"Is this the fantasy world? It's so weird."

After arriving in the fantasy world, he looked around curiously. The buildings in the fantasy world were very different from those of other races.

The architectural style of the fantasy world is a bit unreal. It looks very glassy, ​​but you can't see what's going on inside the building at all. It's quite a mysterious building.

He walked to the trading market and saw the people in this world. However, these people were very mysterious, and many of them wore veils or scarves.

Many people only show a pair of eyes, and no face can be seen.

Their hair colors are mainly red, blue, purple and black.

The trading market here is very quiet, and no one is buying items outside the market.

Without the sound of purchasing equipment, it doesn’t look like a trading market at all.

Although there are many people walking back and forth on the street, they are as quiet as dumb people. People who don't know it really think that this is a dumb world.

He was full of curiosity about the world. In order to avoid being recognized by the people here, he followed the locals and took out a similar face towel to cover his face.

He found that the colors of the clothes of the people in the fantasy world were also very strange. They were mainly light tones, mainly white, followed by light blue, light cyan, and light pink.

Basically there are four colors.

Walking towards the people setting up stalls on both sides, they will arrange the things neatly, and the price of each item is written very clearly.

The prices of these things are relatively reasonable.

He didn't see a bargainer.

I found that buyers would only take one look at the product, then think about it before paying directly, taking the purchased item and leaving.

If this were in the human race, the buyer would basically have a few words with the seller, talk about the price, and then decide whether to buy or not.

People in the fantasy world are extremely quiet, both men and women, and even walking makes almost no sound.

You will even feel that each of them is very quiet and elegant.

This is indeed a wonderful world. Although there are thousands of people walking around, it is as if there are no people at all, because even if they speak to each other, they are very quiet.

He casually looked at the prices of these items, and then headed towards the direction Xiaowei told him.

The place was still a bit far away. Originally, he wanted to summon [Lightning] to ride, but found that if he did so, he might be treated as an alien.

He could only speed up his walking speed and walk towards the teleportation array of the trading market.

Because the shop selling masks was in the north of the city, and the place he teleported to was in the east of the city.

The two places were very far apart and he didn't want to waste time, so taking the teleportation array was the fastest way.

No matter which world the trading market is in, it is divided into five areas: east of the city, west of the city, south of the city, north of the city, and in the middle of the city.

If you want to visit the entire market, just shopping, without stopping to buy things, will take several days to complete.

You can imagine how big the entire trading market is.

Fortunately, there are many teleportation arrays in the trading market, which can teleport to five places in the trading market, which can greatly reduce their time.

After entering the teleportation array and paying the teleportation fee of 50 spirit coins, he soon appeared in the north direction of the city.

If he had time, he would definitely be able to find good things in this world.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that much time now.

Half an hour later, he arrived outside the shop Xiaowei mentioned. The name was quite nice, and he was even familiar with it.

The name of this shop is "Huanyinfang".

People who don’t know may still misunderstand the name of which brothel it is.

He went inside.

The store was quite large, and there were two welcoming ladies inside who bowed slightly to him. Their tight clothes highlighted their beautiful curves.

However, the two young ladies also covered their faces, but the veil was transparent, and their pretty faces could still be seen.

"Hello, what do you need to buy? I can help you."

A young lady from the fantasy tribe spoke to Zhou Yan in a soft voice.

"Where are the masks?"

There were too many people from the Huan tribe wearing masks, and they were selling a lot of masks. He saw them being sold at almost every stall along the way. Their race likes to maintain a sense of mystery.

"plz follow me."

The fantasy girl was very polite, took him up to the second floor with a smile, and then asked: "I don't know what quality you need. Do you have any specific attribute requirements?"

So Zhou Yan roughly explained the properties of "Mask of the Phantom God".

The young lady from the Fantasy tribe was slightly startled and said, "It's a coincidence that you're here. Not long ago, we put on the shelves a lot of masks with good attributes. There are quite a few of them, which should be able to meet your requirements."

Zhou Yan smiled slightly. This was no coincidence. He came here specifically to buy the mask.

"That's great." Zhou Yan said very pleased.

Come to a place on the second floor, where there is a special mask display area.

There are a lot of masks here, ranging from Black Iron quality to dark gold quality masks.

Of course, the higher the quality of the mask, the less numerous they will be.

And the quality of that "Mask of the Phantom God" is Spirit Weapon quality.

There are only two pieces of the entire Spirit Weapon quality mask.

He checked the properties of the other masks and found that they were pretty good, but he didn't need them.

Although he roughly understood the attributes of "Mask of Phantom God", he still checked all the attributes of "Mask of Phantom God".

[Equipment: Special·Phantom God Mask]

[Quality: Spirit Weapon]

[Durability: 3000/3000]

[Attribute 1: Hiding (can hide all the strength and aura on the body. If the opponent's strength is too strong, there is a certain probability of being seen through)]

[Attribute 2: Phantom (can change the appearance of the body)]

[Attribute 3: Illusion (can release an illusion to confuse the enemy, cooling time is 48 hours)]

[Attribute 4: Phantom Killing (releases a phantom killing technique, cooling time 48 hours)]

[Attribute five: Can release a defensive shield 1000/1000]

[Attribute six: Phantom movement (can move a certain distance towards the designated position, the distance is related to the mental attribute)]

[Attribute seven: Spirit +200]

[Attribute eight: Luck +50]

[Equipment requirements: level 50, lucky attribute 200]

[Introduction: Made from materials taken from the thousand-year-old phantom demon and combined with powerful illusions, it has a confusing effect. ]

[Current selling price: 300 million spirit coins]

This is a special piece of equipment with a total of eight attributes.

The first six attributes are all skill attributes, and the last two attributes are also good.

Especially the luck +50 attribute is amazing.

The fantasy world doesn't seem to pay much attention to the luck attribute. The +50 lucky equipment only sells for 300 million spirit coins. This is definitely a treasure.

And this is a special piece of equipment, which is additional equipment and can have attribute bonuses.

He directly said to Miss Illusion World: "I want this "Mask of Illusion God"."

"Is it true? You are indeed a rich phantom man."

The beautiful lady from the fantasy world moved around, and she was very surprised that the other party bought this equipment after just one glance.

"I can give you a discount. I hope you can come here to buy equipment next time."

Miss Illusion World picked up the "Mask of Illusion God" and started walking towards the counter.

However, when Zhou Yan checked other equipment, he discovered that all masks above silver were special equipment, and each mask increased the luck value.

He was immediately shocked.

Then I discovered a way to get rich.

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