bottleneck and set foot in the Ninggang realm.


Zhou Yan took a step forward and quickly headed towards the outside world.

He was exploring this area just now, but he didn't encounter a Flood Dragon.

This shows that he is still far away from the Flood Dragon's lair.

However, just as Zhou Yan was moving forward quickly, he suddenly stopped, frowned slightly, and looked up to the sky.

He saw, in his sight, a helicopter approaching quickly.


The helicopter landed in the mountain forest, and a group of soldiers with guns and ammunition filed down.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yan stood behind a big tree and snorted coldly.

"Someone attacked the Black Snake Cave and stole the ambergris, hurry up and chase him!" several soldiers shouted coldly, with angry faces on their faces.


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