The next moment, Zhou Yan opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flame, which floated towards the black tripod.

This wisp of flame was very small, only an inch high, but it was very terrifying. As soon as it appeared, the temperature around it soared, making Zhou Yan feel a burning sensation.

Soon after, flames fell on the black cauldron, instantly igniting the black cauldron. The raging flames rose into the sky, illuminating the dark void.


The fire surged, swallowing everything. Zhou Yan stood in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, completely covered by the sea of ​​fire.


A heartbreaking pain burst out from the palm print on his chest, causing him to let out a shrill wail.

This flame was so overbearing that it could burn even True Qi, causing Zhou Yan to suffer so much pain that he almost fainted.

"Bang bang bang~"

At some point, several more palm prints appeared on Zhou Yan's chest. The flames burned fiercely, leaving a series of scorched black scars on his chest. It was shocking and made people feel numb.

"No, I can't bear it."

Zhou Yan's cheeks became twisted because of the pain. He gritted his teeth and moved with difficulty, walking towards the outside of the cave.


Just as he took a step, there was a sound of bones breaking, and then, one leg was broken and he fell limply to the ground.


Zhou Yan let out a mournful cry, his arms and back were all broken, and a heart-piercing pain spread throughout his body.

"This can't go on like this!"

"We must find a place to heal!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, dragged his heavy body, and crawled forward. His face was pale, sweat was dripping, and he looked very weak.

Not long after, Zhou Yan finally saw the scene outside the cave. It was a lake, crystal clear and with rippling blue waves.

At the edge of the lake, there is an ancient banyan tree with a huge canopy that blocks the sun. Its branches are intertwined into a dense network, covering most of the mountain forest, giving people an eerie feeling.

"Holy crap! What the hell is this?"

Zhou Yan was startled. He knew this banyan tree. It was the tree demon that attacked him last night!

This banyan tree is very strong and has luxuriant leaves. Every leaf is as sharp as a sword, shining with a cold light.

Moreover, the banyan tree demon exuded wisps of strange aura, which made Zhou Yan's heart palpitate.

"Whoops~" Suddenly, the banyan tree demon turned into a phantom and headed towards Zhou Yan, waving its tree branches as sharply as a knife, cutting through the void and bringing out afterimages.


Zhou Yan shouted loudly and suddenly activated the True Qi in his body, condensing it into a shield to resist the attacks from tree branches.

Puff~ Puff~ Puff...

The shield held up for a second and then completely collapsed. Then, the sharp tree branches transmigrated the shield defense and hit Zhou Yan hard.

In an instant, a bloody hole exploded in Zhou Yan's chest, and blood splattered on the ground, dyeing it red.

"Ah~~" Zhou Yan screamed, his whole body twitching violently, his face became paler, and almost lost all color.

He gritted his teeth and refused to give up hope.


True Qi surged in Zhou Yan's body and quickly gathered on his right leg. Immediately, he used all his strength to stamp on the ground.


A majestic force poured into the ground along Zhou Yan's right leg, causing the soil under Zhou Yan's feet to churn, and huge rocks to rise from the ground.


In an instant, a huge ravine was born out of thin air, appearing beside Zhou Yan, like an abyss, spanning the center of the valley, isolating the cave.


At this moment, Zhou Yan's clothes were already stained red with blood. He was covered in blood and in a miserable state.

"Fortunately, my body is extremely strong. An ordinary person would probably be dead." Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief and showed a thankful expression.

He had encountered various crises before, but unfortunately, they were not as dangerous as today.

"It seems that you need to exercise more in the future, otherwise, if you encounter some unexpected events, you will die."

Zhou Yan sat cross-legged in the deep pit, running the "Tianlong Bahuang Jue" and began to treat his injuries.

Although the fire poison here is extremely powerful, for Zhou Yan, it was a blessing.

This time, he absorbed a large amount of fire poison and tempered his Flesh Refining body. After a while, his physical body strength will definitely reach the Fifth Layer of Qi Refining Realm.

Time flies, and not long after, Zhou Yan's injuries have healed. He slowly opens his eyes, and a bright brilliance bursts out of his eyes, which captures the soul.

"My cultivation level has reached the Second Layer of Qi Refining Realm."

"As long as you continue to practice, you can step into the Third Layer of Qi Refining Realm!"

"It's just... these fire poisons seem to have had some special impact on my Dantian, making it impossible for me to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth." Zhou Yan frowned.

He tried to operate the technique, hoping to guide the vitality of heaven and earth into the Dantian.

However, in the dantian, except for the trace of purple flame True Qi, there was no reaction at all.

"These fire poisons can actually prevent me from absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened.

He never expected that he would fall into the hands of a strange tree.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan noticed something strange. His soul seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar and was extremely frozen.

The originally vibrant soul became dull and stiff in an instant, as if it was in a cold tomb with no way to escape.


Zhou Yan's expression changed, his will was extremely tenacious, and he quickly regained consciousness.

"That tree demon is indeed not simple. It can affect other people's sanity!" Zhou Yan said secretly.

He underestimated this tree demon. This kind of monster is very weird and can confuse humans and control other people's thinking and memory.


At the same time, a mysterious atmosphere filled Zhou Yan's mind.

In an instant, his thoughts fell into chaos, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, with two graceful bodies entangling him and tearing his clothes crazily.

"Damn! What is going on?" Zhou Yan cursed angrily and struggled desperately.

However, his body became limp and unable to struggle away, and his vision also became blurred.

"Ha ha……"

"I'm about to enjoy a blessing, little beauty, you can't escape!" A hoarse laugh came.

This voice was very familiar. It was the old man who had talked to him before.

"Old beast, I'll fight you!"

Hearing this voice, Zhou Yan immediately understood that he had been tricked into the cave by the old man, hoping to use him as a furnace to collect tonics!

This old man's strength is terrifying. If he harvests it, his life will definitely not be saved.

At this time, a strong sense of humiliation arose in Zhou Yan's heart. His majestic ninth reincarnation body once stood at the pinnacle of Martial Dao, roaring proudly across the galaxy.

Even though he had been dead for nine years and came back to life, he was tricked by an old guy and almost became a cauldron, drained of his essence and blood and died.

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