"Zhou Yan, I will give you three breaths. If you have not surrendered after three breaths, then I will arrest you personally. By then, you will never have any chance to escape, because, by then At that time, the entire mountain range will fall!"

Cloud Heavenly Venerable's voice spread throughout the mountain range.

At this moment, all the powerful Martial Emperors became excited.


Cloud Heavenly Venerable slowly calculated.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and then said: "Yun Heavenly Venerable, the grudge between us has been settled. Please let me go. I will not participate in this competition!"

Yun Heavenly Venerable sneered, and then said indifferently: "Zhou Yan, don't think that you can get away with it this way. Let me tell you, my patience, Yun Heavenly Venerable, is very limited!"

"If you don't let me catch you, then I will have to catch you with my own hands!"

Yun Heavenly Venerable's voice was extremely cold.

Zhou Yan also snorted coldly, and then said: "If you really want to catch me, I will destroy your hands and feet first!"

While speaking, an extremely powerful force burst out from Zhou Yan's left hand.

That force instantly enveloped Yun Heavenly Venerable's body, and Yun Heavenly Venerable's body was even thrown upside down by the force.

Yun Heavenly Venerable's body stopped in mid-air, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he was no match for Zhou Yan.

When Zhou Yan saw this scene, he also sneered, then quickly rushed towards Yun Heavenly Venerable, and then punched Yun Heavenly Venerable.

This punch contains extremely terrifying power.

Yun Heavenly Venerable felt the terrifying fist intention, and his face became serious.

Yun Heavenly Venerable's expression turned ferocious in an instant, and a crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he roared: "Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for destroying the flower!"

After saying that, the long sword in Yun Heavenly Venerable's hand also emitted a cold light, and then stabbed Zhou Yan with the sword.

Zhou Yan's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly swung his sword to block.


Yun Heavenly Venerable's long sword collided with Zhou Yan's sword, and both of them flew upside down and stopped in mid-air.


Yun Heavenly Venerable's body spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

Yun Heavenly Venerable's face was extremely pale, and then his eyes flashed with strong murderous intent.

"Zhou Yan, you really pissed me off this time!"

Yun Heavenly Venerable's voice was extremely deep, full of violence and forlornness.

Zhou Yan was also panting slightly, and then said: "If you want to touch me, just come and try! I'm not afraid of death!"

"Haha, I like how stubborn you are. If that's the case, then I'll let you see what the true strength of the Martial Emperor is!"

"Boom boom boom!"

As Yun Heavenly Venerable's roar resounded, an extremely powerful aura emerged from Yun Heavenly Venerable's body. This aura was like substance, carrying a trace of destructive fluctuations.

"Martial Saint Rank Nine, the pinnacle state!"

Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly shrank. He never expected that Yun Heavenly Venerable had already broken through to Martial Saint Rank Nine, and it seemed that he had not reached the peak yet.

At this moment, Zhou Yan secretly screamed that something was wrong.

In the world of martial arts, Saint Realm, he is the absolute top existence in this world!

In this world, other Martial Artists at the Saint Level are also absolutely strong, and Yun Heavenly Venerable also has the cultivation level of a mid-stage Martial Emperor.

Such strength is enough to defeat any strong Martial Emperor.

Moreover, Yun Heavenly Venerable's identity and background are also very terrifying. The Yun family is a real behemoth!

"No! I have to find a way to get out of here! Otherwise, I won't be able to escape at all!"

Zhou Yan was constantly thinking about escape plans in his mind.

But unfortunately, he didn't have any plan.

Moreover, Yun Heavenly Venerable seems to not want to delay it any longer.

Immediately, Yun Heavenly Venerable roared angrily and swung the long sword in his hand. Suddenly, hundreds of long swords appeared in front of him. These long swords were intertwined in the void to form a A dense sword net emerged.

Moreover, the dense sword net also released powerful waves, as if it could tear everything apart.

"Sword Net!"

Zhou Yan looked at the dense sword net, and a look of fear flashed across his face.

Yun Heavenly Venerable is indeed an extremely powerful Emperor Level warrior.

Yun Heavenly Venerable's strength is even more powerful than Zhou Feng's, and his age is also much younger than Zhou Feng's.

"Zhou Yan, if you don't surrender without restraint today, I, Heavenly Venerable, won't be polite!"

Yun Heavenly Venerable also stared at Zhou Yan with a ferocious expression, and his eyes were also filled with murderous intent.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, and then sneered: "I said, I will not give in to you! Yun Heavenly Venerable, if you want to deal with me, then I will accompany you to the end! I want to see how you do it Can deal with me!"

"Okay! So, today, I, Cloud Heavenly Venerable, will learn a lesson about how powerful Heavenly Venerable's sword net is!"

While speaking, Yun Heavenly Venerable's figure burst out directly. His figure disappeared directly on the spot, and his figure appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan also sneered when he saw Yun Heavenly Venerable's figure, and then slashed out with his sword.


A loud noise came, and Zhou Yan's sword light collided with Yun Heavenly Venerable's body, but Yun Heavenly Venerable's body did not move at all.

"How is that possible? I am a strong person at the Emperor level of martial arts! Moreover, I have also practiced swordsmanship. How could such swordsmanship be broken by him?!"

Zhou Yan also had a look of horror on his face.

"Zhou Yan, you are so arrogant! I am Heavenly Venerable, how can I be cracked by you?"

After Yun Heavenly Venerable finished speaking, his body turned into a stream of light and continued to kill Zhou Yan.

Looking at the cloud Heavenly Venerable attacking again, Zhou Yan also snorted coldly, and then he smacked it with a palm, and flames of five colors suddenly shot out.

These five kinds of flames are the five attributes of metal, wood, water, earth, wind and thunder!

The figure of Yun Heavenly Venerable is also wrapped in these five kinds of flames.

"Boom boom boom..."

The power of the five flames exploded, causing the entire Cave Mansion to tremble violently, and the entire cave floor also shattered.

Yun Heavenly Venerable's figure was directly submerged by the five flames. Those five flames were like an invisible net, directly wrapping Yun Heavenly Venerable's body in it.

"Damn beast, I will tear you into pieces!"

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