Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 178, Harvesting The Barracks (3Rd Update)

(The chapter in the previous chapter was written incorrectly. It should be Chapter 177. It has been revised)

After these black mountain elves were also destroyed under the cover of artillery fire, the entire mountain elves tribe was completely in chaos.

They ran away frantically down the mountain, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

Zhou Yan saw this and said, "Soldiers, listen to the order and prepare to fight!"


The soldiers quickly prepared their bows and arrows and began to attack at any time.

With the more than 1,000 people Diao Chan brought, his current number of soldiers has increased to more than 2,000.

More than two thousand people all took out their bows and arrows, and first carried out long-range attacks on those mountain spirits.

Not long after, mountain spirits began to flee down the mountain one after another.

Then they were attacked by an overwhelming rain of arrows.

One by one, the mountain spirits fell to the ground, feeling desperate.

Their tribe was attacked by a terrifying 'natural disaster', and the way down the mountain was blocked. They wanted to destroy them all.

Compared with those terrifying 'natural disasters', these enemies in front of them could at least be seen, and they still chose to go down the mountain.

Although it was useless, they still ran forward one after another.

More and more mountain elves are coming down the mountain. Many of the mountain elves don't even carry weapons and have discarded them before.

Now, they can only rely on their numerical advantage to break out of the bloody battle.

But the soldiers' arrow rain was too dense and powerful. As many mountain elves as they came, they died. The corpses of the mountain elves soon piled up on the ground.

The mountain spirits were so frightened that if they walked back, they would die, and if they walked forward, they would die.

Don't give them a way to survive.

The soldiers began to advance forward, arranged neatly and in a very orderly manner. The bloody murderous spirit of the soldiers who had fought hundreds of battles frightened many mountain elves to tremble, and they ran back crazily.

The soldiers began to advance and began to sweep and attack the mountain elves in front.

But the artillery fire continued to fall on their tribe, and finally the mountain spirit screamed wildly, leading the mountain spirit to charge towards the soldiers.

They were forced to a dead end, and their spirit of desperation for death broke out.

So Zhou Yan fulfilled them.

Destroy them all, leaving no one behind.

He stopped the attack on the defense tower.

Because he wants to start a three-light policy on the mountain.

Begin to round up and kill these mountain spirits.

But at the bottom of the mountain, some soldiers were still left blocking the way for these mountain spirits to go down the mountain.

With intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, no matter where these mountain spirits escape, they can be found by Zhou Yan and others, and then carry out a devastating blow to them.

There were not many mountain spirits hiding outside, so two thousand soldiers began to enter the caves where the mountain spirits lived in batches to kill these mountain spirits.

Because there was a lot of supplies in the mountain spirit cave, Zhou Yan did not bomb the place. Otherwise, all the mountain spirits would be killed by the gunfire from the defense tower.

Zhou Yan also led a soldier into the cave and began to clean up the mountain spirits in the cave.

The mountain spirits took up arms and began to fight back.

But the effect was very limited and it didn't pose any threat to them.

An hour later, Zhou Yan discovered a surviving black mountain spirit. This mountain spirit led a group of mountain spirit warriors to guard a huge cave. There were also many archers to attack them and prevent them from approaching.

Zhou Yan transformed into a flying sword, hundreds of flying swords appeared all over his body, and then rushed towards these mountain spirits.

How could these mountain spirits resist such a terrifying attack? They were all killed by Zhou Yan. He successfully reached this huge cave.

Saw the black mountain spirit.

The black mountain elf burst out a black energy ball from his hands and attacked Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan immediately used "Stellar Transposition" to transfer the black energy ball back.

That black mountain spirit's eyes were dazed. How could he still be like this? (O_O)?


The black mountain spirit had no time to react, and was swallowed up by his own attack, turning into a pool of black liquid.


Zhou Yan ordered the remaining mountain spirits to be killed.

"Lord, we found a warehouse!"

A soldier ran over and said to Zhou Yan.

"Go and have a look."

He walked towards the warehouse. The door had been violently broken open by the soldiers. Zhou Yan walked in and saw that it was all filled with precious gold and silver jewelry, as well as many spiritual coins.

These mountain spirits seem to like gold and silver mines very much. They have collected a lot of them and piled them all in this warehouse.

In addition, there are precious diamonds, agate, jade, gemstones and other items.

He collected everything in the warehouse and continued to search other places.

Later, many High Level ores were discovered, all of which were six-star or above. The quantity of each type of ore was only a few thousand, but there were still many types, adding up to tens of thousands.

These high-quality ores are rare and expensive in the market.

Just these tens of thousands of ores are equivalent to hundreds of millions of spiritual coins.

The harvest this time was very big, and the wealth of the entire mountain elf tribe could be collected by him.

He later met the rabbit tribe who were enslaved by the mountain spirits. These rabbit tribes were very afraid of them. He asked his soldiers to gather these enslaved races together and finally integrate them.

He discovered that these rabbit tribes also had Talent, which was the tailor Talent. It is estimated that these mountain spirits' leather armors were made by these rabbit tribes.

After that, he saw many enslaved races again. Fortunately, there were many dwarves among them.

These dwarves with forging talents can bring a lot of wealth to the territory.

He also wants other races, because these races all have good Talent.

For example, orcs have great strength and can be used as miners.

The Tauren actually have a special bonus for farming, and they are definitely the best helpers for farming.

There is also the willow tree tribe. The fruit trees produced by their tribe are delicious and can increase yields.

Letting them plant fruit trees can increase the spiritual fruit income of the entire territory.

Zhou Yan had a brief exchange with them, and then discovered that they were all from a nearby small race, slaves brought back by the mountain spirits after their tribe was exterminated.

There are so many of these mountain elves that even if the orcs are powerful, they still fail in the face of the human sea tactics of these mountain elves.

He also learned from the mouths of these slaves that these mountain spirits all came from the same place, where the mountain spirits were stationed.

Zhou Yan was surprised and came directly to the troops stationed by the mountain spirits.

There are potholes everywhere, all caused by bombings, and there are many treasure chests scattered on the ground.

He came directly to one of the buildings.

This is an E-quality [tent] that can be used for living.

This is an object, not a building.

It wasn't until he saw a big building that he started laughing.

He clicks to view the building properties.

[Barracks: Mountain Spirit Warriors]

[Quality: D]

[Introduction: Able to summon mountain spirit warriors. ]

This is a barracks, and these mountain spirit warriors are all summoned from this barracks.

"Yes, yes, I unexpectedly obtained a military camp."

He collected the barracks and was curious about what kind of building this barracks could evolve into.

He later saw more than a dozen [Troll Warrior] barracks, and was very happy about them, but he didn't know that he could evolve a RRR-quality Apex Level barracks.

"What's this?"

He saw another barracks and checked its properties.

[Barracks: Mountain Spirit Wolf Rider]

[Quality: C]

[Introduction: Ability to summon mountain spirit wolf cavalry. ]

"It turns out to be the mountain elf cavalry!" Thinking of some mountain elf riding mounts before, I thought it was this building.

I didn't expect that this building could directly summon a mount, but I just didn't know what kind of cavalry this mount could evolve into.

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