Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 176, Mountain Spirit Lair

The reconnaissance aircraft quickly found the lair of these mountain spirits. As expected, it was hidden on the top of this mountain range. This mountain range was full of these mountain spirits.

He still underestimated the number of these mountain spirits.

This entire mountain range has at least over a million mountain spirits.

This is also understandable. In order to be able to dispatch almost 100,000 mountain elf warriors during the day today, this is nothing for such a huge mountain elf tribe.

Although it is very stressful to rely on his thousand people to wipe out such a large mountain elf tribe, it is completely feasible.

The premise takes time.

He communicated with Diao Chan.

"Chan'er, how was the harvest?" Zhou Yan asked.

"The harvest is average, there aren't too many monsters along the way." Diao Chan replied.

"Send it to me where you are now." Zhou Yan asked.

"Okay." Diao Chan sent the location to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan clicked on it, sent her his location, and said, "Chan'er, come to my place tomorrow. There is a big tribe here, and there are probably millions of enemies."

"Millions! So much, I'll leave tomorrow." Diao Chan was really surprised and answered quickly.

Chatted with Diao Chan for a while, and then chatted with others.

The others were far away from him, so they were not allowed to come over.

One thing that is gratifying is that Chen Qingzhi found a lot of resources in the ruins, and even a few intact buildings.

He opened the territory curiously, and then took a look at the properties of these buildings.

One of them is D-quality [Little River], which can form a small river.

As for the effect, it depends on how you use it.

The second one is a C-quality [arch bridge]. Needless to say more about this thing.

The last one is also a C-quality [fish pond], which can be used to raise fish.

These three buildings are all very good, and he is still looking forward to what buildings they can evolve into.

He continued to check the images returned by the reconnaissance aircraft.

I found that the entire mountain elf tribe not only had monsters, but also defense towers.

And there are quite a few.

This mountain elf tribe completely occupied the entire hilltop and built a good fortification.

These defense towers are the lowest level defense towers.

They were all arrow towers, catapults, and not even an elemental defense tower, which made them much less threatening to him.

The entire tribe has no stone walls, only a simple fence. These fences can be destroyed without much effort at all.

The entire mountain elf tribe still has some tricks up its sleeve.

He saw some mountain elf cavalry. These mountain elves were riding mounts that looked like hunting dogs. This should be the ace tribe of the mountain elf tribe.

I just don’t know the exact number.

Many mountain elf tribes live in caves. It will take a lot of time to fully explore the entire mountain elf tribe.

Continuing to check, I also accidentally discovered other things about these mountain spirits.

They also plant farmland, fruit trees and some crops. This area is on the back of this mountain range.

A lot of farmland, fruit trees and other crops are planted there.

If you look closely, you will see that these mountain spirits are still working at night. Are they so diligent?

Zooming in on the picture, he realized that he had misunderstood.

These working people are not mountain elves, they are enslaved other races. These races are quite strange, they look like orcs.

And it's not just orcs, there are several races.

Are these mountain spirits so strong? How could he enslave so many races?

However, considering the number of these mountain elves, if an ordinary small race faced them, there really would be no advantage.

He didn't know if there were any dwarves, but it would be great if there were.

Around these farmlands, there are many mountain spirits holding whips to whip these working races.

It's very similar to what a primitive tribe would do.

He looked at another place and found some quarries and iron ore factories. Without exception, these goblins enslaved many races to work day and night.

Every enslaved slave was handcuffed and shackled.

There are even a few five-meter-tall orcs.

He was curious, how could such a big orc be captured?

In the picture, he saw many strange-looking mountain spirits.

The skin of these mountain spirits is black, and their height is almost the same as that of humans.

Their status seems to be very high, like nobles or even leaders among the mountain elves.

Suddenly, a black light flashed, and he lost contact with the intelligent reconnaissance aircraft.

"Let me go, what is the origin of this black mountain spirit? Even this high-tech instrument can detect it!"

He was very surprised, but he did not dare to underestimate these mountain elves. There were still strong people in such a large tribe.

"Millions of spiritual coins were lost."

An intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, which cost millions of spiritual coins, was destroyed like this. He must take it back from the Mountain Elf Tribe.

As for what abilities those black mountain elves have, everything will have to wait until tomorrow.

After resting for a night, he led his soldiers towards the base camp of the Mountain Elf Tribe.

He once again ordered people to purchase ten intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, which were quite useful.

He let out and began to survey the nearby terrain to see if there were any hidden mountain spirits on the road to avoid being attacked by a sneak attack.

After all, he just killed such a group of mountain spirit warriors yesterday, so he thought those mountain spirits would take precautions.

In the end, he guessed it right.

These mountain spirits ambush many teams on the road, and there are also many mountain spirits conducting latent reconnaissance along the way.

He sent a small group of soldiers to eliminate these scouting mountain spirits, and then came to the place where the mountain spirits ambush.

This place is not very far from the mountain spirit's base camp.

The surroundings are full of various traps.

But Zhou Yan already knew all this.

He felt that these traps could not be wasted.

So, he began to lead the soldiers around these traps and went around to the back of these mountain spirits from the other side.

Then attack!


A rain of arrows fell, and these mountain spirits did not know why they died until they died.

They couldn't even imagine how the enemy bypassed them and came to the back.

They tried to rush through the rain of arrows, but they failed even to the death.

Then they began to flee backwards, and for a moment, they forgot about the traps they had designed.

As a result, they experienced the traps themselves.

The wails of the mountain elves could be heard throughout the forest.

Use mechanisms of their own design to deal with themselves.

Very reasonable operation.

There are tens of thousands of these mountain spirits.

In the end, a large number of them died in the mechanisms they designed themselves.

Zhou Yan began to harvest treasure chests and collect their weapons.

Then he asked where Diao Chan was.

Diao Chan replied that there were still a few hours to reach his location.

After Zhou Yan understood, he continued to climb the mountain and continued to destroy these monsters.

These mountain spirits also set up sentries one after another at the foot of the mountain.

There are not many of them, only hundreds of mountain spirits guarding them.

This is really vulnerable to them.

A hail of arrows killed them all.

This is a road opened by the mountain spirits, leading all the way to the mountain.

With ten intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, the mountain elf secret sentries hidden everywhere cannot escape.

The mountain spirits on the mountain didn't even know they were coming.

He killed the sentries set up by these mountain elves all the way to the foot of the mountain elves' lair.

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