Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 157, Lucky Spirit Stone News

Then let Xiaowei search for information about people selling buildings, preferably buildings with C quality or above.

Because the most ordinary buildings can only evolve into his existing buildings, and he has no shortage of these buildings.

If he wants some different buildings, he can only buy higher-quality buildings. In this way, after evolving, he will have a greater probability of obtaining special buildings.

Moreover, the quality of buildings with higher quality will be greatly improved after the territory evolves. Buildings with B quality and above can obtain R quality and above after the territory evolves.

It is difficult to find better buildings in [Canglan Continent·Trading Market] alone at this stage.

Because it happens to be the end of the new lord trial, so many new lords around the world are just at the foundation of development. Each new lord lacks buildings, so the slightly better buildings will be sold out.

He was able to buy a C-quality building yesterday. He was lucky because it wasn't discovered in advance, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to touch it at all.

Since there are no better buildings in Canglan Continent.

He set his sights on other worlds.

Xiaowei also searched for a lot of buildings, and the quality was above C. Many of them were even of A quality. In several worlds, even S-quality buildings were sold.

This surprised him.

He quickly checked the name of this world, and it turned out to be a name called [Longyao Jiuzhou·Trading Market].

This world has the most sold buildings, and there are actually several other S Level buildings. However, Xiaowei said that this building does not seem to be sold in the trading market, but seems to be auctioned.

This requires him to see it in person.

Xiaowei also told him that this world is a human world, but they are not a world of lords, but a world where they can kill monsters and upgrade. They can kill monsters and explode various items and buildings to build their own base.

And the world is very chaotic.

Suo Xiaowei told him that even if he was in the [Longyao Jiuzhou Trading Market], he still needed to be careful because the people there were very greedy and people often killed people to seize treasures.

Of course, the [Trading Market] area is a peaceful area and cannot attack people.

So they will all do it outside [the trading market], where there is no protection mechanism.

Once you die, all the items purchased in the [Trading Market] will be exploded, and their level will drop by one level.

However, Xiao Wei said that he is different from others. Everything he purchases will be directly transferred to the [treasure room] in the territory. Even if he dies, he will only lose his level and be weak for a month.

If you're not lucky, one or two pieces of equipment will just drop.

However, since his luck attribute is so high, generally speaking, he will not drop equipment.

The premise is that those people can kill him.

After Zhou Yan understood this, he was mentally prepared.

But he thought that he still had a building that he had not built, and that was the [Lucky Stone].

The main reason is that other items are needed to build this thing. This is the reason why he has never built it.

That material is the Lucky Spirit Stone.

"Xiaowei, have you found the lucky Spirit Stone?" Zhou Yan asked.

"No one in Myriad Worlds sells Lucky Spirit Stones. The last time they sold Lucky Spirit Stones was six months ago." Xiaowei replied.

"This thing is so hard to get!"

He was a little surprised that in the entire Myriad Worlds, he couldn't find a place selling Lucky Spirit Stones.

"If the lord is in urgent need of this material, I know there is a world where this thing is more likely to appear." Xiaowei replied.

"Oh, which world is it?" he asked quickly.

"That world is called [Great Wilderness Trading Market]. It is a fantasy world, and it is also a very high-end world. There are countless powerful races living in that world."

"The human race only occupies a part. However, there are many ancient Great Emperor-level figures in the human race in that world. Therefore, the strength of the human race in the wilderness world is still very good."

"There is a kind of Origin Stone in that world. People there call it gambling stone. It can produce various rare Spirit Stones. Lucky Spirit Stones can also be produced. If the lord is in urgent need, he can go to that world to try his luck."

Xiaowei replied.

He never thought that this lucky Spirit Stone would be so difficult to obtain. If it was not possible, he would have to go to the [Great Wilderness Trading Market] in person.

The Lucky Spirit Stone can bring good luck to people. Even if someone obtains it, it is rarely sold. In addition, this thing is not available in all worlds, which is why it cannot be found in the entire Myriad Worlds.

The Lucky Spirit Stone is not that easy to obtain. He put it aside and improved the quality of the buildings in the territory to the highest level first.

"Xiaowei, teleport me to [Longyao Jiuzhou Trading Market]." Zhou Yan said.

With his full-level attributes, Martial Dao Thirty-Ninth Layer strength, a dark gold suit, and various S-quality and above skills, he has the ability to protect himself even in the chaotic [Long Yao Jiuzhou].

If he can still be killed, it can only be said that he is not strong enough.

A few days ago, he purchased a lot of equipment. He had already put together a set of dark gold equipment for himself, Diao Chan and the others.

Xiaowei replied: "Spirit Coin -1600, start teleportation..."

"The transmission [Long Yao Jiuzhou·Trading Market] was successful!"

I came outside [Longyao Jiuzhou Trading Market] and looked around. This is a modern urban city, just like an ordinary city.

As soon as he appeared, he saw many people with malicious intentions around him, looking at him like a pack of hungry wolves looking for a target.

Zhou Yan was disdainful, ignored them at all, and walked directly towards the trading market.

He saw several people leaving the trading market, followed by one person. After leaving the trading market for some distance, they were surrounded.

Then, they immediately struck down the killers, beheaded those people to the ground, and skillfully snatched away all the items on each other's bodies and quickly left.

These people are obviously professionals, they act decisively and harshly, without any hesitation, and they don't even say a word of nonsense.

This is a qualified robber.

This is the first world Zhou Yan has discovered where people kill and seize treasures so unscrupulously.

He found that someone was following him secretly, and followed him into the trading market, presumably to see if he was worth their while.

Zhou Yan didn't care at all about this.

He has noticed that the opponent's approximate strength is far weaker than him. It is useless no matter how many such people are.

Moreover, even if he wants to leave, he does not need to leave the trading market. He only needs to teleport directly to return to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall].

But, since people want to rob and make a living from this, he can't help but let people rob him, right?

He is a 'good guy'.

Hey hey hey! ! ! ಠᴗಠ

He came to the center of [Longyao Jiuzhou Trading Market]. This was the most prosperous area of ​​the entire trading market, with a sea of ​​people and an endless stream of people coming and going.

I found a shop called [Longyao Shop]. This shop is located in the center of the entire trading market. You can tell at a glance that this shop is very powerful in the real world.

He walked in, and the tail behind him also followed him in, and even smiled.

They felt that they had discovered a big fish this time and they must not let it go.

(Author: Something happened today, so the update was delayed.)

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